Suella Braverman - sacked as Home Secretary (p394)

Terrible. I agree that Braverman's language is much more uniquely British than Nazi but we live in a world where political point scoring is much more important than the truth. From my conversations with multiple people on the subject, most people are on the same page, they want to help genuine refugees. No one I know wants to pull up the drawbridge for genuine cases so the problem becomes one of identifying those priority cases. Can I ask, what would you do regarding refugees, asylum seekers and immigration? My understanding is that climate change will cause massive upheaval in the Southern hemisphere, not as much in the Northern hemisphere but obviously there will need to be massive changes regarding attitudes to migration and we should start planning for it now. Can I also assume you are Jewish? If not, please ignore, but, what sort of refugee policy does Israel have?
There's spa distinction that can be drawn between genuine refugees, fleeing war or persecution in their own countries, and those merely seeking a better life. But that doesn't mean that the latter should be treated as pariahs or criminals. We have an acute labour shortage currently and these people could help solve it. Many established communities here - Irish, Caribbean, East Asian - were originally economic migrants. Many economic migrants who went to the USA prospered. The Gulf countries couldn't function without migrant labour. Poverty without hope is as bad as war or persecution.

Of course the ideal solution would be to eliminate poverty in Africa. Get rid of the venal "leaders" who are only interested in filling their own pockets (although I could be describing this country's "leaders" here). Was it right to give many of these countries independence virtually overnight, rather than a very gradual transfer of power, once they'd learned to exercise it properly? I'd say no, but that makes me sound very colonialist and reactionary. It's like our parents kicking us out and making us fend for ourselves the day we turn 5, or even 12.

The only people who benefit from the current situation are the criminal gangs who make the journey possible. Opening legal routes would help eliminate that. We certain boy don't take our fair share but realistically we (the West) can't take everyone.

As for Israel, of course they'll take anyone Jewish, although that link can be tenuous in some cases. If you're not Jewish, particularly if you're African, then they're not so welcoming, moving them on as quickly as possible in many cases. I think they even pioneered Rwandan resettlement, so not a shining example. But it's a very densely populated country, far more so (60% more) than the UK.
Both Sky and BBC News have just described this as the ‘Small Boat’ crisis. Looks like the narrative has been set and when the ’Small Boats’ go under and people die, there is no worry for those supporting this policy as it’s only a rubber ring that has sunk.

It says a lot that ’People’ still want to seek asylum in this country.
But he didn’t. And he didn’t say what he said to imply that either. He is a bright bloke! He spoke about the kind of language used - invasion, overwhelm, millions - the kind of language used to tap into fear, the kind used to control and influence behaviour. That language should always be identified and called out and to not do so means we haven’t learnt from the past and I’m not just talking about the 1930s. Problem is that is what the Tories sell and has kept them in power for so long. The Tories and their mates - Murdoch, Harmsworth, Barclay Bros - know that and that’s why they are piling on someone who is well liked (trusted) by the ‘ordinary’ person/voter. That scares the Tories.

And by the way there is absolutely fuck all truth in what anthropogenic climate change deniers believe.
If I say to you you are using language exactly the same as the Kkk am I praising your use of language or calling you a racist? Boris Johnson's excuse for Party gate is that 'they were not actual parties' you are using exactly the same sort of excuse for Lineker. What about the Remain 'Project Fear' tactics, was that 'tapping into fear' or will that suddenly become 'totally justified'? Yes, the tories have been in power too long and should be replaced, but, I don't want to replace one set of cunts with another set of cunts who are just as hate filled. So come up with policies rather than the utterly infantile 'the tories shit stinks' ad infinitum. The tories are in government so fucking yes their shit stinks but every government in every country has shit that stinks.
I'm 100% on board with climate change and covid vaccinations but saying that the deniers do not even have a microscopic point is simply not true. However, that is for another day.

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