Sue Clark - Bluebird1

Re: With the saddest of hearts I bring you this sad news

Just heard a a fellow bluemooner about this tragic news,a few years ago my dog passed away and i was really gutted about it and thats when i 1st really got chatting to sue on here and she was brilliant comforting me over my loss and really she was a total stranger to me,i then got to know her more chatting with her on many occasions at the games and she really was a warm kind hearted lady.i thank you Sue for our conversations and it was a pleasure to meet you,RIP and many condolences to all your family
Re: With the saddest of hearts I bring you this sad news

never met the lady, but enjoyed her posts, RIP Bluebird 1, at least you left us with a smile on your face knowing the lads achieved your dreams of being FA cup winners & premier league champions, condolances to the friends & family
Re: With the saddest of hearts I bring you this sad news

Just logged on and seen this, so soon after GSC too.

I'm gutted, so sad R.I.P bluebird1 my thoughts are with your family.
Re: With the saddest of hearts I bring you this sad news

Sporting the very first Balotelli Blue hat in her little corner of Mary D's.

Re: With the saddest of hearts I bring you this sad news

I only knew her username and sunny/funny posts and was still shocked.

Astonished to read so many personal tributes from people who had met or knew her. Obviously a very, very special person.

RIP Bluebird
Re: With the saddest of hearts I bring you this sad news

Half-pissed and only just spotted this.
Dreadful, dreadful news. RIP.
Re: With the saddest of hearts I bring you this sad news

im quite new to bluemoon and cant remember chatting with either sam or sue,rip blues,you got to see the greatest day in our recent history,and youll be able to compare notes with mick doyle,joe mercer and the rest.

god bless.
Re: With the saddest of hearts I bring you this sad news

Sincerest condolences to Sue's family and friends.

Yet more tragic news... Apart from us winning the league, which in the great scheme of things is irrelevant, this has been a really shit year.
Re: With the saddest of hearts I bring you this sad news

It just goes to show doesn't it... One minute your here and the next miniute. Bang. Dead. Life is a very very fragile thing and it always seems to be the good ones that die young.

Never met Sue personally, but had many a conversation on here, as someone above mentioned she was planning to go and search for Chris the poor lad who they found in the canal today... Maybe she found him.

My thoughts and deepest sympathy goes out to Sue's family and friends.


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