The voice of ‘the people’. Let’s get out on 31st October come what may. Let’s trash the economy, let’s fuck up the GFA, let’s screw U.K. citizens who live in the EU and EU citizens who live in the U.K. At least we will be out of the EU. On 1st November we can start afresh with new trade deals under WTO terms. Brilliant! Because when all’s said and done, we won.
Do you really think that's what's going to happen? I seem to remember the head of the Bank of England saying two years ago that we'll all sink if we leave the EU and be on bread and water for decades to come. Then about six months ago he said they'd had another look at it and it could be ok. The Bank of England doesn't know how this turns out so how can you or anybody else.
Do you believe Spain, France Germany and the rest would allow their citizens to be screwed by us to the level you claim and that we'd allow ours to be abandoned. OF COURSE THEY WOULDN'T!! Get over the panic talk and realise that after all of the posturing by those concerned that simple sensible steps will be taken to resolve all matters. They have to be once we have left as it's in nobodies interest to sit there ignoring it. Once we're out then things have to get done unlike now where I (as a politician) might be able to gain a few brownie points by being an obstructive twat for the sake of it while trying to make it sound as though I'm doing it for the greatest benefit for 'this country I love, and have been so honored to served in my role as mp for Lower Cleethorpes in Her Majesty's Opposition.
Force the issue, get us out, and then watch as the unsolvable become resolved
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