Tevez finally apologises

These are just words, self serving words. Tevez has no remorse whatsoever, he doesn't feel the need to apologise, he isn't sorry for whats happened, he believes this is, if not completely then at least mostly, Mancini's fault. The press release apology has clearly been crafted by Tevez's lawyers/advisers rather than the man himself and was the necessary next step given his inability to manufacture a move in January. Tevez can now claim to have returned to England, made himself available to play, apologised for his actions and withdrawn his appeal against his gross misconduct charge. This puts the ball back squarely in Mancini's/City's court, if we continue to sideline/marginalise Tevez he will be looking to claw himself onto the moral high ground, after all, he's apologised, he's accepted the blame, to continue to punich him would be churlish, right?
I'm amazed how many people on this thread expected Tevez's apology to have come from him!
All the players at any team who had to release ANY statement, would have it checked by their legal team as to make sure they didn't shoot them selves in the foot.
Do you really think Rooney wrote his statement last year, can you imagine how many "erms" and "you knows" would be in it!
So i'm certain an illiterate footballer from overseas would have it written by an expert from his team.

On to the apology, i couldn't care less if never played for us again, but if Mancini and the players can live with it then so can i. I don't think he'll play again unless we were desperate anyway.

And for those saying they'd rather win the league than him having any part of it he already has, plus his behavour probably galvanised the team earlier in the season anyway, so you need to get a fucking grip!!!

I don't want to see that lot down the road win a fucking thing ever, never mind beating us into second.
We will win it without him anyway. I want to win the Prem as much as the next person. His 'apology' has wound me up more. Maybe my last statement was said in anger, I wish to apologise sincerely and unreservedly to everybody I have let down and to whom my statement may have caused offence. My wish is to concentrate on supporting Manchester City Football Club.
This person has disresected our club over and over again. That said I will support any player who wears our shirt.
moomba said:
Dubai Blue said:
Make no mistake about it, Tevez is an absolute **** but anyone declaring that they'd rather lose the title without him than win it with him needs to take a very long look at their priorities as a MANCHESTER CITY supporter.

For me it's not that, I'm just not sure that Tevez in is a guarantee of us winning the title, or Tevez out is a guarantee of us not winning.

A decision I'm happy for someone else to make, cause I can see it going tits up.
Of course there are no guarantees. We could win the league with or without Tevez, or we could lose the league with or without Tevez. But to say you'd rather lose without him than win with him, as the poster I quoted did, is ridiculous.
Matty said:
These are just words, self serving words. Tevez has no remorse whatsoever, he doesn't feel the need to apologise, he isn't sorry for whats happened, he believes this is, if not completely then at least mostly, Mancini's fault. The press release apology has clearly been crafted by Tevez's lawyers/advisers rather than the man himself and was the necessary next step given his inability to manufacture a move in January. Tevez can now claim to have returned to England, made himself available to play, apologised for his actions and withdrawn his appeal against his gross misconduct charge. This puts the ball back squarely in Mancini's/City's court, if we continue to sideline/marginalise Tevez he will be looking to claw himself onto the moral high ground, after all, he's apologised, he's accepted the blame, to continue to punich him would be churlish, right?

Yes it would.
Can i just say i cant believe what some people are writing in here you are not a city fan if in any sentance at all you are writing i would rather not win the league any sentance
moomba said:
Dubai Blue said:
Make no mistake about it, Tevez is an absolute **** but anyone declaring that they'd rather lose the title without him than win it with him needs to take a very long look at their priorities as a MANCHESTER CITY supporter.

For me it's not that, I'm just not sure that Tevez in is a guarantee of us winning the title, or Tevez out is a guarantee of us not winning.

A decision I'm happy for someone else to make, cause I can see it going tits up.

I agree, it's too simplistic to say 'Tevez back = title, no Tevez = no title' which is the main argument people are using to advocate his return.

For me, I'd rather we carried on as we are. We've been the best team in the country up to now, we've played the best football I've ever seen a City side play earlier this season and we've been top save for a few hours here and there since about October. All without Tevez, perhaps if we'd have had a committed Tevez for all that time we'd be 10 points clear by now, who knows, we'd certainly have some breathing space that's for sure. Look at it this way, if we fail to win the title it will be his fault. If we win it, it will be despite Tevez, not because of him. So rather than get giddy about a club written apology on his behalf I just think fuck him, I no longer give a fuck what happens to him, I just don't want him playing for us again.

And if he does play, it will be a political decision that could at the worst spell the end of Mancini here. I don't believe for one minute the manager wants this fool in our squad, and I for one don't blame him.
tommcfc said:
If we're being honest, on purely footballing ability I'd rather have a half fit Tevez playing than a fully fit Dzeko. Alright he's been a twat but he can certainly help us win the league and then he can leave in the summer with hopefully us as champions and a £30 million price tag, that way everyone's a winner.

A half fit Herman is nowhere near as good as Dzeko, as demonstrated by his form at the start of the season.
I'm a bit puzzled by the timing of this by the club, I think it would have been better leaving it 'till thursday after the Porto game.

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