Stupid little things that bug you

I used to cycle to my school sports ground near Southern Cemetery from Hulme, that was back in the 60's, there was a lot less traffic around then and I don't recall nearly as much animosity..
You've hit the nail on the head. There was no animosity in those days because the bike was used for a useful going school or where ever, blokes riding to work, paper rounds etc. Nowadays they're an expensive excuse for lycra clad tour de France wannabees to clog the roads up on their pointless journey to nowhere in particular. Hence the animosity nowadays.
You are. If you are not overtaking you should be in the inside lane.
Get your drift but if I'm doing 70 don't overtake please. If you were doing 70 and had to make an emergency stop it would take let's say x amount of feet. If your doing 80 where you stopped at doing 70 you would still be doing 39mph.
Get your drift but if I'm doing 70 don't overtake please. If you were doing 70 and had to make an emergency stop it would take let's say x amount of feet. If your doing 80 where you stopped at doing 70 you would still be doing 39mph.
interesting stat; have you done a course ? It sounds familiar.
Garden gnomes. Ugly little fuckers.
A few years ago, a van hit my parked car causing £600s worth of damage. I gave the police the name of the company owning the van but they didn't want to get involved. "Too short-staffed, just claim on your insurance" they advised.
Two days later, I had a knock on the door and surprised to see two PCOs. I assumed they had decided to investigate after all, but I was wrong. They asked me if I had seen or heard anything out of the ordinary last evening, I said I hadn't but why the enquiry, apparently my next door neighbour had 3 garden gnomes stolen!
Watching the WSL and am peeved off we are still taking the knee when every other country has stopped it and having to pay the Pedo Ring the BBC a licence fee, when no other country does that. I thought that was forgotten about last week.

Only in the UK do we still keep doing things others don't......
People who undertake me on the motorway when I'm doing the speed limit and their on their phone looking at you like your doing something wrong.
What I don't like is being overtaken while doing the speed limit or being overtaken just for slowing down for a speed hump.

I don't want my car ruined you impatient twat, who is most probably a rag.

Roundabouts, that's another one. Supposed to keep the traffic flowing, but it just jams it up.
While we're on motorway driving, people who pull out in front of me to overtake HGV's but shit themselves and crawl by them only to speed up once they've gone by....if you're bricking it either stay behind it or get past the fucker quickly.
I was in the middle lane to get past a slow moving articulated truck on my left, behind me was another one flashing me. It's obvious what I was trying to do and when I got past I went back to the left lane, only for the one I passed to move to the middle in front of the impatient light flasher!haha!.

How could I move to the left with the lane blocked anyway. I had to get past first.

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