Suella Braverman - sacked as Home Secretary (p394)

Same with plenty of departments, HMRC being another example where if they funded both properly they’d significantly recoup far more than the additional resources required by doing it.

Prime examples of where the conservatives have eschewed financial competence for political bollocks.

For my sins i worked as (yet another I know) consultant in several of the larger public institutions. Your point is spot on. Most departments are hamstrung by crappy IT infrastructure. The ratio of well paid bureaucrats to actual workers is skewed out of kilter. Many of the bureaucrats are career civil servants without much idea of managing a workforce and organising work. They leave post having launched hair brained schemes without any accountability and move to another custy post. Everything is flavour of the month with few meaningful projects or initiatives landed to see the benefits which are often woefully defined and frankly immeasurable.
What you see on the large scale projects like defence, on tanks and aircraft carriers and pilot training and closer to many of us on things like Crossrail and HS2 etc are mirrored in smaller scale in places like the passport office.
The change has to start at the top but by there’s no way gvmt depts will save cash until they get rid of the layers of managers who loaf about and simply drone on in endless meetings and get real people in with real experience.
Of course the Tory answer will be to cut the front line and scale back on investment that could make a difference.
Having worked in these places I don’t see an answer. They are institutionalised.
Years ago I worked in a local authority Education Department in a section which essentially dealt with (inter alia) policy. When I say 'policy' I mean government policy as very little, if any, was generated locally. Every year some new initiative came out - and certainly every time there was a new Education Secretary down in London.

You see, these ministers, like dogs, all want to piss up a lamppost to make their mark. And these ideas were all brilliant initiatives, naturally, that were going to improve education massively.

The snag is nothing was ever followed through. No sooner had initiative A been put in place than it was amended, or replaced by initiative Z.

As an old boss of mine used to say (a man who knew more about education than twenty Secretaries of State armed in proof and led by shallow Gove) education is a long-term process. It takes years for any change to bear fruit. No such time was ever allowed.

Of course money was wasted! How could it not be in such circumstances? But it was entirely due to the cnuts in Whitehall. They are the masters. They make the decisions. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The problem is they are largely driven by ignorance and their own personal agendas, nothing remotely scientific. One day we shall get back to fact-based decision making and you might then see some improvement. But as long as emotion, slogans and dogma rule the roost, we are all fucked.
Drip, drip. Look up the Big Issue story on Cruella last week, add the Matt Dothan via the Tory supporting Times news outlet above and others and it’s obvious that the knives will remain sharpened.
A Cabinet Minister has said that her conduct with the information breach will not be investigated.
This is toxic to the Gvmt and she is toxic to the country.

Sunak cannot settle into his role until she goes. I see it as a win- win. She either gets booted again or persists in post and pisses more and more voters off.
Sunak has done a deal with a real live devil woman and hopefully reaps what he has sown.
The spineless Sunak has decided that a few seriously Ill migrants is a small price to pay to keep his party and cabinet together.
Better to offend public decency than offend the ERG.
Over half of Albanians are successful in their asylum claim, so it clearly isn’t a safe place to live for everyone by our own admission.

Well that is one viewpoint, another would be that the rules for claiming asylum are too soft. People go to Albania on holiday, for fux sake.

No it wasnt

So you think it is perfectly acceptable for someone on a fixed term visa to fall in love, get into a long-term relationship and then automatically the visa becomes irrelevant? Does that same rule apply in say the US or Australia? Are 'sham marriages' to subvert the system ok too?
Well that is one viewpoint, another would be that the rules for claiming asylum are too soft. People go to Albania on holiday, for fux sake.

So you think it is perfectly acceptable for someone on a fixed term visa to fall in love, get into a long-term relationship and then automatically the visa becomes irrelevant? Does that same rule apply in say the US or Australia? Are 'sham marriages' to subvert the system ok too?

Stop posting shit you vile person.
Well that is one viewpoint, another would be that the rules for claiming asylum are too soft. People go to Albania on holiday, for fux sake.

So you think it is perfectly acceptable for someone on a fixed term visa to fall in love, get into a long-term relationship and then automatically the visa becomes irrelevant? Does that same rule apply in say the US or Australia? Are 'sham marriages' to subvert the system ok too?

you said your earlier post was correct

it wasn’t
Well that is one viewpoint, another would be that the rules for claiming asylum are too soft. People go to Albania on holiday, for fux sake.

So you think it is perfectly acceptable for someone on a fixed term visa to fall in love, get into a long-term relationship and then automatically the visa becomes irrelevant? Does that same rule apply in say the US or Australia? Are 'sham marriages' to subvert the system ok too?

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