Stupid little things that bug you

All the time kaz. Annoys the fuck out of me. The Sainsbury’s delivery people round my end are super helpful though. They’ll bring the crate in my house and drop it on the kitchen table so I can unload it.

Every other delivery service just ditch it at your door and fuck off asap, don’t even wait for you to answer. Not only in plain view for it to get robbed but also low down so I can’t even move it to a safe place. Usually I’m left with the choice of waiting for the wife to get home or struggle the thing through the door looking like the world’s most pathetic limp fish.
Feel sorry for some folk I deliver food shopping to, we are allocated 3 mins per house and one of my customers today had 17 crates!! I knock on and daily someone maybe after a while answers the door assisted by a zimmer frame or in really bad health, I ignore company policy and ask "Where's your kitchen"? When invited I march in and put shopping where required, would put it all away if it was down to me .Makes their day.
I have a video doorbell that also starts recording and sends a notification to my phone when movement is detected, shortly after installing this the postman delivered a signed item worth over £400 to next door and the arseholes left it outside after signing for it. I'd rather things go back to the depot than have to rearrange delivery than shitheads do stuff like that.
I find the Royal Mail an absolute pain to deal with, been accused on a couple of occasions of outright lying when they’ve said they’ve delivered to my address when they haven’t (they often send it to the same address in nearby Horwich, and I’ve had theirs on occasion too).

Fortunately, last time they took a picture of the front door they’d delivered the last parcel to, probably trying to be smug with their ‘evidence’, until I sent them a picture of my front door, the address in Horwich from Google earth, which just so happened to be the same as theirs in the photograph, still took them over 4 weeks to investigate and admit they’d made a mistake (which really is rare according to them).

Told them to shove their insincere, mealy mouthed apology up their arse .
I get 20kg bags of bird food delivered by amazon and they dump it on the floor and if i am lucky they will knock the door before sprinting off , i cant lift it so end up having to ask next door to help me , some of them are good about knocking but not all, very annoying
we buy bird seed in bulk bags but they can turn up in 12.5kg amounts (If I order 25kg).

It may be easier for you to shift a slightly smaller bag whilst still getting good value.

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