Swansea - Post match thread

His record as a manager suggest the complete opposite, sorry karen.
It's not about his record,he makes the subs too late,he didn't see their goal coming in time,we had the lead and they were pressing hard,shore it up then,he didn't do it in time imo of course
Good performance overall but we need to kill teams off.
Again the inevitable equaliser happened like it has done on a lot of games this season, hopefully we can get this right next season.
Wish also our corners would improve, they have been woeful for years, barely getting past the first post.
Yeah, corners are dire, I can't remember many we've scored from lately, or even over the past season.
To be honest, I cannot understand anybody not being anything but happy with today's result. No team is brilliant every game, look at spuds how happy they were with a draw against us, yes we ground it out, after playing some great football first half. But we won, three points, how many times have we deserved but not got three points, so I do not understand the negative stuff :-)
Good result in the end, but they made bloody hard work of it.

Full credit to Paul Clement for changing it at half-time, but we should have been out of sight by then, considering the dominance we had in the first 45.

I didn't think anyone stood out as MotM, though there were several good performances and I don't think you can argue with giving it to Gabriel, considering he scored both goals.

Very emotional at the start when Vinnie laid the wreath for Elliot and the win gave him a great send-off.
Was a good football match that. Enjoyed it.

I thought for as much as Swansea never laid a glove on us in the first half, we were absolutely excellent. Some great interplay, loads of pace, and every pass was forward.

2nd half I thought Swansea were very brave, certainly from a tactical point of view, against the pace we had they pressed us well and started winning the 2nd balls. Grew into the game and the equaliser was no surprise.

From our perspective Pep needs to react a shade quicker, especially when we are not putting these home games to bed. We are still developing under him, and think eventually we will play out of the press better than we do. Bayern were absolutely brilliant at that. We retreated and need some more confidence in how we play.

A deserved 3 points in the end, starting to see what the future holds after the last few games
Bein sports advising us to not get carried away with Jesus. The last city player to get 3 goals in first 2 premier league starts?

Wanchope! And smeichel said martial made a similar start with rags but look what happened to him? Bollox!

Haha I love logic like that. Any excuse to downplay a talent
Was delighted to see Fern at right back, then he had a stinker!

Fantastic first half display, Sane & Silva unplayable down our left
Just home... thought we had blown it but a wins a win. Glad someone posted the Sterling video seemed a fair decision, although the booking was maybe a bit harsh.
I think that we, as a defence, are very reluctant to make a good old crunching tackle for fear that the Whistling Wanker will rip off his pocket and brandish, irony of ironies, a red card! Too often this season have there been instances where tackles of the Andy Morrison, GazBaz and Nige de J variety were called for but in a twinkle the player has a picture of Ferny flashing before his eyes and a red card flashing before Ferny's eyes - to whit, the joke yellow doled out to Sterling today is an example of where we pick up a card either for the most innocuous thing or for something that the officials have got completely wrong.
Yeah, corners are dire, I can't remember many we've scored from lately, or even over the past season.

It's almost as if they don't practice them. The height in the team isn't great at the moment but that aside we get numerous corners in most games but it's a complete waste of time.

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