Swap Tevez for who in January?

Reports in Italy state that terms have been agreed between us and AC Milan.

Something along the lines of a loan till next summer followed by a fee of around £20m.
Tez Tosterone said:
Reports in Italy state that terms have been agreed between us and AC Milan.

Something along the lines of a loan till next summer followed by a fee of around £20m.

There isn't a reputable paper in Italy.
TCIB said:
bluemiester said:
No one is going to be stupid enough to pay £27 million for Tevez. He's 28 in Feb and has already spoken of retiring at a young age. He's also proven to be a very difficult player to manage and is happy to go home to Argentina when he feels like it. It's one thing us sitting here suggesting big fees for him, but if any of us were chairman of top clubs, would you pay a decent fee for Tevez? The reallity is that we are going to have to let him go for way less than a player of his ability is worth, then draw a line under it and move on.

Yes if i knew i could get 3 seasons out of a top goalscorer who would help guarantee cl footy and high league positions then he will have paid for himself over the course of 3 years.

We have to draw a line somewhere. As a player he is worth 50m easy. Now due to his actions we will suffer financially. I find 25-7mil more than fair.

If it proves nobody will pay this then keep him away from the squad but let him rot and keep fining him all his wages. I can't believe any court would rule in favor of Tevez either regarding retriction of trade should we keep his registration.

If they do then the already small protection a contract provides is all gone and the consiquences of that will be far and wide.

We can not as a matter of priciple let him get away with anymore. I have pride in my club and this wanker has already spat in our face when we gave him everythig he desired (wages,1st team footy).

Sorry op we are getting oftopic here.

So back to who would we swap him for...

Back to PWNSNBM:
Did you actually say he's worth 50m ???!!! In your dreams mate. It sort of spoils the credibility of your whole tome.
He wasn't worth that when we bought him.

Back on Planet Earth - He can't get a place in his National team, has a track record of disruptive behaviour and a wage bill/contract of astronimical proportions that no one can afford. Anything around 25m would be acceptable now, and we'll be lucky to get that.
As I said last summer when we were offered 35m - we should have bitten their hands off!
ANY1aBLUE said:
TCIB said:
bluemiester said:
No one is going to be stupid enough to pay £27 million for Tevez. He's 28 in Feb and has already spoken of retiring at a young age. He's also proven to be a very difficult player to manage and is happy to go home to Argentina when he feels like it. It's one thing us sitting here suggesting big fees for him, but if any of us were chairman of top clubs, would you pay a decent fee for Tevez? The reallity is that we are going to have to let him go for way less than a player of his ability is worth, then draw a line under it and move on.

Yes if i knew i could get 3 seasons out of a top goalscorer who would help guarantee cl footy and high league positions then he will have paid for himself over the course of 3 years.

We have to draw a line somewhere. As a player he is worth 50m easy. Now due to his actions we will suffer financially. I find 25-7mil more than fair.

If it proves nobody will pay this then keep him away from the squad but let him rot and keep fining him all his wages. I can't believe any court would rule in favor of Tevez either regarding retriction of trade should we keep his registration.

If they do then the already small protection a contract provides is all gone and the consiquences of that will be far and wide.

We can not as a matter of priciple let him get away with anymore. I have pride in my club and this wanker has already spat in our face when we gave him everythig he desired (wages,1st team footy).

Sorry op we are getting oftopic here.

So back to who would we swap him for...

Back to PWNSNBM:
Did you actually say he's worth 50m ???!!! In your dreams mate. It sort of spoils the credibility of your whole tome.
He wasn't worth that when we bought him.

Back on Planet Earth - He can't get a place in his National team, has a track record of disruptive behaviour and a wage bill/contract of astronimical proportions that no one can afford. Anything around 25m would be acceptable now, and we'll be lucky to get that.
As I said last summer when we were offered 35m - we should have bitten their hands off!

Before this season started and all the crap came with it 50m was not silly money to ask, not when Carroll was 35 a few months before and Modric was valued at 40.
He was the top scorer over 2 seasons in the toughest league in the world. If we had started at 50 and haggled we would have got 40-45.
He did moan about how much he wanted to go though so that fucked us a bit and then what has happened since has screwed it proper.

No he was not worth that when we bought him, his value increased with us massively though due to his goal scoring exploits. Again his of field antics fucked it.

We both agree now though 25mil would be good business.
TCIB said:
ANY1aBLUE said:
TCIB said:
Yes if i knew i could get 3 seasons out of a top goalscorer who would help guarantee cl footy and high league positions then he will have paid for himself over the course of 3 years.

We have to draw a line somewhere. As a player he is worth 50m easy. Now due to his actions we will suffer financially. I find 25-7mil more than fair.

If it proves nobody will pay this then keep him away from the squad but let him rot and keep fining him all his wages. I can't believe any court would rule in favor of Tevez either regarding retriction of trade should we keep his registration.

If they do then the already small protection a contract provides is all gone and the consiquences of that will be far and wide.

We can not as a matter of priciple let him get away with anymore. I have pride in my club and this wanker has already spat in our face when we gave him everythig he desired (wages,1st team footy).

Sorry op we are getting oftopic here.

So back to who would we swap him for...

Back to PWNSNBM:
Did you actually say he's worth 50m ???!!! In your dreams mate. It sort of spoils the credibility of your whole tome.
He wasn't worth that when we bought him.

Back on Planet Earth - He can't get a place in his National team, has a track record of disruptive behaviour and a wage bill/contract of astronimical proportions that no one can afford. Anything around 25m would be acceptable now, and we'll be lucky to get that.
As I said last summer when we were offered 35m - we should have bitten their hands off!

Before this season started and all the crap came with it 50m was not silly money to ask, not when Carroll was 35 a few months before and Modric was valued at 40.
He was the top scorer over 2 seasons in the toughest league in the world. If we had started at 50 and haggled we would have got 40-45.
He did moan about how much he wanted to go though so that fucked us a bit and then what has happened since has screwed it proper.

No he was not worth that when we bought him, his value increased with us massively though due to his goal scoring exploits. Again his of field antics fucked it.

We both agree now though 25mil would be good business.

Sorry,but 50m was always stupid money to ask. Im not saying Carroll's tranfer fee was any less ridiculous - but he is several years younger and his wages are likely to be less than half that of PWNSNBM.
I don't know how much having the selfish git at our club will have cost us - considerably more than 50m thats for sure. But,yes,anyone offers 25m and they must snap their hands off!
This is Cook's real legacy......................(light blue touch paper and stands well clear!).
Three interesting 3 front pages from this morning leading Italian sports papers.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.football-italia.net/todayspapers/13560" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.football-italia.net/todayspapers/13560</a>
Tez Tosterone said:
Three interesting 3 front pages from this morning leading Italian sports papers.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.football-italia.net/todayspapers/13560" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.football-italia.net/todayspapers/13560</a>

The Dzeko story is absolute bollocks surely, he had a chance to go there and didn't.
>Italian papers

Pick one :)

@ANY1aBLUE oh yeah not now we can forget 50mil now. Like most if we got offered 25mil and gained "good relations" with whoever that will have to do and i would snap said hand of also bud.

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