Suella Braverman - sacked as Home Secretary (p394)

Doesn't want to mix with the plebs so tries to abuse her power.

A resignation issue in any honourable politician.

I think it shows she is well aware that her public views and utterances appeal solely to a right wing minority in reality. Doing a speed awareness course with "civilians" risked her being exposed in the press being harangued and chased out of a building by others on the course PLUS protests outside which would be very very messy on that nights news and dog her in her bid to undermine Sunak so she sought to dodge the points ( fine to her is immaterial she can afford it ) and do it in private but the Civil Service rightly blocked it as despite what this lot think the Civil Service is not their own group of servants to do their bidding.

Expect more "blob" and "Bolshy civil servant" headlines and Mogg droning on about it.
Will be rightly sacked or forced to resign and will disappear for a few months before reappearing yet again in a ministerial role as if nothing happened.

Like shit football managers these fucking cockroaches, they just keep coming back…
She's clearly a wrong 'un. And it's a sad indictment of the Tories that she is a senior minister and a leadership contender. It's a sad indictment of our society that this is even remotely possible. In the words of Ronald Reagan 'the strangest collection of misfits, Looney Tunes, and squalid criminals since the advent of the Third Reich.'
Sunak out of the country and this story makes it to the media, a week after her ‘leadership’ pitch to the fringes embarrassed him. Curiouser and curiouser.
Sunak out of the country and this story makes it to the media, a week after her ‘leadership’ pitch to the fringes embarrassed him. Curiouser and curiouser.

They could govern a country instead they prefer to fight and brief against each other. Coffey this morning was spectacularly woeful - On Ridge she said she had been briefed the night before on the limited info available then a bit later she told Tory K she had only read about it in the papers 20 minutes previously - If you want a lie to stand up you have to stick to it for longer then about an hour surely?
This country's voters clearly have a dire choice at the next general election.
There is a Tory party mired in chaotic policy u-turns and financial mismanagement, interspersed with regular ministerial misdemeanours.
Desperation might send voters in the direction of Labour, a party with no less baggage, for example whiffs of anti-Semitism, Corbynism and trade union cronyism. Labour also an inbuilt outmoded philosophy of socialism, and the deluded economic policies born of this.
In my lifetime, post-war, every single Labour government has ended up bankrupting the country's finances. Immediately post-war; Attlee's administration. Then another Labour govt in the strike riven 1970s featuring Wilson and co. Finally, the last time out for the Labour nag, ridden by Blair/Brown, that belly flopped, leaving the finances in ruins and the Treasury with the now infamous note "There's no money left!".
A Labour government elected now would be no different; in hock to the unions, unrealistic economic policies together with the budgetary restraints of a lottery winner.
The voters' dispirited eyes may drift down the list to the Lib Dems, hapless nationally, maybe not so at local level, where the memorial clocks will be fixed and the councillors will be seen out and about. On any measure, given the appalling records of the above Tory and Labour deserts occupied only by political and economic ineptitude, the LibDems should be elected with a landslide majority that Jo Grimond could never have dreamt of!
However, the LibDems are mired in vague policies, prevaricating, nothing definitive. Drifting along leaderless and rudderless.
There is a desperate need in the country for action and decisiveness. A desperate need to restructure, at the very least, the 'broken' NHS - it was 'broken' many years ago!
There is an energy generation crisis and the Lib Dems have been, historically, vociferously anti-nuclear power. Hesitation and cancellation of construction contracts to build nuclear power stations has proven to be calamitous.
Hard and fast decisions need to be made on the horrifically expensive, but fruitless, HS2 rail project.
A future government will face no less hard decisions on taxation, runaway government spending in all departments, and the continuing ramifications of the appalling Brexit vote.
Hard decisions, decisiveness, no fudging, can we depend opon a party that likes to be all things to everyone?
UKIP? Elitist nationalism harking back to 1930s Europe. The Brexit disaster was born there.
The Greens? Utopian dreamland, including a nuclear free world of plentiful cheap non polluting energy, and everyone cycling everywhere. These 'flower power' people belong to the doped up San Francisco of 1968.
To hell in a hand cart? The only choice voters seemingly have is in which hand cart to take that ride!

Load of made up waffle.

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