teenage scum attack cyclist in town

Never Mind The Pollocks said:
StrangewaysHereWeCome said:
Not sure if it's been mentioned yet but AG is a lady. A whale harpooning pint swilling,snow braving,tree felling ldy, but still a lady

Irrelevant though don't you think mate?
TBF yes. I quoted the wrong post .. The one I should've quoted was the one telling her to go have a wank.
This one.
blue underpants said:
another generation said:
Out of pure curiousity, I clicked on the link. Seemed like a normal news article about a fairly alarming incident, right until I read: 'the teenagers, who were all Asian'. Was it really deemed necessary to include these words? Talk about pouring petrol on to a fire. I've just sent an e-mail to the news editor, asking that the racial description be removed from the article. I won't be holding my breath.
Really, come on now, you have just wasted 5 mins of your life on this precious earth e-mailing a newspaper you must be a real wet behind the ears liberal bufoon to do that
Just imagine what you could have done instead, you could have had a fast and furious wank over a picture of Nelson the terrorist Mandela or even Jeremy Thorpe or Arafat, you could have even threw a couple of darts at a picture of that nasty right wing bogey man Ronald Reagan or had a massive shit and use strips of that decadent newspaper the Daily Telegraph to wipe your bottom with.
The permatations are endless but firing off e-mails over a bicycle attack is absurd, why dont you organise a sit down protest on the road where it happened you leftys like doing that as it disrupts normal people going about their lawful business
StrangewaysHereWeCome said:
Never Mind The Pollocks said:
StrangewaysHereWeCome said:
Not sure if it's been mentioned yet but AG is a lady. A whale harpooning pint swilling,snow braving,tree felling ldy, but still a lady

Irrelevant though don't you think mate?
TBF yes. I quoted the wrong post .. The one I should've quoted was the one telling her to go have a wank.
This one.
blue underpants said:
another generation said:
Out of pure curiousity, I clicked on the link. Seemed like a normal news article about a fairly alarming incident, right until I read: 'the teenagers, who were all Asian'. Was it really deemed necessary to include these words? Talk about pouring petrol on to a fire. I've just sent an e-mail to the news editor, asking that the racial description be removed from the article. I won't be holding my breath.
Really, come on now, you have just wasted 5 mins of your life on this precious earth e-mailing a newspaper you must be a real wet behind the ears liberal bufoon to do that
Just imagine what you could have done instead, you could have had a fast and furious wank over a picture of Nelson the terrorist Mandela or even Jeremy Thorpe or Arafat, you could have even threw a couple of darts at a picture of that nasty right wing bogey man Ronald Reagan or had a massive shit and use strips of that decadent newspaper the Daily Telegraph to wipe your bottom with.
The permatations are endless but firing off e-mails over a bicycle attack is absurd, why dont you organise a sit down protest on the road where it happened you leftys like doing that as it disrupts normal people going about their lawful business

Ohhh haha, that makes sense :)
stonie said:
I think it has been reported correctly, the attackers are obviously if asian descent ( and I don't care what anyone says, if someone is described as asian I would imagination 99.9 percent of the UK population will picture people if Pakistani/Indian or Bangladesh type looks so what's the issue there) its my view that if the cyclist was of the same ethnic type then this attack would not of happened, this is my view and i stand by this and I care little for what any limp wristed liberal doo gooders say...
That's because maybe the cyclist, if he was of the same race, wouldn't have called them something racial. You see you don't know that the cyclist didn't do that. He could have been some clever **** who saw 4 asian kids, slag them off racially but then couldn't get away fast enough. Out of the 5 people involved, if that was the case, only one of them would be actually racist. You don't know what happened. All you know is 4 kids gave a beating to a person on a bike, and that's all you know. Based on what i've seen since last week, it really isn't that inconceivable that a white cyclist would say something racial towards some kids of a different race.
another generation said:
Out of pure curiousity, I clicked on the link. Seemed like a normal news article about a fairly alarming incident, right until I read: 'the teenagers, who were all Asian'. Was it really deemed necessary to include these words? Talk about pouring petrol on to a fire. I've just sent an e-mail to the news editor, asking that the racial description be removed from the article. I won't be holding my breath.

Oh ffs.
Yes mainly because they were!
Pigeonho said:
stonie said:
I think it has been reported correctly, the attackers are obviously if asian descent ( and I don't care what anyone says, if someone is described as asian I would imagination 99.9 percent of the UK population will picture people if Pakistani/Indian or Bangladesh type looks so what's the issue there) its my view that if the cyclist was of the same ethnic type then this attack would not of happened, this is my view and i stand by this and I care little for what any limp wristed liberal doo gooders say...
That's because maybe the cyclist, if he was of the same race, wouldn't have called them something racial. You see you don't know that the cyclist didn't do that. He could have been some clever **** who saw 4 asian kids, slag them off racially but then couldn't get away fast enough. Out of the 5 people involved, if that was the case, only one of them would be actually racist. You don't know what happened. All you know is 4 kids gave a beating to a person on a bike, and that's all you know. Based on what i've seen since last week, it really isn't that inconceivable that a white cyclist would say something racial towards some kids of a different race.

It may not even be that mate, their reasoning is not deductive, let's put it that way.

I think they have some sort of defense mechanism brought about by what they believe is unfair treatment of white people in this country. The number of people who are coming out saying "if it was white people beating up an Asian it would be treated as racist" is worrying. It basically means that they are questioning 1) whether all racist attacks or genuine and/or 2) whether anti-white racism is being underreported, or downplayed.

I don't know what causes someone to immediately jump to this conclusion, I'd imagine that they want to proliferate a particular view point. Or have genuine grievances that no one has spoken to them about.

But the flippant reaction that many, at least on this board, seemingly have towards racism is scary. I can't imagine they have ever been on the receiving end of racist abuse, and probably don't know how damaging it can be.

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