Taking defeat on the chin

Plain Speaking said:
If there's a team we were going to lose a final to, I'm probably happiest to lose to Wigan. This was probably going to be their only FA cup final in history.
I like their managers attitude and I like the way they play football. On the day they deserved it.
After our poor performances since we beat United and Chelsea, its not that suprising; although I hoped we might find our mojo again.
No tempo to our game. Mancini seems to have lost his passion.

Our fans behaved very well, staying to applaud them getting the trophy.

We will be back, stronger in the future!

Exactly how I feel, couldn't have put it better myself dude!
You come out feeling like shit because you have tossed away a great chance of more silverware.

You have a few beers, you acknowledge wigans performance and Martinez tactical ability and put it to bed.

You then watch Watford v Leicester and realise what a shit day those Leicester fans had today! That was painful for them. We will be back, Mancini or no Mancini.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
I thought our support was pretty subdued yesterday, both at the Green Man, on the roundabout and at the game for most of the match, but after the final whistle our fans were very gracious in the main, which is especially commendable given the late timing of the winning goal. There were a few post-pubescent dicks who were having trouble handling their WKD, but that's not entirely unexpected.

After the game, outside the stadium I saw plenty of blues shaking pie-eaters by the hand, the same on the train home.

I've read one or two comments on other threads about our fans being a disgrace yesterday, or that we've changed as supporters. I saw little evidence of that yesterday, especially after the final whistle.

Well done to Wigan and their supporters. A disappointing day for City and their fans, but there's much more to football than winning, otherwise we wouldn't have stuck with our club when that was an all too infrequent occurrence. That's something that shouldn't be forgotten against the backdrop of all the gnashing and wailing on here today.

Amen brother.

Everything was exactly as you say - just flat. It's was only when the Rag texts started to ping on my phone that it dawned on me that we'd actually royally fucked up an opportunity to claim some more silverwear.

I don't think I met one Blue who begrudged Wigan their win, which defines us as supporters and separates us from the glory-glory boys. Staying to applaud them lifting the cup was class and that is what I'll take away from the weekend, not the apparent drunken riots which I seem to have missed..

We will be back, loud and prouder than ever.

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