Vote with your money. It is all corporations understand.
However, if the article is meant to be indicative of a shift in British society some people find threatening, and possibly even frightening, it is merely a data point on a slope some will find slippery, others a natural growth of an open society that allows people to express personal freedoms.
The problem will be when the critical mass of people who DO NOT respect the personal freedoms of the wider society take hold of society. Certainly, it appears those attempts are being made in some areas of the British capital, and possibly even other cities. How the wider society deals with a growing "anti-'normal British society'" attitude will determine the future of British society as most of us know (or remember) it.
"Freedom isn't free" is a popular slogan in the States, because some people believe Americans have paid a large price for it. The question will, sooner or later, be asked in Britain...."what are YOU willing to do to keep Britain British?" whatever that means to you as an individual and voting citizen.
We know religion kills. Will a mainly secular British society be changed by an urban landscape in which Islam (radical or not) becomes a greater player? And, is this Subway story another step, however small, of that shift towards an increasingly diverse population or one becoming increasingly affected by a religious minority?
This is not new to Britain, as we have had religious enclaves in many of our biggest cities for many generations. However, the norm has been for those enclaves to remain as such, and serve their local communities, not change the wider society in order to bend it to their narrow view of what society should look like.
Britain, and many parts of Europe, are going to face increasingly tough questions about potentially nationalistic decisions regarding their futures. How quickly, and violently, that occurs will be down to the citizenry.