Suella Braverman - sacked as Home Secretary (p394)

Telling us that having a private session is what a lot of rich people do is prime deflection. That is not the problem, the problem is she tried to use our civil servants as her servants and lackey to organise one for her.

Exactly - they spent all morning going " its only a speeding fine - she took the points - its over " to distract from the fact THAT isn't the story - its treating civil servants as actual servants that is the issue
Odd, Isn’t it that so many ministers of govt. including the PM, don’t know any details, or have any insight or knowledge of, a possible breach of the ministerial code pertaining to a very senior govt minister with whom they work and associate with on a regular and professional basis, even when it’s all over the media.
Odd, isn’t it that they could describe Starmer’s curry and beer and the people he shared it with down to the furthest bhaji, through a window hundreds of miles away.
Rumour doing the rounds today is she will have quit by the end of the week. The reason? Not today's nonsense but the upcoming migration figures. Its thought she wants to distance herself from her and her Party's failures on immigration - blame it all on "the blob" and a lack of backing from Sunak and her Party and use what she imagines is her massive backing to launch a bid to oust Sunak and replace him herself in time for the next GE.

If she really does think that then she is madder that I would have given her credit for
In my inbox;

YouGov Daily Chat: Should Suella Braverman resign for involving the civil service in her speeding fine case?

Paste experience suggests she is about to be eighty-sixed. Having watched how yougov has evolved, I'm convinced they only ask about issues where the decision is already made, so they have numbers to back up their case.
We will also find out that Immigration is up of “legal” immigrants coming from all over the world to fill vacancies since we left the EU
Lets blame people in dinghies fleeing war zones she needs to go, this government have lied over where immigration is coming from every promise made is broken we need a GE

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