Tevez finally apologises

shroom said:
no specific mention of Mancini in the apology - there's your whiff of Kia's guidance

Dear Carlos, get rid of your "advisor", pledge the rest of your career to City (reserves), THEN I might consider your so called apology, whooooos a good dog!
If Mancini accepts his apology, which I ain't too certain he will, then we should accept it. As long as he is gone in the summer for 25mil + then I'm happy. Give Guidetti a go next season.
arsenalrob said:
Also didnt Mancini say he will never play for him again?

It's not like City are in a desperate position and 'need Tevez'. You have Aguero, Balotelli and Dzeko who have all done the business so far with you being 1st in the league.

I will lost a lot of respect for Mancini if Tevez comes back in.

He has always stated that if an apology was forthcoming then he could be considered to play...they met in private post Munich and discussed this.
I'd be more worried about your own gaffer losing the plot if I were you.
what ever he has done, lets put it behind us now, if he gets back to his best (even if its to guarantee a summer move) then I think we could do with him, a lot of people might disagree but our other 3 striker have only got 5 between them in the league since jan 1st. with yaya now back and Kompany & mario now off bans add tevez into the mix we can be devastating like we were at the start of the season, forget about politics and lets focus on doing what we set out to, lets win this league
Bert Trautmann's Parachute said:
rickmcfc said:
Well done Tevez, now let's move on and win the league. You will never please most of the moaning and bitter twats on this forum, but most City fans forgive you and the players and manager want you back. Hope you put a shift in between now and May, win us the title then you can move on in the summer. Good luck!
I suppose you speak for most City fans like Lescott speaks for all the players, eh?

If you actually think of which players have spoken about wanting him back, itOremore than just Lescott. Most city fans I speak to (in the real world not the boring bitter mind numbing folk on here) they agree he will be a great option to have for the run in and a boost. Unfortunately, people on here are to fickle to look at the bigger picture. Mancini has said he wants him back, several of the players have also. And surprise surprise, all the rag loving media don't want him anywhere near City - because he is another option and a bloody good one at that. I get the impression that given the choice of playing Tevez and winning the league, or not playing him and finishing 2nd, most on here would choose the latter, and that is pretty fucking sad.
GXCity said:
arsenalrob said:
Marvin said:
He's a Manchester City player. Why shouldn't we play him? He's been fined and has now apologised. So it's up to the boss now to pick his best team.

Well that says it all about the mentality of some of your fans.

He dragged you through the gutter with all the headlines but because he has said sorry 'its okay' especially when City did nothing wrong.

Any top manager, Mourinho, Ferguson, Guardiola would never play the **** again after what he did. We will see how Mancini handles it.

Like Alan Green just said on 5live, what he has done is too much for him to be taken back. The only reason why he is saying sorry is because no club was willing to buy him.

And what the fuck has it got to do with you? Reckon there are more pressing things in the football world for you to worry about than Tevez.

doesnt stop him being right though
I welcome other fans input,it puts another perspective on what could be a blinkered opinion.

No need to give them grief.

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