Talksport now (continued)

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Pigeonho said:
strongbowholic said:
The thing is though raghunter, Blues generally do ignore them. Take the other day when Durham and Gough were laying to City and Arsenal for exiting the Champs League? It was a Liverpool fan who rang in to defend us.

The reason I listen, and hopefully this is the same for others, is the sheer comedic value of it all. Honestly, I love listening to it as I cannot help but piss my sides at the inaccuracies and half truths they peddle as fact, particularly about us.

We know the truth. We know what is going to happen in the not too distant future. So do they and that makes their bitterness so saccharinly sweet to the rest of us.
It's not particularly about us though, is it? I would imagine anyone who is a gooner and who is offended by such drivel is topping the 'talksport kill list', what with 'the daily arsenal' supposedly portraying them to be a joke of a club. Thing is though anyone with half a brain can see it is just a wind up, and unfortunately there doesn't seem to be many intelligent Arsenal fans, as it is they who phone up the show the most to woman to Durham. It is entirely what you make of it, the whole station schedule, barring H&J I would say, as they don't discuss topics to prompt people to phone in, most likely as they don't want their name put on things that aren't factual or of a discussion that is for normal-minded people. The breakfast show is just bollocks, we all know that. 10AM slot I never bother with since Keys & Grey left. H&J is what i've just said and the 2 after that are simply wind-up shows, drivetime especially. It's aimed at all clubs who are in the limelight at any given time, the last 2 weeks of which has been complete piss takes of United, both on air and online in particular.
People like Raghunter57 are what talksport thrive towards aiming their nonsense at.

I think the reason the morning and evening shows are set up to wind people up is because their slot times are competing with other popular radio slots whether is be on Radio 1 or Galaxy, Key 103 etc.

ps. stop trying to wind Raghunter57 up again Pidge :)
chris85mcfc said:
Pigeonho said:
strongbowholic said:
The thing is though raghunter, Blues generally do ignore them. Take the other day when Durham and Gough were laying to City and Arsenal for exiting the Champs League? It was a Liverpool fan who rang in to defend us.

The reason I listen, and hopefully this is the same for others, is the sheer comedic value of it all. Honestly, I love listening to it as I cannot help but piss my sides at the inaccuracies and half truths they peddle as fact, particularly about us.

We know the truth. We know what is going to happen in the not too distant future. So do they and that makes their bitterness so saccharinly sweet to the rest of us.
It's not particularly about us though, is it? I would imagine anyone who is a gooner and who is offended by such drivel is topping the 'talksport kill list', what with 'the daily arsenal' supposedly portraying them to be a joke of a club. Thing is though anyone with half a brain can see it is just a wind up, and unfortunately there doesn't seem to be many intelligent Arsenal fans, as it is they who phone up the show the most to woman to Durham. It is entirely what you make of it, the whole station schedule, barring H&J I would say, as they don't discuss topics to prompt people to phone in, most likely as they don't want their name put on things that aren't factual or of a discussion that is for normal-minded people. The breakfast show is just bollocks, we all know that. 10AM slot I never bother with since Keys & Grey left. H&J is what i've just said and the 2 after that are simply wind-up shows, drivetime especially. It's aimed at all clubs who are in the limelight at any given time, the last 2 weeks of which has been complete piss takes of United, both on air and online in particular.
People like Raghunter57 are what talksport thrive towards aiming their nonsense at.

I think the reason the morning and evening shows are set up to wind people up is because their slot times are competing with other popular radio slots whether is be on Radio 1 or Galaxy, Key 103 etc.

ps. stop trying to wind Raghunter57 up again Pidge :)
Hey, that's life in the big city i'm afraid!
Pigeonho said:
strongbowholic said:
The thing is though raghunter, Blues generally do ignore them. Take the other day when Durham and Gough were laying to City and Arsenal for exiting the Champs League? It was a Liverpool fan who rang in to defend us.

The reason I listen, and hopefully this is the same for others, is the sheer comedic value of it all. Honestly, I love listening to it as I cannot help but piss my sides at the inaccuracies and half truths they peddle as fact, particularly about us.

We know the truth. We know what is going to happen in the not too distant future. So do they and that makes their bitterness so saccharinly sweet to the rest of us.
It's not particularly about us though, is it? I would imagine anyone who is a gooner and who is offended by such drivel is topping the 'talksport kill list', what with 'the daily arsenal' supposedly portraying them to be a joke of a club. Thing is though anyone with half a brain can see it is just a wind up, and unfortunately there doesn't seem to be many intelligent Arsenal fans, as it is they who phone up the show the most to woman to Durham. It is entirely what you make of it, the whole station schedule, barring H&J I would say, as they don't discuss topics to prompt people to phone in, most likely as they don't want their name put on things that aren't factual or of a discussion that is for normal-minded people. The breakfast show is just bollocks, we all know that. 10AM slot I never bother with since Keys & Grey left. H&J is what i've just said and the 2 after that are simply wind-up shows, drivetime especially. It's aimed at all clubs who are in the limelight at any given time, the last 2 weeks of which has been complete piss takes of United, both on air and online in particular.
People like Raghunter57 are what talksport thrive towards aiming their nonsense at.
Sorry pige, I should have been clearer in the "particularly about us" bit. Didn't mean it is particularly about us; I was drawing attention to the inaccuracies about us "spent a billion" etc as being indicative of how stupid a lot of the crap they spout is (if that makes sense).
strongbowholic said:
Pigeonho said:
strongbowholic said:
The thing is though raghunter, Blues generally do ignore them. Take the other day when Durham and Gough were laying to City and Arsenal for exiting the Champs League? It was a Liverpool fan who rang in to defend us.

The reason I listen, and hopefully this is the same for others, is the sheer comedic value of it all. Honestly, I love listening to it as I cannot help but piss my sides at the inaccuracies and half truths they peddle as fact, particularly about us.

We know the truth. We know what is going to happen in the not too distant future. So do they and that makes their bitterness so saccharinly sweet to the rest of us.
It's not particularly about us though, is it? I would imagine anyone who is a gooner and who is offended by such drivel is topping the 'talksport kill list', what with 'the daily arsenal' supposedly portraying them to be a joke of a club. Thing is though anyone with half a brain can see it is just a wind up, and unfortunately there doesn't seem to be many intelligent Arsenal fans, as it is they who phone up the show the most to woman to Durham. It is entirely what you make of it, the whole station schedule, barring H&J I would say, as they don't discuss topics to prompt people to phone in, most likely as they don't want their name put on things that aren't factual or of a discussion that is for normal-minded people. The breakfast show is just bollocks, we all know that. 10AM slot I never bother with since Keys & Grey left. H&J is what i've just said and the 2 after that are simply wind-up shows, drivetime especially. It's aimed at all clubs who are in the limelight at any given time, the last 2 weeks of which has been complete piss takes of United, both on air and online in particular.
People like Raghunter57 are what talksport thrive towards aiming their nonsense at.
Sorry pige, I should have been clearer in the "particularly about us" bit. Didn't mean it is particularly about us; I was drawing attention to the inaccuracies about us "spent a billion" etc as being indicative of how stupid a lot of the crap they spout is (if that makes sense).
Course, but that's just a lazy generalization in a tongue in cheek manner. True inaccuracies are the piece in the MEN the other week, the infamous circled seats, but that was dealt with appropriately by all accounts.
strongbowholic said:
Pigeonho said:
strongbowholic said:
The thing is though raghunter, Blues generally do ignore them. Take the other day when Durham and Gough were laying to City and Arsenal for exiting the Champs League? It was a Liverpool fan who rang in to defend us.

The reason I listen, and hopefully this is the same for others, is the sheer comedic value of it all. Honestly, I love listening to it as I cannot help but piss my sides at the inaccuracies and half truths they peddle as fact, particularly about us.

We know the truth. We know what is going to happen in the not too distant future. So do they and that makes their bitterness so saccharinly sweet to the rest of us.
It's not particularly about us though, is it? I would imagine anyone who is a gooner and who is offended by such drivel is topping the 'talksport kill list', what with 'the daily arsenal' supposedly portraying them to be a joke of a club. Thing is though anyone with half a brain can see it is just a wind up, and unfortunately there doesn't seem to be many intelligent Arsenal fans, as it is they who phone up the show the most to woman to Durham. It is entirely what you make of it, the whole station schedule, barring H&J I would say, as they don't discuss topics to prompt people to phone in, most likely as they don't want their name put on things that aren't factual or of a discussion that is for normal-minded people. The breakfast show is just bollocks, we all know that. 10AM slot I never bother with since Keys & Grey left. H&J is what i've just said and the 2 after that are simply wind-up shows, drivetime especially. It's aimed at all clubs who are in the limelight at any given time, the last 2 weeks of which has been complete piss takes of United, both on air and online in particular.
People like Raghunter57 are what talksport thrive towards aiming their nonsense at.
Sorry pige, I should have been clearer in the "particularly about us" bit. Didn't mean it is particularly about us; I was drawing attention to the inaccuracies about us "spent a billion" etc as being indicative of how stupid a lot of the crap they spout is (if that makes sense).

Whenever I hear from rags stuff like the ' well you've spent a billion' I just ask them where did they hear that?'.......

...... usual reply 'I read it in the sun/I heard it on talksport' then I just smile and say OK.
Pigeonho said:
strongbowholic said:
Pigeonho said:
It's not particularly about us though, is it? I would imagine anyone who is a gooner and who is offended by such drivel is topping the 'talksport kill list', what with 'the daily arsenal' supposedly portraying them to be a joke of a club. Thing is though anyone with half a brain can see it is just a wind up, and unfortunately there doesn't seem to be many intelligent Arsenal fans, as it is they who phone up the show the most to woman to Durham. It is entirely what you make of it, the whole station schedule, barring H&J I would say, as they don't discuss topics to prompt people to phone in, most likely as they don't want their name put on things that aren't factual or of a discussion that is for normal-minded people. The breakfast show is just bollocks, we all know that. 10AM slot I never bother with since Keys & Grey left. H&J is what i've just said and the 2 after that are simply wind-up shows, drivetime especially. It's aimed at all clubs who are in the limelight at any given time, the last 2 weeks of which has been complete piss takes of United, both on air and online in particular.
People like Raghunter57 are what talksport thrive towards aiming their nonsense at.
Sorry pige, I should have been clearer in the "particularly about us" bit. Didn't mean it is particularly about us; I was drawing attention to the inaccuracies about us "spent a billion" etc as being indicative of how stupid a lot of the crap they spout is (if that makes sense).
Course, but that's just a lazy generalization in a tongue in cheek manner. True inaccuracies are the piece in the MEN the other week, the infamous circled seats, but that was dealt with appropriately by all accounts.
Of course it is, but it becomes the de facto position for many as I've heard it repeated elsewhere in the media, by other teams' managers and by other fans. Don't get me wrong, not being precious about it, it is what it is and I do laugh it off.

Another example of the inaccuracies and half truths - TS reporting Joe Hart on his way out of the club. This report is based on a previous piece of tittle-tattle that we might be in for Valdes. 2+2 = 596.

Again, not being precious about it as I genuinely do laugh it off in the same way I laugh off the Daily Arsenal and "wee Davey will get it right".
Brazil this morning kept referring to Utd as "we". Said it about 5 times between 7.30am-8.00am this morning thus finally dispelling any doubts anyone may have as to who he supports. Also about 7.40 this morning they had a rag on who kept saying that "Jones and FERGUSON where immense at the back" for the rags last night. Are they really that desparate to now having to resort to playing piss can at the back.
richardtheref said:
Brazil this morning kept referring to Utd as "we". Said it about 5 times between 7.30am-8.00am this morning thus finally dispelling any doubts anyone may have as to who he supports. Also about 7.40 this morning they had a rag on who kept saying that "Jones and FERGUSON where immense at the back" for the rags last night. Are they really that desparate to now having to resort to playing piss can at the back.
Brazil says 'we' about Ipswich and more precisely, Celtic. He's a declared Celtic fan and probably uses 'we' when referring to teams he has played for. He has probably said it about Spurs.
Brazil mentioned 'Scottish oil' this morning, before realising where his income is generated, and correcting himself with 'North Sea oil'.

Let's hope they gain their independence, and the moron can then go and find a job north of the border.
Don't know who the bloke was doin the papers with brazil this mornin but he ripped em to bits sayin he was happy with last nites result cos it kept davey in the job and he's givin pleasure to millions watchin em struggle.he also said that every time jones goes in for a tackle he looks like he's been fired from a cannon, don't think he will be invited back any time soon
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