Stupid little things that bug you

Drivers who are in the wrong lane and then hold up traffic (whilst there's a green light) by trying to cut in to the correct lane. Watched this today as somebody cut across 3 lanes to meet a junction. Putting other drivers at risk of collision in doing so.

Own your fuck up and shit navigational skills. Carry on in the lane you are in the lane and turn around at a later point. Don't put other drivers at risk for your fuck up. C*nts.
C*nts that edge out blocking the oncoming lane. Then when i have let them out(because i'm such a good egg) drive 3 meters indicate hold up traffic and park up....Just fucking park in the street you pulled out of, and cross over you fucking lazy bastards
people who cannot spell his name,
even though his name is written at the top of the thread they are posting on and surely must've seen his name written a thousand times in the past days

there are loads but here are the most recent examples...

Not really, he works for skysports they get their money through advertisements and subscriptions, anyone who likes it can tune in or pay, anyone who doesn’t can turn off or give them their money.

The issue with the BBC is they are funded by the license fee so everyone in the country who owns a TV has to pay up and if you don’t
you face criminal charges, then millions of pounds of that end up in Linekars pocket.

The deal with that is you abide by the BBC charter which prohibits social media posts like this (the Gov are proto Nazi’s ffs)

If he worked for BT, Sky, ITV etc there would be no issue and he knows it, but his posts in his high profile position (highest paid at the bbc?) put its very operating model at risk.

They generally get the most bland innoffensive people on their flagship shows for this very reason (Jenas, Shearer, Dan Walker etc) but Linekar has seemingly decided his social media posts are more important these days.

What about when Alan Sugar said stuff about Corbyn.....was he removed?

Sugar of course can say what he wants (as Linekar can) but one has been punished - one hasnt....the BBC should be impartial and everyone knows it isnt and this shows it again.....Tory donor in charge nd using that platform to suppor one side and vilify the other......

People sholdnt be talking about watching it more because certain presenters arent on etc etc (based on whether they like them or not - and that is probably based on whether they agree with the views on city or not)
People should be boycotting the programme altogether....plenty of highligths on line to watch if you want

Football loyalties are completely irrelevant here

Same here. I agree with the sentiment Linekar made, not so much the allegory he used to make it, and agree he should be allowed to say it. But apparently pointing out the reasons why the Beeb has taken action (That Linekar agreed to the impartiality agreement and the BBC is of the opinion his tweets broke said agreement) means you support the action taken and that is because you disagree with Linekars comments.

Every debate has become so toxic, everyone wants to paint everybody else as some sort of heinous individual and it is becoming so tiresome.

Still makes him an employee and he still agreed to the BBC's impartiality agreement in order to be a presenter on the show. If it comes out that Linekar actually has never agreed to any 'impartiality' then yes the BBC are wrong to have suspended him, but so far that doesn't appear to be the case.

It really annoys me comparing Alan Sugar to Linekar. One works for the BBC one doesn't, a clue in case you can't guess Sugar works for Freemantle who make the Apprentice and sell it to the BBC. They could just as easily decide to sell it to channel 4 (as the makers of the Great British Bake Off did).
To expect people with no contractual relationship with the BBC to be required to follow impartiality rules because they are on a programme broadcast by the BBC is for the birds. I mean Sully: Miracle on the Hudson is on BBC1 on Tuesday does that mean Tom Hanks should be forced to comply with impartiality ru

If you don’t think there’s a groundswell of opinion supporting Linekar I suggest you start reading the thread from the beginning. And this is just one place.

There isn't a point other than letting us know he watched the big gob covid denier moaning on GB News.

Why would Ian Wright be expected to show solidarity with people he didn't work with and at a rival broadcaster, who are as far as I'm aware aren't friends?

Le Tissier was let go as a commercial decision, if the BBC had let go of Linekar in similar circumstances and appointed someone younger and/or cheaper he would be perfectly entitled to say he didn't want to work there as well because he didn't fit in. But I'm not sure there would be a point of declaring "solidarity" when there weren't any political reasons at play.

Linekar, Shearer, Ian Wright were all my heroes growing up and playing as a kid and still love em today.
Sad that they stand up massively to principles and get pelters and those that don’t want to ‘hear those twats tell us what we saw’
Society going down the pan when guys like this are hated.

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