Tevez - staying or going?

Although there is no denying he is a great talent, the club needs certainty of comittment and improved team spirit. Hopefully if we can get a true world class striker to replace him this can come as a blessing in disguise.
Tevez City said:
Goo said:
Just thinking a little about this,

If he's dead certain on going, and would be happier in ideally Spain (language). Then why not offer Althetico Madrid a straight swap for Aguero? If he's true to his word of wanting out for his family then he'll take the wage cut (not as if he'll be on pennies if he did) and then Ageuro can come and be on a normal (if you can call it that) footballing salary,

I know people might not be happy with that as Tevez is probably worth more than Aguero, however would it not be best to take a loss on his transfer fee and be happy that he's off our books and off our hands. We'd also save thousands a week on Tevez's wage bill.

His reasons seem genuine, so I don't wish to slag him off here. Just a thought.


+2 Been thinking the same thing
Trouble is who wants a player who is to retire in three years, so effectively has no resale value. Only team I can think of which might want him is Malaga, to boost them on their way so to speak, they have been taken over by rich folk.
this is a huge loss as he is pretty unreplaceable if you are going like for like....

it certainly leaves us short up front as neither balotelli or dzeko can play in the role that tevez does and neither are anywhere near the goal scorer tevez is either......

its going to be a long summer now and the manager needs to get the replacement for tevez right....we have already missed out on one of our attacking targets (sanchez) and now we need to find an even more important player...we cannt manage with what we have

shame he is leaving but i wish him well...his statement says it all really...its for family reasons nothing else......it does beg the question though...where will he go as none of the south american teams can afford him or his wages (unless he buys out his own contract...wish i guess would be hugely expensive!)....madrid could afford him i guess?...barca cannt
Murph said:
Tevez City said:
Goo said:
Just thinking a little about this,

If he's dead certain on going, and would be happier in ideally Spain (language). Then why not offer Althetico Madrid a straight swap for Aguero? If he's true to his word of wanting out for his family then he'll take the wage cut (not as if he'll be on pennies if he did) and then Ageuro can come and be on a normal (if you can call it that) footballing salary,

I know people might not be happy with that as Tevez is probably worth more than Aguero, however would it not be best to take a loss on his transfer fee and be happy that he's off our books and off our hands. We'd also save thousands a week on Tevez's wage bill.

His reasons seem genuine, so I don't wish to slag him off here. Just a thought.


+2 Been thinking the same thing

Was sat watching TV thinking over the reasons I hadn't seen this posted anywhere so thought, bollocks, I'll see what response I get.

Failing that, I'd be pretty happy with Cavani in the squad as a replacement. He seems strong to me.

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