Talksport now

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bellbuzzer said:
TGR said:
blue underpants said:
Warming to Keys and Gray, they have just ripped into a journo called Calvin who wanted to just slag off Mancini non stop, alright a bit has come out about Mancinis arrogance in the last few days but this guy wouldnt shut up.
Gray said im not having this, you dont win trophies and come second this year if you have nothing about you and Keys disagreed with everything he said just kept putting him in his place, well done you two

Keys & Gray are by some considerable distance the best broadcasters on talkSHITE bar none!
They are fair, objective, realisitic and don't just look for the controversial or contentious angles just for the sake of it. They also have some excellent guests who they allow to speak, talk, explain and discuss things.
They won't last!

despite my personal dislike for them, and it goes back a long way, they have produced some blockbuster interviews, the "justice" campaign probably the most dramatic and effective. I think they have found their natural place in the world of broadcasting, 3 hrs on a daily radio show. I agree with the above post whole-heartedly

Add me to this list, the best show on radio by far.

Really enjoyed their show which featured the assistant ref Glenn Turner from the G Poll three yellow cards debacle at the world cup.

Bit of a synopsis here, unfortunately the link to the show doesn't work anymore
Did anyone hear Glenn Turner on Talksport earlier? Very interesting insight into the current state of refereeing under Mike Riley. He suggested that officials were refereeing in a state of fear, careers were being affected by excessive punishment for incorrect decisions, complaints about the refereeing organisation made by officials were being investigated by members of that organisation, and that officials were generally disgruntled and bemoaned the fact they didn't have the freedom to speak to the media following contentious decisions, etc. (He said a number of current officials had spoken to him when he said he was going to voice concerns and that they called from private numbers, seemingly because they were worried about using their PGMO laptop/phone in case they were traced or they were being monitored.

He also mentioned the incident at the 2006 World Cup with Graham Poll showing 3 yellow cards to the same player - Poll has since suggested he was initially disappointed by the assistants' failure to help him. Glenn Turner said Poll specifically told him and the other assistant that they were to concentrate completely on the game and not note down incidents as Poll had never made a mistake with paperwork in 20 years and wasn't about to start that night! Poll was also told by Mark Viduka (heard over the mic's) that the Croatia player had been cautioned twice - Poll told Viduka to get on with his job and Poll would get on with his!

Very strong stuff but a lot of interesting - and in my opinion - valid points about refereeing. I felt Turner came across very well and as a passionate football fan. Mike Riley needs to respond to some of these criticisms but no doubt he won't - no transparency with the public!

The interview is here from 12.00 if anyone is interested in hearing it back - <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
moomba said:
strongbowholic said:
Then he went on to say how the PR Dept have gone into overdrive smearing Mancini.

Heard that hinted at a few times now.

What a shame if it is the case.

I think, in a way, we need to. I don't want it to get messy, and unnecessary things being said. BUT, it almost has to be done, to an extent, to keep the fans on side with the new manager. Mancini was so popular, that it will be easy for some fans to get on Pellegrini's back straight away. If Mancini is painted as somewhat of a villain, then it might be a necessary evil.

Unfortunate, though.
dancity19 said:
moomba said:

Heard that hinted at a few times now.

What a shame if it is the case.

I think, in a way, we need to. I don't want it to get messy, and unnecessary things being said. BUT, it almost has to be done, to an extent, to keep the fans on side with the new manager. Mancini was so popular, that it will be easy for some fans to get on Pellegrini's back straight away. If Mancini is painted as somewhat of a villain, then it might be a necessary evil.

Unfortunate, though.

It is unfortunate. I'd like to think we've got more class about us than that.
moomba said:
dancity19 said:
moomba said:
Heard that hinted at a few times now.

What a shame if it is the case.

I think, in a way, we need to. I don't want it to get messy, and unnecessary things being said. BUT, it almost has to be done, to an extent, to keep the fans on side with the new manager. Mancini was so popular, that it will be easy for some fans to get on Pellegrini's back straight away. If Mancini is painted as somewhat of a villain, then it might be a necessary evil.

Unfortunate, though.

It is unfortunate. I'd like to think we've got more class about us than that.

It is a real shame. One of our most successful manager, and popular manager has gone- so the club need to manage that somehow.

Their needs to be a balance struck between completely dirtying his reputation, and showing the fans that it was best for the club to get rid.

Obviously players have been told to shut up (no-one has said anything on twitter, either way).

Ultimately we have no idea what went on behind the scenes.

On the flip side, he was more than happy to have a go at the clubs hierarchy on several occasions- Marwood, Kloss, and players.

It is a shame, and I hope his reputation isn't completely muddied, but the club need to show the fans it was the right move.
ElanJo said:

Good listen, well worth the 12 mins. In fact I'd go as far as to say crucial listening for any Blue. Thanks ElanJo

you don't hear anyone say ''how good is Pep Guardiolas German''
dancity19 said:
moomba said:

Heard that hinted at a few times now.

What a shame if it is the case.

I think, in a way, we need to. I don't want it to get messy, and unnecessary things being said. BUT, it almost has to be done, to an extent, to keep the fans on side with the new manager. Mancini was so popular, that it will be easy for some fans to get on Pellegrini's back straight away. If Mancini is painted as somewhat of a villain, then it might be a necessary evil.

Unfortunate, though.

I know where you are coming from but if that is the case then its completely & totally wrong and it is infact immoral.
If the owners of any business wish to sack any enployee for whatever reason that is their perogative and they have the right to do so as long the law is not broken and pre agreed and signed contracts are paid up in full
However, to sully, tarnish & blacken the name of the employee with lies and untruths just because it suits your future purpose is 100% wrong.

The PR department of any business should concentrate on promoting and 'bigging up' the new guy and not simply trashing the old guy.
The need to do so is full, complete and total admission that you have seriously miss judged the situation, allowed things to spiral out of control handled it extremely poorly and have manged to get things very badly wrong with your paying customers.
I need say no more....
dancity19 said:
moomba said:
dancity19 said:
I think, in a way, we need to. I don't want it to get messy, and unnecessary things being said. BUT, it almost has to be done, to an extent, to keep the fans on side with the new manager. Mancini was so popular, that it will be easy for some fans to get on Pellegrini's back straight away. If Mancini is painted as somewhat of a villain, then it might be a necessary evil.

Unfortunate, though.

It is unfortunate. I'd like to think we've got more class about us than that.

It is a real shame. One of our most successful manager, and popular manager has gone- so the club need to manage that somehow.

Their needs to be a balance struck between completely dirtying his reputation, and showing the fans that it was best for the club to get rid.

Obviously players have been told to shut up (no-one has said anything on twitter, either way).

Ultimately we have no idea what went on behind the scenes.

On the flip side, he was more than happy to have a go at the clubs hierarchy on several occasions- Marwood, Kloss, and players.

It is a shame, and I hope his reputation isn't completely muddied, but the club need to show the fans it was the right move.

Correct Dan.

And I bet a certain Mrs Kloss took great fucking pleasure leaking some of her nuggets to Ladyman and the like. Revenge is sweet and all that. I noticed he went to print that one of the players texted him saying "Can we put the champagne on ice".

The truth is coming out but let's hope it doesn't get too messy.
Didsbury Dave said:
dancity19 said:
moomba said:
It is unfortunate. I'd like to think we've got more class about us than that.

It is a real shame. One of our most successful manager, and popular manager has gone- so the club need to manage that somehow.

Their needs to be a balance struck between completely dirtying his reputation, and showing the fans that it was best for the club to get rid.

Obviously players have been told to shut up (no-one has said anything on twitter, either way).

Ultimately we have no idea what went on behind the scenes.

On the flip side, he was more than happy to have a go at the clubs hierarchy on several occasions- Marwood, Kloss, and players.

It is a shame, and I hope his reputation isn't completely muddied, but the club need to show the fans it was the right move.

Correct Dan.

And I bet a certain Mrs Kloss took great fucking pleasure leaking some of her nuggets to Ladyman and the like. Revenge is sweet and all that. I noticed he went to print that one of the players texted him saying "Can we put the champagne on ice".

The truth is coming out but let's hope it doesn't get too messy.

Be careful. Very careful. 'Dark Forces' are at work.....
Never used to like keys and gray on the tv but a few times they have come out and defended city. Remember the the academy system was being slagged off keys put this journalist in his place saying city had always produced players. Later on he read out the stats of how many ex academy players were now making a decent career at other clubs and it was quite favourable. A journalist who actually did some research.
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