Swansea v City In Match Discussion Thread

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To be fair, he'd already given more time than was to be expected. If time is up, time is up. Really struggled but Mancini has done well with the change, I like the fact he changes things early when the problem is clear. Barry can have a tantrum but he should grow up and recognise it's not a personal slight, instead simply a need to press higher up the pitch. Given the difference the change has made I hope he stops sulking.

I think it looks positive from here, the penalty and Swansea's bulk of possession has been survived. We'll have more of the ball from here on in and we look like we can cause them problems.
Watching a sky calcio stream in HD, quality picture even thought the commentary is in Italian.
And Lee Mason is a white Uriah Rennie, not good enough for the Premier League.
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
Yes let's shift the blame to the ref when we were fcking dross for 40 mins of the half.

Exactly. And for all these conspiracy theorists.....would we have got a 95th min penalty against spurs.......?
andrewmswift said:
honestly can't believe he fucking did that, shocking, balo been mauled 7 times not one foul

referees that act upon players based on reputation and easily influenced by the crowd should not be involved in matches where so much is on the line.
LoveCity said:
If anyone has ever needed clear proof right there in front of your eyes of agenda-driven referees, you just saw it. Deny that.

100 fucking percent. What the twat was that all about!?!
Ball playing CDs. That is what Swansea has. It changes everything about a team's game. They have inferior talent, yet they are running us around, keeping the ball away and frustrating us coz they have ball playing CDs.

Jan Vertonghen Summer 2012 :)
We've looked much better since Bobby changed it by bringing Aguero on. They look like they have run out of steam.

The ref is dodgy but I think we can do these second half.

Great save from Hart from the pen too.
I've never seen that before. Refs normally wait for the attack/play to end before blowing for half time. They do this to show no bias by deciding when to stop an attack therefore saving the defending team etc......shocking!
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