Take a point on Sunday?

Tricky_Trev said:
No. Our home record is 10-0-0. We are home to 3rd place and 2nd place have a tough away game. It's too good an opportunity to turn down and remain "as you were" or even worse, should the rags beat Arsenal (which they should do).

These next 6 games will decide whether we are going to win the title or not. Look at Spurs' last 8 games - they are piss easy. This is the period of the season where we MUST create a bigger gap, or it will slip away at the end. I honestly wouldn't take a draw.

But if we are 6-0 down with 10 mnutes to go, then yes i'd take it.

We have to win. this is a big mental challenge and we have to get back to our best. No fuck ups and 100% focus.

oh and we will win at the red dippers imo
My God, can't believe any City fan is seriously looking at this game and thinking "I'd take a point". If we win, we'll be 8 points clear of Spuds and potentially (if the Arse do us a favour) 6 points clear of the Rags at the end of Sunday with the same number of games played. How good will that feel?

Huge game and one we have to win I think if we have title ambitions. And there's absolutely no reason at all we can't win this.
Huge game and result. But we are the best team in this league fact. The best team usually win. Gives us a chance to show our strength in depth, and another step towards glory. Come on you blues.
The Fat el Hombre said:
I think most on this thread are severely underestimating just how important Yaya and Vinnie are to our team

Adebayor is there top goalscorer and has the most assists. If the result doesnt go are way we can hardly blame the loss of them two. IMO anyway.
M.C.F.C.O.K said:
The Fat el Hombre said:
I think most on this thread are severely underestimating just how important Yaya and Vinnie are to our team

Adebayor is there top goalscorer and has the most assists. If the result doesnt go are way we can hardly blame the loss of them two. IMO anyway.

I know and with them having King out as usual and Gallas will help, but Yaya and Vinnie are our two most important players IMO. Plus they'll have an experienced striker in Defoe replacing Ade whereas we have an inexperienced kid in Savic replacing Vinnie. Having an inexperienced striker is one thing but having an inexperienced kid at centre half is another altogther. Particularly when the player who dictates your play (Yaya) and is vital in retaining posession and controlling the game thus alleviating pressure on your defence is missing.

Milner and Barry are very good central midfielders but neither of them are Yaya. it was noticeable against Wigan how we were losing posession when trying to play it out from the back and it almost cost us a couple of times. That was against the like of mcarthy and mcarthur, not modric and parker. Usually Yaya will drop deep, pick it up, hold the challenging player/s off or feint and use his skill and move it on. He can do this all day because he's strong, intelligent, skilfull... the dogs bolllocks basically. Unfortunately a lot of City fans don't realise this and just think he's a lazy ****.

I don't know why you're all so confident to be honest after watching us scrape through against bottom of the league the other day. When Vinnie's back we'll be ok and when Yaya's back we can beat anyone again but as of now I'm inclined to agree with kyle walker that we're there for the taking. Hopefully we can outgun them with Sergio and co
The Fat el Hombre said:
M.C.F.C.O.K said:
The Fat el Hombre said:
I think most on this thread are severely underestimating just how important Yaya and Vinnie are to our team

Adebayor is there top goalscorer and has the most assists. If the result doesnt go are way we can hardly blame the loss of them two. IMO anyway.

I know and with them having King out as usual and Gallas will help, but Yaya and Vinnie are our two most important players IMO. Plus they'll have an experienced striker in Defoe replacing Ade whereas we have an inexperienced kid in Savic replacing Vinnie. Having an inexperienced striker is one thing but having an inexperienced kid at centre half is another altogther. Particularly when the player who dictates your play (Yaya) and is vital in retaining posession and controlling the game thus alleviating pressure on your defence is missing.

Milner and Barry are very good central midfielders but neither of them are Yaya. it was noticeable against Wigan how we were losing posession when trying to play it out from the back and it almost cost us a couple of times. That was against the like of mcarthy and mcarthur, not modric and parker. Usually Yaya will drop deep, pick it up, hold the challenging player/s off or feint and use his skill and move it on. He can do this all day because he's strong, intelligent, skilfull... the dogs bolllocks basically. Unfortunately a lot of City fans don't realise this and just think he's a lazy ****.

I don't know why you're all so confident to be honest after watching us scrape through against bottom of the league the other day. When Vinnie's back we'll be ok and when Yaya's back we can beat anyone again but as of now I'm inclined to agree with kyle walker that we're there for the taking. Hopefully we can outgun them with Sergio and co

Understand your points and not trying to make an argument, but two days before we were struggling to beat a team bottom of the league away, Spurs were failing to beat the team in 16th at home.

Yaya and Vinnie are definitely huge misses and I'm sure everyone would have them straight back in the team, but you look at the danger men for Spurs - Bale, Modric, Van der Vaart - they all played in the 1-5 demolition.

Ade is a huge miss for them. What Spurs have lacked for several seasons is a top class centre forward. These are probably famous last words, but the prospect of Defoe starting fears me with no worry whatsoever, he's just not in the same class.

If this was at WHL, I wouldn't be so confident, but at our place this is a huge chance to cement our title credentials.

It won't be easy, but if we're going to win the title we have to change the mentality of the last 20 years and go out there expecting to win this game.

If we don't win the title this year, I honestly don't think we'll have a better chance again for many seasons to come. This is the game to show we have the players and the mental strength necessary to win it.

Obviously, we could play crap and they could beat us, but I need to believe! I only hope Bobby and the players believe it as well :)
Royaloak said:
ANY1aBLUE said:
Royaloak said:
Fuck no. Don’t believe all of the media hype and the piss take comments from BaconFace about Spurs. They’ve beaten the ‘cannon fodder’ teams and there’s no doubting they’ve had a decent first half to the season. However, we are a different class, we’re playing at home and a win is fully expected - a draw is no disaster, but we should expect to win.

No, we are not a 'different class' - quit the arrogance please, thats what we criticise the other's for, and I for one dont want some egg on me face.................

We are - we’ve been the stand out team of the season so far and as opposed to Spurs, who have 2 players (Bale and Modric) who can do it at the very highest level, we fortunately have several. Apart from Bale, would you swap any of our players. position for position, for one of theirs? Incidentally, quit the patronising tone please, it makes you sound like a prick.

Ah,bless........................did the nasty man have a go at you? Grow up.
Apart from: Bale & Modric - i'd have Sandro instead of NDJ and I'd find a place for Van de Vart too instead of Nasri...............enough said? (in a patronising tone). And,before any more playground crap - Im not a 'rag'...................

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