Stupid little things that bug you

You said “nobody in any local village has been injured by a car since the motor car was invented”.

Despite that being made up bollocks to suit your own ignorant bullshit opinion.

You sound like one of those foaming at the mouth fuckwits who like to go on about cyclists paying road tax on the Daily Mail.
I actually said "our local villages" but I think its time to move on, I have to get a towel for my mouth foam :-)
Thinking that I want a piss at night. Just as I'm falling asleep.... "hmm...I think i need a piss...should I ignore it and just go to sleep, or should I get up and go to the bog?
I can't be arsed getting up, but I know I won't be able to ignore it if my bladder fills up more...hmm...fuck it...I'll ignore it and try to sleep.
An hour later, i defo need a piss...
The mid 40s likes this.
The heat! Gets to some people doesn't it? I include myself of course, but fucking hell people get ratty.. thank god it's gonna be cooler from tomorrow, or so I've heard
When I get up at 7am (it's 10pm in the UK) and I read that there's been an argument complete with insults but the mods have deleted it, so I've missed it.

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