Stupid things your mrs has a go at you about....

mine always has a go at me for having a shit. " did you really have to have a shit, its stinking the toilet out" what she expect?? ill have a shit in the sink next time
Rejecting her calls when she rings me at work to ask me what she should have for her breakfast

Breathing too loudly

Looking at attractive females

Not showing the same passion for her as i show for City

Moving my feet in bed just after she's got the duvet 'just right'

Not listening

Not phoning or texting her enough when i'm not with her

Playing Call of Duty whilst being on the phone to her

Quoting Alan Partridge too often

Me not finding the IT Crowd remotely funny

I'm seeing her later on tonight. I'll take notes.
triger700 said:
Pigeonho said:
HAHAHA!!! The hair things gets right on my fucking tits! Every morning after she's finished in the shower, I can guarantee she's malted like some fucking hound in the bath. I've started leaving it on the side of the bath now, promising myself that if she ever goes to the loo afterwards and doesn't move it, i'll put it on her pillow at night.
We had a barney this morning actually. Came downstairs and she's there, about to make herself some sarnies for work:

'Did you get any butter when we went shopping?' she asked
'No, thought you did'.
'For fucks sake, I need some butter' she moaned.

After a load of banter, me being cool as fuck and winding her up to the edge, she walked out, didn't say bye and stormed off to work in her car.

'Must be rag week', I thought.

and another thing! its thier fucking hair that blocks the bath and sink hole but yet we are the one's that have to pull the chunks of shit out!!

And I would like to find a clean towel without fake tan or make up on it!

Also whats up with the hair dryer 1st thinking in the morning! why not use the other room or down stairs!!!

AND!!! if her tweeser go missing IT'S NOT MY FAULT!

Ha ha seriously is your missus a brunette called Louise..because thats EXACTLY the same problem i have.If im up early for work it tip toing around,curtains shut and off i go....but when she`s up its curtains open,hair dryer going,light on..and inane drivel about work or the weather..cant she just fook off to work quietly...and back to the Hair.I have teh same problem in the bathroom,its fook ing everywhere and i leave it on the side of the bath to which she has the gall to have a go at me about it..for not putting it down the bog!!Do it yourself you lazy woman!!
what is that all about? we have 3 kids so have a lie-in each on the weekend. i hear the 1st wake up, get up, shut the bedroom door and creep around for the next 2/3 hours. i tell them to be quiet 'cos mummy's in bed. then on my lie-in : bedroom door left wide open, she goes in the kitchen and perform an admirable one woman band with various kitchen implements. i lay there one morning listening to what she could possibly be doing for 20 minutes. we have those stainless steel cannisters for sugar and tea. i swear she was deliberately spinning one on the worktop. the kitchen doors have them soft close things on. she must take them out on a saturday.

she makes more noise than the south stand on derby day.

anyway, what she has a real go about is me spending to much time on the toilet shitting. it does her head right in. it's the only real quiet time i get. i've recently read half of the bandini quartet up there.
she brought it up in front of the couple we recently met on holiday to try and show me up after a few peach schnapps. imagine the look of horror on her face when the bloke exclaimed "you can't beat a good long shite." he went on to tell us he has a magazine and newspaper rack in the bathroom. i swear i'm getting myself a bookshelf for the bog wall soon.
Hello you Lads

Hope you dont mind but I have been in stitches laughing about your comments. Great stuff and keep it up. You must guess I am a woman, but a lovely one, love our club and my husband, when he isn't doing most of the things you are saying. LOL, you are all great and carry on. BTW our house is immaculate, and guess why? could give his user name away, but best not, because of him! god help me!
She works shifts so is often in bed long before/or after me depending? I wake her up going for a piss as our bog is upstairs - this can be anytime as she's a Nurse and works all sorts of hours. She had a moan about this before....

Told her I'll piss in the kitchen sink then. Keep her happy.

Didn't go down to well. ;)
brand blue heavies said:
triger700 said:
and another thing! its thier fucking hair that blocks the bath and sink hole but yet we are the one's that have to pull the chunks of shit out!!

And I would like to find a clean towel without fake tan or make up on it!

Also whats up with the hair dryer 1st thinking in the morning! why not use the other room or down stairs!!!

AND!!! if her tweeser go missing IT'S NOT MY FAULT!

Ha ha seriously is your missus a brunette called Louise..because thats EXACTLY the same problem i have.If im up early for work it tip toing around,curtains shut and off i go....but when she`s up its curtains open,hair dryer going,light on..and inane drivel about work or the weather..cant she just fook off to work quietly...and back to the Hair.I have teh same problem in the bathroom,its fook ing everywhere and i leave it on the side of the bath to which she has the gall to have a go at me about it..for not putting it down the bog!!Do it yourself you lazy woman!!
In total agreement mate.
Leavin the t towel on the side rather than hangin it up -

oh and not washin my hands after a piss
mr t said:
Leavin the t towel on the side rather than hangin it up -

oh and not washin my hands after a piss

you wash your hands after a piss................. you gay?

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