Tevez to appear for the reserves on Tuesday!

no, sing THIS!.....<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/user/colinjohnrudd?feature=mhee#p/u/0/yDu8EBp9R-4" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/user/colinjohnru ... Du8EBp9R-4</a>
From Sky:

Staunch union activists Arthur Scargill and Jimmy Hoffa would have been saluting the courage of comrade Tevez and shop steward Joorabchian during their recent power struggle with Manchester's capitalist aggressors but for the rest of us it was just further proof politics and football make for messy bedfellows.

Like Scargill, the player and his representative have lost a battle that was misjudged and mishandled from the off. Having spent five months focusing on improving his golf handicap in Argentina with the sun on his back and family at close quarters, the only surprise is that Tevez has returned at all. Few would have been surprised if he'd done a Hoffa and disappeared altogether.

Throughout an affair that has tarnished not just the player's reputation but the sport as a whole, I have to say Manchester City's conduct has been first class. Their meteoric rise from Premier League also-rans to a potential European super-power has not been without the odd faux pas but from a neutral perspective, the manner in which they have refused to buckle to the demands of a pampered and petulant player will have won them plenty of new admirers.

And that's coming from an agent!

It would seem - thank the Lord - that the penny has finally dropped (at a reported cost of £9million) for a duo more dastardly than Dick and Muttley.

That most rancid of phrases 'player power' has seemingly been rendered redundant by the fact City have an owner with a bottomless (oil) well of money. Tevez has unable to force a move from the Etihad to Italy, France or Brazil because the club has the resource to dig their heels in and let the player rot. Few other clubs have the same luxury.

So what if Carlos went on strike? City could cope and afford to see an asset lose value. Even without Tevez they remain top of the Premier League and you wouldn't bet against them winning the Europa League either. Mancini's 'boring' team don't seem to have had much problem scoring in his absence.

Even wearing my agent's hat I'm happy that City saw off the unscrupulous tactics the pair employed to engineer an escape from Manchester and its solitary restaurant.

Many agents, and I've spoken to a fair few about this very topic, are appalled and slightly embarrassed at the way the player and his representative have acted. Don't forget Kia Joorabchian isn't even a Licensed Agent.

Unfortunately, the 'Brotherhood of agents' gets tainted each and every time there is bad press for a member. In football there's a saying 'you win together, you lose together'; as an industry we're more 'you lose together, you lose together'. One agent's mistake invariably has negative repercussions for the rest of us. It's not as though we were that popular to start with.

Would I like to be Tevez's agent? Yes, of course I would. I'd love to look after a player with such a talent, wealth and commercial appeal; what agent wouldn't? However, he should have taken a different course of action from the off and this isn't something I'm saying via the power of hindsight or distance.

The bad smell of an unhappy Carlos was beginning to waft around the corridors of Carrington and the Etihad long before that night in Munich. A few sulks after being substituted or starting on the bench were becoming evident and his general demeanour wasn't going unnoticed by the TV cameras. Producers aren't stupid and if they get even a sniff of player unrest they are the subject of a cameraman's focus all afternoon. How many times have we seen Lampard's gloomy face over the past month?

Kicking up a stink is an age old trick employed by a footballer and is - I regret to say - often instigated by an agent's suggestion. In most cases a given club would want to get rid of any unruly player so they don't lose money on an asset or upset morale in the dressing room. Unfortunately for Tevez and Joorabchian they chose the wrong club to pick a fight with. Did City cut off their nose to spite their face in the Mexican stand-off? You bet they did, but in this case their actions should be applauded.

City have saved a wad of cash from not having to pay Tevez, they remain top of the league and now they have a player available again, who no one can deny despite his appalling attitude, is a match-winner. He could be the difference between the red and blue half of Manchester come May. So you have to say it's a win-win situation for Roberto Mancini and the club.

If the reports are to be believed the player is out of pocket by some £9million following his disappearing act. That's a lot of golf balls. I wonder if Kia will stump up the cash that Carlos has lost? I doubt it.

Clubs still want Tevez, but his stock has plummeted and he comes with a health warning. Any club who might take Tevez in the future will be wary. If they've any sense they will cover themselves and include certain clauses written into his contract in case of a repeat of his antics. If I was working on behalf of a buying club I'd say it's an absolute must or no deal.

One thing for certain is that he's not going to earn the same coin that he's on at Eastlands presently. As an agent, I have to say that whoever has his ear, and it may be a few people, have got this one badly wrong.

A player sulking to win a move isn't exactly a new phenomenon. Think about Nicolas Anelka and just about every club he's been at throughout a nomadic career. It's not something I would ever encourage my players to do though. It's just not worth the hassle. It affects your reputation as a player and trust me, it's easier to earn a rep for being a pain in the arse than lose one. I'd also add that behind every sulking player is an agent - me!

With transfers only permitted during January and the close-season a player's opportunity to switch clubs is limited (obviously loans are permitted in the Football League). If a player wants a move and his current club appear unwilling to let him go, then along with his agent they need to decide how he's going to go about it.

Does he wait and see out his contract? That will depend on how long the contract has left to run. If it's a year or two he has to hope that any interested club has the cash to buy him during the next transfer window. With how football's finance is at present that can make for a long wait. I always suggest to my clients that they be open and honest with their club. It's the best way.

Explain why you want a move sincerely and without any claptrap and there's a chance a manager or chief executive may say: 'Okay, I will let you go if you play out the rest of the season for us without any aggro'. Agree to put in 100 per cent and then everyone's happy.

It never really works out like that, but we can but dream...we can but dream
trueblue28 said:
It looks like Tezez is going to play some part in this season. I'm not 100% happy about it however I really hope he does not get booed. We do not need any unrest in the camp, we need to trust in Bobby and if he decides that Tevez plays then we need to support that.

If anyone wants to boo Tevez then you should stay at home.

not to be a **** but, why should i stay at home because i want to show my feelings towards a football player who i despise?
BezzMCFC said:
trueblue28 said:
It looks like Tezez is going to play some part in this season. I'm not 100% happy about it however I really hope he does not get booed. We do not need any unrest in the camp, we need to trust in Bobby and if he decides that Tevez plays then we need to support that.

If anyone wants to boo Tevez then you should stay at home.

not to be a **** but, why should i stay at home because i want to show my feelings towards a football player who i despise?

I despise him too but if we boo him it could filter to the team-mates and put them off, do we want to even risk jeopardizing our league title push?
andy h said:
razinho said:
Surely a rendition of 'Who let the dog out' is on the cards?!

This is exactly what I thought. We are City fans, we don't need to boo Tevez. It would be funnier and a lot more ironic to sing this instead.

It would also be less poisonous. Less likely to have a negative impact on the rest of the team.
themoment said:
no, sing THIS!.....<a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/user/colinjohnrudd?feature=mhee#p/u/0/yDu8EBp9R-4" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/user/colinjohnru ... Du8EBp9R-4</a>

Love it, he did the Maine Road song some years ago too.

It's a shame we don't have more folk style songs like Lesson in Pride/Hark Now Hear, I always get a shiver when a full rendition is done at the stadium!

cibaman said:
andy h said:
razinho said:
Surely a rendition of 'Who let the dog out' is on the cards?!

This is exactly what I thought. We are City fans, we don't need to boo Tevez. It would be funnier and a lot more ironic to sing this instead.

It would also be less poisonous. Less likely to have a negative impact on the rest of the team.

BezzMCFC said:
trueblue28 said:
It looks like Tezez is going to play some part in this season. I'm not 100% happy about it however I really hope he does not get booed. We do not need any unrest in the camp, we need to trust in Bobby and if he decides that Tevez plays then we need to support that.

If anyone wants to boo Tevez then you should stay at home.

not to be a **** but, why should i stay at home because i want to show my feelings towards a football player who i despise?
im not going to celebrate if tevez scores,im sure there will be many like me,but if nobody cheered and the whole ground stayed quiet,it would be a brilliant way of showing where our loyalties lay.with manchester city football club
dom said:
trueblue28 said:
It looks like Tezez is going to play some part in this season. I'm not 100% happy about it however I really hope he does not get booed. We do not need any unrest in the camp, we need to trust in Bobby and if he decides that Tevez plays then we need to support that.

who really gives a flying f**k what the media say or publish? The talk crap about us regardless if we boo or not. As for staying at home if we boo is total rubbish pal we pay good money to watch city and pay his wages so i am entitled to boo and trust me i am booing and he deserves it.

Players need to learn and they May come out and ask us to lay off Carlos and then most blues will but if you think 5 percent off the ground will boo i think 5 percent off the ground won't boo.!

Shame because he's such a great player and a proven winner but he crossed a line and its time to face up to what he's done. I really don't trust him at all
People's attitudes really begin to annoy me now.

The manager makes the calls and we should support them, because we support the manager and the club.

Any negativeness (booing/silence) could have a negative impact on an individual team performance on the pitch - but if you want to make a point then go ahead and be an idiot.

Look at it this way, if Mancini brings Tevez on in a game do you think he wants to bring him on to a chorus of boos or silence?

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