Sunderland post match thread

Tonight's performance was dreadful. It wasn't that we played badly..sometimes that happens. We played with no heart or effort. It was gutless. We stepped it up in the last five minutes so it wasn't about being tired. The players did not try hard enough. To be fair this is a rare situation for City in modern times. I hope it is not symptomatic of a deeper problem. Too many players went missing. I will still be there Monday night and at Everton like most of us but I was alarmed tonight because I thought we were a team of strong character.
LoveCity said:
This has gone viral on Twitter among the haters. I guess it was taken early or late, but to be honest it was awful for a title run-in (or what was a title run-in till the game ended). The game was nearly sold out, there must be a lot of sick dogs and night shifters.

Notice how you can't see the scoreboard?

That could be 30 seconds into the game.
LoveCity said:
This has gone viral on Twitter among the haters. I guess it was taken early or late, but to be honest it was awful for a title run-in (or what was a title run-in till the game ended). The game was nearly sold out, there must be a lot of sick dogs and night shifters.


At what point in the game was that picture taken?

Just because it look pretty full to me today.
Thought it was quite sad seeing the stadium half empty when Sunderland got their second.

What kind of fans are we turning into?
crmcfc said:
WTF has that got to do with anything? You don't have to be a footballer you don't join the army either!!! We all have a choice.

VOOMER said:
Falastur said:
Yep, those players are pathetic. I mean, to think that someone who has hundreds of millions of people watching his every move, knowing that if he plays even a single ball out of place the fans will turn on him, not knowing if he'll be harassed in the street as he tries to live his regular life, unable to so much as go to an ATM for some cash without paparazzos stalking him and taking pictures of every last detail so that they can criticise it in a tabloid distributed around a country of 65 million people, getting home to find 20,000 people on Twitter have sent him insulting or even downright life-threatening messages over his performance, not knowing whether come the summer he's going to be told "you're not good enough for this team" and end up in a career slump which will see him playing for a mid-table German side or FC who-on-earth-even-knows-how-to-pronounce-their-name-let-alone-learn-the-language of Whereveria, getting into fist-fights with his teammates on the training ground because of a mistimed challenge because drunken hooligans yelled abuse outside his hotel window until 4am, reading every day his own national papers that he's either his country's one chance of rescuing their honour at the World Cup or he's the worst player to pull on their shirt in three generations, to think that he might be mentally tired?!? Thank goodness he doesn't do my regular 9-5 job, because I'm pretty sure that he simply couldn't cope with the stress of knowing that he's got a permanent contract for a company he's worked at for 7 years and knows he would have to screw up badly to be fired from, working in a literally zero-pressure environment with a grand total of three people who rely on his productivity and quality of work in order to get their own jobs done, coming home to a good three or four hours in front of the TV. My word, but he simply wouldn't be able to stand it!

Ermm try that explanation to the next family who's loved one is buried after serving their country!

Fine I have no problem with your opinion. just as see no to defend someone who is paid by an organisation who's existence was brought to be, by a long line of generous and not so generous benefactors and supporters many who have supported City and done more good in the world than kick a football around. Yet despite their luck, deside they don't feel like it today. I agree it's their choice.
Blue Is the Opposite of Blue said:
LoveCity said:
This has gone viral on Twitter among the haters. I guess it was taken early or late, but to be honest it was awful for a title run-in (or what was a title run-in till the game ended). The game was nearly sold out, there must be a lot of sick dogs and night shifters.

Notice how you can't see the scoreboard?

That could be 30 seconds into the game.
Judging by the light of the sky I'd say it is. Why has the nob took the photo anyway? It's a shit photo. Tourist.
Blue Note said:
Thought it was quite sad seeing the stadium half empty when Sunderland got their second.

What kind of fans are we turning into?
The same kind of fans who poured out when Peter Crouch scored that goal in 2010, or when Bob Taylor scored that second goal in 1999.

This isn't some massive change that's only happened this season, football fans are just very passionate people who express their emotions in different ways.

As long as they don't stab someone on the way out then they can leave whenever they like and for whatever reason they choose.
Blue Note said:
Thought it was quite sad seeing the stadium half empty when Sunderland got their second.

What kind of fans are we turning into?
If Nasri had out that chance in they would have missed one of the moments of the season

Our players don't deserve to win the league, and many of our fans don't either. You don't walk out on the team when you're losing a crucial game
Marvin said:
Blue Note said:
Thought it was quite sad seeing the stadium half empty when Sunderland got their second.

What kind of fans are we turning into?
If Nasri had out that chance in they would have missed one of the moments of the season

Our players don't deserve to win the league, and many of our fans don't either. You don't walk out on the team when you're losing a crucial game
You mean like the '99 play-off final?
Just got home.

A lot of thoughts still running through my head but that has to be the most crushing result of recent times. I honestly felt that even after Liverpool we could regroup and still snatch this title but tonight confirmed that it has certainly left our grip and even the players simply know it and probably already have their eyes on the World Cup.

I'm sick of hearing about this need to fight, show bottle and whatnot, these guys know more than anyone what is at stake. This result is not surprising, we have been playing pretty average at home ever since we lost to Chelsea, look at the Wigan result... The mentality was gone some time ago..... I think everyone can see that this result was coming, most of the last couple of home games we have been completely lacklustre and it was as though we just expect to turn up and win but to be frank it has usually happened thanks to moments of brilliance or a helping hand. At the moment I just don't think the belief or confidence is there that you would see in a title winning side. Negredo's performance tonight summed up what is going on... Just total frustration, mediocrity and without some world class creativity in Silva, we are lost.

Let's face facts, we weren't far off being rumbled at Arsenal, we were thereabouts at Liverpool but lost and we have taken 0 points from Chelsea all season. We have spent 14 days at the top of the league this year, okay that is because we have so many games in hand but tonight was THE chance to get right up Liverpool's arse and put some pressure on them going into this weekend but we were abysmal.

With respect to Sunderland I thought they played some decent football and did not look like a side that is sat rock bottom of the Premier League. At times they could well and easily of scored several goals but you just felt we weren't going to score any and that Sunderland were always comfortable. Unfortunately you just need that piece of quality to win you games like that but it didn't exist. We have some really good players but none of them are in form, none of them have confidence and only one of them seems to be fit.

Negredo is on his longest scoring draught probably in his career, Yaya is currently our top scorer for god sake. There is a serious confidence issue going on at City and I don't really understand why because it seems to of been lost around the time we played West Ham in the cup. We have some real world class players but they just aren't quite knitted together yet as a team and the rotation of strikers and juggling injuries has certainly damaged momentum.

With this in mind I'm afraid we do not deserve the title this year and whilst our consistency hasn't been bad we have thrown away the big chances to take a grip on this league. We could of won at Arsenal and really afforded any result at Liverpool but no we drew, a point therefore at Liverpool would of been good enough but we threw that away. I'm afraid at this level it is simply not good enough and the poor performance at home to Chelsea and the way we chucked away a point at Stamford Bridge all amounts to us being a 3rd place team this year I'm afraid.

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