Suarez - banned for 4 months (page 74)

Re: Suarez

One things for sure - Liverpool FC will do absolutely nothing about this unless their own sponsors started to put the pressure on the owners. We've seen their reaction before - the printed t-shirts and the siege mentality (they love it)

Any club with class would sell him on to the highest bidder - especially given that this is the third time. i can see FIFA banning him for the rest of this competition and I can see the FA and Liverpool doing fuck all.
Re: Suarez

I actually think this good news for the scousers. Before this incident I'd been told there was a signed pre-contract agreement in place with Madrid - which may or may not be true (although the info was pretty reliable); even if untrue Barcelona were sniffing around too. Now that this has happend I doubt these clubs will want him and the best place for the Coypu will be in Victimpool, the epicentre of hypocrisy.
Re: Suarez

Seriously the bloke should be made to wear one of these.
Re: Suarez

Can't believe that none of these players he's bitten haven't turned round and leathered the goofy ****.
Re: Suarez

GaudinoMotors said:
I actually think this good news for the scousers. Before this incident I'd been told there was a signed pre-contract agreement in place with Madrid - which may or may not be true (although the info was pretty reliable); even if untrue Barcelona were sniffing around too. Now that this has happend I doubt these clubs will want him and the best place for the Coypu will be in Victimpool, the epicentre of hypocrisy.

Until he can't resist the urge to snack again. Lots of scousers are thinking this is a good thing for them, but he struggles to get through 12 months without committing a major offence. Answer his suspensions arent going to get any smaller. Also at 28/29 they are never going to get a better price for him.

If FIFA do the right thing and suspend him from all football for a year it could totally stuff Liverpool up.
Re: Suarez

What a horrible c*nt. Once is bad enough, but 3 times is beyond belief. He's got serious issues.

What make me laugh is some of the scousers on RAWK in complete denial saying that it's not clear cut that he bit him, etc.

They also seem to think that FIFA don't have the power to ban him worldwide. Of course they's FIFA. When the FA banned Cantona for 8 months for his Kung-Fu kick, it was FIFA that converted it into a worldwide ban for the same duration.
Re: Suarez

When Roy Keane admitted in his book that his terrible tackle on Alf-Inge Haland was pre-meditated the FA banned him for five matches and fined him £150,000.

So for Suarez's little bite which has caused no lasting injury whatsoever I think a telling off from the manager and a fine of 25p would be about right.
Re: Suarez

GaudinoMotors said:
I actually think this good news for the scousers. Before this incident I'd been told there was a signed pre-contract agreement in place with Madrid - which may or may not be true (although the info was pretty reliable); even if untrue Barcelona were sniffing around too. Now that this has happend I doubt these clubs will want him and the best place for the Coypu will be in Victimpool, the epicentre of hypocrisy.

That all depends on FIFA's punishment. If it's a 6-12 month worldwide ban (there is precedent) then it could totally screw their plans for next season. No Suarez for most of the season and no-one will buy him as he'll be banned, so they can't get the money to spend on replacements.
Re: Suarez

St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Will a ban be confined to international football?
Hope the **** doesn't play again for 6 months however he will still be seen as a hero in dipperpool.
Fucking horrible bastard but a fantastic player. They say all geniuses are flawed. He is in the top 3 or 4 footballers in the world in my opinion but he has serious issues.

FIFA can ban him from all football but I would be surprised if they did. Has a player ever been banned from domestic football for foul play committed in an international? If not it would seem like too big a precedent. Biting is a nasty act, repeat biting even more so. But its not as if a player has suffered a career ending injury.

Do Uruguay have any important fixtures coming up immediately after the WC? If they imposed a 6 month ban on him that primarily affected Liverpool but not Uruguay, Henry & co will blow a gasket.
Re: Suarez

Prestwich_Blue said:
jollylescott said:
I am sure this question has been answered, but do FIFA have the authority to impose a domestic ban? Or are they limited to a ban which simply prevents him from playing internationals?

If the latter was the case then his price tag might go up, with the certainty that it would be only club duties.
FIFA can impose a worldwide ban on all football activities if they feel it's warranted.

Which they should be doing given the player clearly has some unresolved psychological issues. Would you go to work with someone who has on three previous occasions bitten one of your colleagues? Withstanding the fact than any colleague who had bitten 3 people would have been fired 2 victims ago.

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