Suella Braverman - sacked as Home Secretary (p394)

I hear that really thick mince is contacting its legal team

Distraction. Look at those boats while in the meantime the Tories have run the country into the ground.

Everywhere you look, it’s like they point to this big shiny bauble but when you look inside there’s nothing there. It’s been ravaged, leaving nothing of substance and a threadbare, underfunded workforce to try and keep a semblance of dignity for those that had so much pride in their vocation.

I hate to use these words but they are a cancer on society, killing the soul of the country and further asset stripping, leaving us all with a lifetime of regret.
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The boats, the boats...yes, they are taking a shitload of money to the tax havens of the world, while the MPs that captain them tell you that essential services cannot be afforded. Braverman is a lightweight, and how she has managed to command the career she has is a complete mystery. The difficulty she has is that she is simply voicing what she believes her audience wish to hear, and when you talk about issues as sensitive as those, simply because you are courting votes, you come across as psychotic, ignorant, and devious. Those who point to this as a distraction are absolutely spot on, and the Daily Mail is just one tax-avoiding tool that helps to spill the bile channel-wards.
I never know how to react when Conservative MPs from landlocked constituencies claim that their voters are terrified of these ‘boats’. Seems incongruous, like when the contestants from Wolverhampton win the boat on Bullseye.
I never know how to react when Conservative MPs from landlocked constituencies claim that their voters are terrified of these ‘boats’. Seems incongruous, like when the contestants from Wolverhampton win the boat on Bullseye.

Lee Anderson says the boats are the biggest concern of his constituents. In Ashfield. 250 miles away from the South Coast.
Lee Anderson says the boats are the biggest concern of his constituents. In Ashfield. 250 miles away from the South Coast.
He knows, sadly, that this remains a vote winner, for some.

The incessant mining of this issue by Conservative MPs is driving this. When I worked in Burnley, one of the most impoverished towns in the UK, the BNP decided to base themselves there. They used the poverty, and ethnic make up of the town, for their own parasitic aims because someone else is much easier to blame when life is so very difficult and when the poverty you feel is as much one of hopelessness as it is the affordability of day-to-day living. 'Coming over here, taking our jobs, taking our houses, taking our GP appointments, filling our schools...' immigration is a positive for an economy that wishes to grow, but if the government refuses to invest in public services to help a growing population to thrive, because it also wants to continue avoiding taxes, then the pressure will be on those it is.
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Lee Anderson says the boats are the biggest concern of his constituents. In Ashfield. 250 miles away from the South Coast.

Well yes but anyone who has seen that footage of him 'canvassing' knows that Lee Anderson is a liar and not a very bright one at that.

There will always be a proportion of the population receptive/susceptible to this kind of stuff but despite them flogging it to the nth degree I hope it will do nothing but put them in a race to the bottom with Reform for a percentage of the electorate that is insufficient to save them. Given everything else going on in the current shitshow their desperation/ lack of subtlety in repeatedly playing this card is probably alienating as many of their natural constituency as it is galvanising them.
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absolutely abandoned her obligations by not speaking out about last nights events which in turn encourages people like this arsehole to think he speaks for everyone

Reminds me of someone who said "Theres bad guys on both sides..."

Who was that orange faced fascist. His name escapes me...?

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