Suella Braverman - sacked as Home Secretary (p394)

This is pretty meaningless these days. An insincere and bollock-felt apology seems to circumvent any sanction the 'code' might mandate. They haven't an ounce of shame to cover the whole fuckin' front bench!

I just hope people don't forget just what this government have done. When the GE does come around, Labour need to remind people exactly what happened under this government and not let them forget the constant scandal. For anyone who lost people during covid or shortly thereafter, like I did, I'll never forget. I still feel rage whenever I think about how Boris was partying when I was stuck at home playing by his rules to protect people who I didn't then see. I remember at Christmas when there were local lockdowns, I thought about breaching them to spend it with my Mum who was ill. But she was having radiotherapy and I didn't want to risk giving her covid and delaying her treatment. She was gone before the following Christmas. Then I find out the Tory scum were taking the piss the whole time and literally laughing at the rest of us. It's embarrassing people out there are still willing to give them time.
I just hope people don't forget just what this government have done. When the GE does come around, Labour need to remind people exactly what happened under this government and not let them forget the constant scandal. For anyone who lost people during covid or shortly thereafter, like I did, I'll never forget. I still feel rage whenever I think about how Boris was partying when I was stuck at home playing by his rules to protect people who I didn't then see. I remember at Christmas when there were local lockdowns, I thought about breaching them to spend it with my Mum who was ill. But she was having radiotherapy and I didn't want to risk giving her covid and delaying her treatment. She was gone before the following Christmas. Then I find out the Tory scum were taking the piss the whole time and literally laughing at the rest of us. It's embarrassing people out there are still willing to give them time.
Yep, the current situation is depressing, really sad. But my gut tells me voters will be persuaded to forget by our rancid, craven media and many people will talk about the Tories simply being the best of a bad lot, shrug and not think and then walk away. They will ignore the likes of Braverman and her toxic view on life. Very soon we will have little right and freedom to protest.

The electoral system is massively weighted in favour of the Tories, despite more voters preferring a range of other, progressive parties. The two party system kills enlightenment when what we need is open minded talent from a range of parties - including the Tories - people who will make the country better, not just do whatever they can to stay in power. Proportional representation is the only option for serious politics now, if Labour do pull off a miracle (they have a much higher bar to jump than the Tories when it comes to vote numbers because of voter spread) and win the next GE then they have to change the electoral system. It means they would never govern alone again as well, but that is no bad thing either as long as the country isn’t left to rot by the Tories again.
They are all back on the Tory umbrella. Softening us up for our next dry fuck with barbed wire dildo whilst they are alright.
I noticed the same thing I shouldn't expect any different though as the media is brazen. The same journalists who were championing Truss whilst mocking the plebs who obviously don't understand complicated subjects like politics vanished like cowards when it all went wrong. I didn't see one of them hold their hands up and admit they backed the wrong horse. Now the same people are back preaching about Sunak and Suella like I said they are brazen I wouldn't be able to look people in the eye.
I noticed the same thing I shouldn't expect any different though as the media is brazen. The same journalists who were championing Truss whilst mocking the plebs who obviously don't understand complicated subjects like politics vanished like cowards when it all went wrong. I didn't see one of them hold their hands up and admit they backed the wrong horse. Now the same people are back preaching about Sunak and Suella like I said they are brazen I wouldn't be able to look people in the eye.
I suspect Braverman is probably an embarrassment even to them so she doesn't even get a mention.
She got completely mauled during the UQ, made even worse by her cowardice in not being there to answer the points being made. The excuse that a mistake shouldn’t hang over someone for the rest of their career is particularly weak when it’s just 6 days between losing her job and regaining it.

Cooper completely eviscerated her and her reappointment, in the absence of Sunak answering Starmer's question at PMQs I would like to think that Cooper's highly pertinent question(s) will feature in tonight's news coverage but I somehow doubt it.
Been trying to work out which minister resigned and returned under Blair. The only one that I can find that is slightly comparable was Mandelson who resigned after late disclosure of a home loan from a colleague and he got a new role in government 10 months later. An enquiry found he hadn't broken the ministerial code anyway but the publicity was having a detrimental effect on the government so he went anyway. Not sure if there's any other examples, certainly none where there was a clear breach and a reinstatement in less than a week.
'Blue eyed' girl of the ERG, a sop to the far right for their support. She is going nowhere and they will just brass out the criticism.
Been trying to work out which minister resigned and returned under Blair. The only one that I can find that is slightly comparable was Mandelson who resigned after late disclosure of a home loan from a colleague and he got a new role in government 10 months later. An enquiry found he hadn't broken the ministerial code anyway but the publicity was having a detrimental effect on the government so he went anyway. Not sure if there's any other examples, certainly none where there was a clear breach and a reinstatement in less than a week.
Alan Milburn?

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