Swansea - Post match thread

I have seen literally dozens of 'the next great thing' strikers in the PL - it's way too early to start dismissing Aguero and proclaiming a new king.
He's 3 games in and started off very well - that's it.
Almost a dire result, defense wide open for the goal, got away with it. 6 points form Swansea after two unconvincing performance so job well done.
And breath! First half we were brilliant if sometimes a little slow moving the ball forward but you sensed at only 1-0 Swansea would gain heart and start to have a go and that is exactly what happened. At times we seemed to be trying to be too clever it was that easy instead of getting another couple of goals and then showboating. The problem is with that back four you always feel is going to gift and/or concede a goal and that is exactly what happened.

Clichy is abysmal and as soon as he went in for that tackle for the goal you knew he would lose it. Willy looked like he should have done better with the goal but he did make a great save from the free kick.

It was so obvious we had lost our way in the second half that the changes needed to be made earlier, it seems a frustrating trait from Pep.

Once again the ref and linesman give us nothing as usual, something really needs to be done about it, it is almost every single week now. opposition players getting away with foul after foul, slowing our play down and kicking lumps off our players into the bargain, then the first one we do is a booking. To rub salt in the wounds we are denied...again...a clear penalty and a booking for our pains!! No way the linesman could say that was a dive it was too quick. If he wasn't sure it was a penalty how the hell could he be so sure it was a dive?

Jesus looks like some player, hard to believe he is settling into a new club and country and is only 19!

The title has gone this season if we cement a top three/four place, win the cup and get to the semi's of the champions league it will have been a success, with Pep settling in and trying to rebuild the squad. Onwards and upwards hopefully!
i dont understand why threads about people leaving early are being locked. 1-1 with ten minutes to go and people are leaving, its just bizarre. unless you have a genuine reason ( which most dont) then why ? you miss great goals like today or last minutes winners, to save ten minutes on a journey.
But it's not 10mins they're saving. It really could be hours! I've never left early. But have absolutely no problem with those that do. They have their reasons, but it's not for us to deem wether those reasons are justified or not. My only 'gripe' is if there is loads leaving on mass, having to make way for them to get pass just as something important is happening on the pitch. Hey ho we won!
Well played city..Jesus saves us..what is seriously wrong with our crowd leaving early when the match is on a knife edge?disgraceful.even 15 mins to half time..get a grip folks.
Hundreds left from P after the equalising goal, I went for a piss and saw it. I doubt any were upset that city won, better to miss the winner than not have a winner.
I thought Kolarov was excellent too. The left-sided centre back role really suits his game.

He gets an excellent plus off me because of the amount of times he had to cover our so called left back (That my mum could walk past with some f*cking ease).
He gets an excellent plus off me because of the amount of times he had to cover our so called left back (That my mum could walk past with some f*cking ease).

How Clichy keeps getting picked is beyond me. There must be a better option. Even bringing Willy Donachie out of retirement would be better than him.
Fair to say it is just 3 games for GJ. Let see more of him.
I have different view because I have watched him play every games full matches for 6 months. I have no doubt on my mind.
Made a meal of that one but never gave up well done!!... Great strikers instinct for the goal in added would've been devo'd if that was a draw..

Thought Sterling had a good claim for a pen at first and thought the ref/lino was taking the Piss but on further inspection he was to theatrical going to ground and it was a good call in the end. Pity big nose didn't get a yellow for the same thing against Hull different rules for different teams thus proves it...


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