Sunderland post match thread

i think Mancini was right about some of the players, esp lescott, hart, etc. No talent. Complacent.

Personally as much as I like Pellegrini as a man, he is not up for the job. He blew it with his tactics and team selection. Chelsea at home, league cup team selection, v barca away.
Falastur said:
80s Shorts said:
Falastur said:
Yep, those players are pathetic. I mean, to think that someone who has hundreds of millions of people watching his every move, knowing that if he plays even a single ball out of place the fans will turn on him, not knowing if he'll be harassed in the street as he tries to live his regular life, unable to so much as go to an ATM for some cash without paparazzos stalking him and taking pictures of every last detail so that they can criticise it in a tabloid distributed around a country of 65 million people, getting home to find 20,000 people on Twitter have sent him insulting or even downright life-threatening messages over his performance, not knowing whether come the summer he's going to be told "you're not good enough for this team" and end up in a career slump which will see him playing for a mid-table German side or FC who-on-earth-even-knows-how-to-pronounce-their-name-let-alone-learn-the-language of Whereveria, getting into fist-fights with his teammates on the training ground because of a mistimed challenge because drunken hooligans yelled abuse outside his hotel window until 4am, reading every day his own national papers that he's either his country's one chance of rescuing their honour at the World Cup or he's the worst player to pull on their shirt in three generations, to think that he might be mentally tired?!? Thank goodness he doesn't do my regular 9-5 job, because I'm pretty sure that he simply couldn't cope with the stress of knowing that he's got a permanent contract for a company he's worked at for 7 years and knows he would have to screw up badly to be fired from, working in a literally zero-pressure environment with a grand total of three people who rely on his productivity and quality of work in order to get their own jobs done, coming home to a good three or four hours in front of the TV. My word, but he simply wouldn't be able to stand it!

LOL, good try.

Not sure if serious, but thanks.

My point is that even I am mentally tired - I just no longer have the energy to be upset about this result. If I can be mentally tired after the Liverpool result, I'm pretty sure a player can.

I don't give a fuck how much a player is paid but I do give a fuck if said professional is not mentally strong enough to play 90 minutes of football once or twice a week inbetween their visits to san carlo or whatever the fuck its called.

What is more telling is the fact that the holistic one is using this as an excuse. He is calling them out for their inadequacies in public.
About time we all took a few honestly pills now - we have gone backwards since Pellegrini took over.

The likes of Kompany, Silva, Nasri, Dzeko and Aguero wanted Mancini out because they did not like being told what to do, they could not come and go as they pleased and he did not make them a cup of tea in the morning. Its a fair assumption reading between the lines.

So now we have management by committee with a nice guy in charge to keep them all happy. Problem is lads your taking over one hundred grand a week out of our club with your sole purpose being not to get injured for the world cup. Dave Bassett could have this squad third in the league honestly no joke.

No leaders tonight, no one wanted the ball or any responsibility this was against bottom of the league who had just lost 4 or 5 on the spin.

We have this blind optimism as city fans because we don't really want to criticise because of where we have been but this lot has cost getting on for £1 billion they are not home grown lads trying their hearts outs if they fancy it they are good if they cannot be arsed then you get tonight's performance.

Anyway lets keep the blind faith I'm sure Pellegrini will come good I don't think he even knows who he is, what he is doing or what country he is in he has given the same interview after every match so far this season just cannot see how he inspires the players.
Just in, so not had time to read the thread.

We were poor tonight, and don't deserve the title. It's over anyway, so we need to address the issues that have led to it.

My problem/concern is that you can't really put it down to individual players. It would be easier if you could. I'm not even sure it's a managerial issue, as we've not really progressed under Pellegrini. Feels like the problem is more deep rooted than that. Feels like there is a lack of belief through out the club, and it's not easily addressed.

Maybe that's melodramatic and over the top, but it feels like we're some way from dominating domestically, never mind on the continent.
VOOMER said:
Are you serious? They fucked Bobby over he pinpointed the need for 3 players,Hazard, RVP and De Rossi and aside from Nasty ended up with dross, bought by people who's ego's dictate that they must have the final word.

Classic example of scapegoating. I assume your referring to the Barca duo, who weren't actually appointed until after the transfer window your referring to.
We were so slow in the build up tonight. We could of really gone for them and it would of been so different. They would of shit themselves like at the end. Why didn't we? Why not press them and put a bit of fight into the play. I know injuries have fucked us recently but we had enough to win tonight. I'm so disappointed in the performance of the players tonight. They seemed to be strolling.
Mat01706 said:
de niro said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Indeed. Players got what they wanted and now will more than likely end up with their nice manager being sacked.

It's time to show some of these players where their place is.

exactly. been saying since bob was hoofed.

Be careful what you wish for? At least for the best part of the season it's been entertaining, lets face it Manini never beat Liverpool away and struggled against Sunderland so I don't get your point...
Ric said:
Just in, so not had time to read the thread.

We were poor tonight, and don't deserve the title. It's over anyway, so we need to address the issues that have led to it.

My problem/concern is that you can't really put it down to individual players. It would be easier if you could. I'm not even sure it's a managerial issue, as we've not really progressed under Pellegrini. Feels like the problem is more deep rooted than that. Feels like there is a lack of belief through out the club, and it's not easily addressed.

Maybe that's melodramatic and over the top, but it feels like we're some way from dominating domestically, never mind on the continent.

That'll be the gypsy of Maine Road then
Bad day at the office,but one or two decent displays and certainly impressed once more with Garcia and well what can you say about Zabba.How the hell they patched him up at half time and then to give that sort of professional performance in the second half is beyond me.The guy was awesome and IF only we had another few more players like him.
Jimmy Milner was by far and away the pick of the worst and god knows how he lasted the full 94 minutes is beyond me.
Ah well theres always next year but at least Manuel is on track for his 5 trophies in 5 seasons.We may need the fucking EUROPA League as a means to get into Europe at this rate.
80s Shorts said:
Falastur said:
80s Shorts said:
LOL, good try.

Not sure if serious, but thanks.

My point is that even I am mentally tired - I just no longer have the energy to be upset about this result. If I can be mentally tired after the Liverpool result, I'm pretty sure a player can.

I don't give a fuck how much a player is paid but I do give a fuck if said professional is not mentally strong enough to play 90 minutes of football once or twice a week inbetween their visits to san carlo or whatever the fuck its called.

What is more telling is the fact that the holistic one is using this as an excuse. He is calling them out for their inadequacies in public.

Do you think that footballers are somehow created in test tubes or cloned from the best and brightest of the human race? If I were in their positions I'd be a gibbering wreck by now. You can't simply expect footballers to be able to tear the emotions right out of their head, just because they are professional footballers. It's not like we are going to go down in history as the first sports team in all the world to have ever struggled with the mental pressure of their situation, is it? Sports history is literally littered with examples of teams which collapsed under the mental strain of what they were trying to do. I mean heck. Look at Arsenal. They don't just bottle one key match every season when the pressure of possibly doing well gets to them - they throw entire halves of seasons away. They very nearly lost to Wigan on Saturday.

Oh, and I don't understand your last two sentences. Claiming that Pellegrini used mental tiredness and an excuse, and that he was calling them out on their inadequacies? Calling them out on their inadequacies would be an accusation, which is the exact opposite of an excuse. Which one do you mean?

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