Swansea v City In Match Discussion Thread

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these ridiculous decisions going against will probably end up costing us the title.

probably no delieberate agenda against us (or more likely pro-united), but if the scum win it this year it couldnt have been done without shit refs blowing in their favor and aganist us
0-0 same as at half time at the Etihad..dont fret,we're getting stronger,need to play further up and stop them playing.
LoveCity said:
If anyone has ever needed clear proof right there in front of your eyes of agenda-driven referees, you just saw it. Deny that.
i`ve just said the same,the fa don`t want us winning the prem at any costs full stop,a dive for the penalty and hart not getting booked tells you everything about the decision,it`s shit refs all the way boys and girls,if we get three points out of this today it`ll a fuckin fantastic result and fuck off swansea,why havn`t you played like this all season,you shithouses....
thomasobDK said:
these ridiculous decisions going against will probably end up costing us the title.

probably no delieberate agenda against us (or more likely pro-united), but if the scum win it this year it couldnt have been done without shit refs blowing in their favor and aganist us

we'd be a clean 7-12 points in front with neutral officiating
dancity19 said:
adrianr said:
LoveCity said:
If anyone has ever needed clear proof right there in front of your eyes of agenda-driven referees, you just saw it. Deny that.

100 fucking percent. What the twat was that all about!?!

Penalty against spurs in the 95th min, yep, real agenda.

That was stonewall though if that hadn't been given there would have been f*cking riots !!
Dax777 said:
Ball playing CDs. That is what Swansea has. It changes everything about a team's game. They have inferior talent, yet they are running us around, keeping the ball away and frustrating us coz they have ball playing CDs.

Jan Vertonghen Summer 2012 :)

More football manager knowledge I see....
Much better in the last ten minutes. Mancini's caution costs him at times. We often seem to invite pressure from teams with a 3 man midfield rather than dictate it. Yaya has been quite a player. Nasri seems to disappear and reappear. We need to play passes closer to the edge of the 18 and try to get behind them rather than through them.

Something tells me Nigel might be serving a suspension at the end of this match unless Mancini takes him off. We are clearly dominate in set pieces. The second half is City half. Aguero against VR? Aguero against Porto? The 3 goals in 4 minutes at the Swamp.

Don't hang your heads lads. Swansea flatter to deceive.
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