Talksport now

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Don't worry about all the big bookmakers suspending betting - as we all know , these companies operate as a cartel , much the same as supermarkets do with petrol prices - and much the same as the tabloid press do about pretty much everything .
There is a degree of market protectionism in their stance , that is , none of them have the guts to stick their heads above the parapet and be even slightly different from their competitors especially when they all have the same target in their sights.
I don't know how to do that picture thing , but the dominoes thing is spot on!
Eccles Blue said:
The perfect fumble said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Happened to Catch Durham on the way home.

Jesus. Talksport really want us to get beat.....

You're so right, they are doing everything they can, short of carpet bombing the team hotel.

At lunchtime today they even said Manchester ****** v Wigan!!! And never even apologised.

The woman beater just said that as well. Brilliant.
Bodicoteblue said:
Don't worry about all the big bookmakers suspending betting - as we all know , these companies operate as a cartel , much the same as supermarkets do with petrol prices - and much the same as the tabloid press do about pretty much everything .
There is a degree of market protectionism in their stance , that is , none of them have the guts to stick their heads above the parapet and be even slightly different from their competitors especially when they all have the same target in their sights.
I don't know how to do that picture thing , but the dominoes thing is spot on!
I dont know mate, the bookies dont often get it wrong. Not that wrong anyway. Looks like a done deal to me.
What odds would you have got last Monday about baconface retiring ?
They don't know everything and when they don't , they play the percentage game about these things because in the great scheme of things they have all ends of the market covered, and use their market rigging power to ensure ultimate profit.
Mike N said:
Eccles Blue said:
The perfect fumble said:
You're so right, they are doing everything they can, short of carpet bombing the team hotel.

At lunchtime today they even said Manchester ****** v Wigan!!! And never even apologised.

The woman beater just said that as well. Brilliant.

This is sooo gratifying (and sad !)

There we have it.. 2 talksport presenters who just now and again stuck up for us are now acting like the runners for the school bully

Get some backbone ffs

I won't insult kelly's intelligence by reminiding him that Pellligrini to us has been a live topic on the City boards for weeks...

no mention on talkshite at all until (queue fairybells music) it's suddenly an odds on story the night before our FA Cup final...

Do you actually think that we are 8 year olds ??

SLy (oops , sorry, talkshite) are writhing at the end of Slur Alky's regime and the potential damage to their global brand

Suddenly Gollum is the new Harry Potter (or should that be potless)

Trouble is that, as they all know in their heart of heart, tick-tock is tick-tocking

Utd's debt still crippling and new CEO appointed to bring in austerity ? Check

most successful manager in all english football history gone from Rags? Check

rag dominance in the derby (even at the Swamp) finished? check

City now contenders and trophy winners ? Check

City now established CL team (a 'joke' according to Talkshite just a couple of year ago)? Check

City owners serious players ? Check

Glaziers serious owners..... errr...

Let the rumour-mongering continue

looking forward to tomorrow !!!
Warming to Keys and Gray, they have just ripped into a journo called Calvin who wanted to just slag off Mancini non stop, alright a bit has come out about Mancinis arrogance in the last few days but this guy wouldnt shut up.
Gray said im not having this, you dont win trophies and come second this year if you have nothing about you and Keys disagreed with everything he said just kept putting him in his place, well done you two
blue underpants said:
Warming to Keys and Gray, they have just ripped into a journo called Calvin who wanted to just slag off Mancini non stop, alright a bit has come out about Mancinis arrogance in the last few days but this guy wouldnt shut up.
Gray said im not having this, you dont win trophies and come second this year if you have nothing about you and Keys disagreed with everything he said just kept putting him in his place, well done you two

Keys & Gray are by some considerable distance the best broadcasters on talkSHITE bar none!
They are fair, objective, realisitic and don't just look for the controversial or contentious angles just for the sake of it. They also have some excellent guests who they allow to speak, talk, explain and discuss things.
They won't last!
I have a set approach to Adrian Durham. If I like him having a pop at something I listen. If not I switch off. Drive you nuts otherwise.
john@staustell said:
I have a set approach to Adrian Durham. If I like him having a pop at something I listen. If not I switch off. Drive you nuts otherwise.
He is really good at the windup stuff and its what he is paid to do
He actually has a lot of time for City as his best mate is a City fan and he lived in Manchester at some point
That segment on Keys & Gray with Michael Calvin was very good. As has been posted already they didn't let him get away with too much however Calvin very interestingly spoke about our PR dept.

He felt they weren't approachable, but then couched that by saying he felt they were more open to local journos and Manchester not being his patch - all fair enough. Then he went on to say how the PR Dept have gone into overdrive smearing Mancini.

He said it's funny how City had turned what they used to see as Mancini's strengths into Mancini's weaknesses and the reason he had to go.
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