Sunderland post match thread

Are you disappointed or surprised by the Sunderland result?

I'm both to be honest

I always knew they would be a tough team to beat but I still thought we would beat them. However I was surprised by the starting line up and then disappointed with the result.

Bring on West Brom - another walkover?
Watched and analyzed the Sunderland game, small parts though prozone. Not a good game. But taking 1 point on bad days are not underrated. Not many years ago we easy lost 3-0.

Mental strength, physical strength: In fact I agree, but not acceptable. Had the same experience as a coach for an U17 team twice. Both times we had the opportunity to qualify for the best group stage in our age group. We played very good football most of the season. Both seasons we lost against out rivals, and the game straight afterwards we were dead. The players was not at races. Once I talked easy to the players at half time, no reaction. Next time I was like Mancini, a dickhead with the players, no reaction. Talked to my old coach(was a national football player in his time), he said: "young man, if you even put Hitler in the room, your players would not react, the loss against the rival are taking energy". So I see the same with City.

PellevMancini: Mancini has done a very good job. He is in the history book forever! But there was something wrong; relationship to some players, staff, board, and how he used the media. There were something bad going on. The club decided to change playing style, build a harmony, etc, and wanted that man Pellegrini. Mancini was the sheiks man, but now its Pelle.
Give Pelle 1 or 2 seasons, then lets see what happen. New signings, etc. Both Mancini and Pelle knew they are living on short term. Lets wait and see, now Rodgers are GOD, maybe in two years he is not GOD.

Now I see many are critical to Pelle, but many was critical of Mancini, like: slow play, defensive play, bad on set pieces, and some players always starting......

Now we miss Silva, Toure, Kompany not 100%, and the forwards are not putting in the goals. When we also see some small defensive errors, then we see now the result. I dearly hope the players has some pride, and secure the CL qualification. I feel not sure we get the CL place!

The club need to put up some really good youngsters, and find a souple of real good english players with heart combined with the foreign players.

In the summer the club must do this with the squad:

GK-Keep Hart, get in a good keeper like Buffon. put in a english home grown 3rd keeper.
Defenders-keep Kompany, Zabaleta, , Choose either Kolarov/clichy. Sell the rest. Get in Shaw, Silva, Coleman. Chiellini or a look at McAuley, but I like Baines.
Midfielders: Keep Toure, Silva, Navas, Fernandinho, Milner, get rid of Garcia, Nasri, Barry, get in Vidal, Gundogan, Manuel Lanzini, Ramirez, kroos, or hernando
Forwards-Keep Aguero, Jovetiz, Sell Negredo or Dzeko. Get in Cavani, Lukaku.but I miss Tevez!!

Deep into my heart I hope City begin to build a very good academy, and get through local grown players. Thats the future.

I am not sure its right to chop and change managers, big names has get critical voices: Eriksson, Hughes, Mancini, now Pellegrini. Guardiola would never come to City. I hoped for Martinez even Moyes. I would like to see if Ferguson come into the tunnel....
Now support Pellegrini, but if the club had choosen Martinez, then I bet some has said he is to small, no experince etc...

Keep support the team<br /><br />-- Thu Apr 17, 2014 12:47 am --<br /><br />And we should keep talking about Tactic A or B, Barcelona never change, not even Bayern under Pep.
Re: Are you disappointed or surprised by the Sunderland result?

always thought this would be a difficult game , 3 days after a mammoth effort at klanfield , and yet again liverpool have 7 days rest before their next game , the extra 15 games we have played are taking their toll , i still thought we would sneek a 1-0 or 2-1 , so i am surprised , because we still created enough chances to win the game , we are not clinical enough , and that is a sign of tiredness.
Re: Are you disappointed or surprised by the Sunderland result?

I think this is the time where the players realise the title is out of reach. The pressures off, and i think well steamroll every game from now. Huge score against West Brom to start.

But yes very disappointed tonight, wasnt angry, just disappointed and frustrated.
Re: Are you disappointed or surprised by the Sunderland result?

The performance surprised me more than anything. Just couldn't anticipate us being so lifeless and lethargic, or so poor defensively
Re: Are you disappointed or surprised by the Sunderland result?

I honestly thought we'd win 5 or 6 nil. Seemed to me like Poyet and his team had given up the ghost, but they certainly didn't play like they had tonight

Only silver lining is that the keepers blunder has probably relegated them so we won't have to play our bogey team next season
Re: Are you disappointed or surprised by the Sunderland result?

for me was one of those moment. I was surprised that I was not disappointed!

I basically shrug it off by : TYPICAL CITY
crmcfc said:
WTF has that got to do with anything? You don't have to be a footballer you don't join the army either!!! We all have a choice.

VOOMER said:
Falastur said:
Yep, those players are pathetic. I mean, to think that someone who has hundreds of millions of people watching his every move, knowing that if he plays even a single ball out of place the fans will turn on him, not knowing if he'll be harassed in the street as he tries to live his regular life, unable to so much as go to an ATM for some cash without paparazzos stalking him and taking pictures of every last detail so that they can criticise it in a tabloid distributed around a country of 65 million people, getting home to find 20,000 people on Twitter have sent him insulting or even downright life-threatening messages over his performance, not knowing whether come the summer he's going to be told "you're not good enough for this team" and end up in a career slump which will see him playing for a mid-table German side or FC who-on-earth-even-knows-how-to-pronounce-their-name-let-alone-learn-the-language of Whereveria, getting into fist-fights with his teammates on the training ground because of a mistimed challenge because drunken hooligans yelled abuse outside his hotel window until 4am, reading every day his own national papers that he's either his country's one chance of rescuing their honour at the World Cup or he's the worst player to pull on their shirt in three generations, to think that he might be mentally tired?!? Thank goodness he doesn't do my regular 9-5 job, because I'm pretty sure that he simply couldn't cope with the stress of knowing that he's got a permanent contract for a company he's worked at for 7 years and knows he would have to screw up badly to be fired from, working in a literally zero-pressure environment with a grand total of three people who rely on his productivity and quality of work in order to get their own jobs done, coming home to a good three or four hours in front of the TV. My word, but he simply wouldn't be able to stand it!

Ermm try that explanation to the next family who's loved one is buried after serving their country!

Fine I have no problem with your opinion. just as see no to defend someone who is paid by an organisation who's existence was brought to be, by a long line of generous and not so generous benefactors and supporters many who have supported City and done more good in the world than kick a football around. Yet despite their luck, deside they don't feel like it today. I agree it's their choice.<br /><br />-- Wed Apr 16, 2014 11:55 pm --<br /><br />
colbee59 said:
de niro said:
there's an old saying.

"be careful what you wish for"

well bobby haters both players and fans alike, you must be delirious.

Why what did we win last season, remind me

Are you serious? They fucked Bobby over he pinpointed the need for 3 players,Hazard, RVP and De Rossi and aside from Nasty ended up with dross, bought by people who's ego's dictate that they must have the final word.

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