Tevez to retire

TheLegendOfBerti said:
-¿Así nomás asumís que el Pipita o el Loco te ganaron el puesto?
"Do you assume that Pipita(Higuain) and the lunatic(Palermo) took the spot just like that?"

-Sí. Tuve mis oportunidades y no pude rendir al 100%. Cuando el equipo necesita goles, hay que hacer goles. Y yo no pude. Y si no los hacés vos, viene otro y te come. Es así. La Selección es así. Y me parece perfecto, porque no hay coronita para nadie.
"Yes. I had my chances and could not perform at 100%. When the team needs goals, there should be goals. And I could not do that. And if you do not do it yourself, that's it. The selection is so. And I understand that perfectly, because there is no crown for anyone."

Es difícil. A nadie le gusta ser suplente. Pero estoy de acuerdo con Diego, con que mi momento ya pasó. Jugué muchos partidos y no tuve la suerte de aprovecharlos, lo tengo clarísimo. No me preocupa sentarme en el banco y apoyar a mis compañeros
"It's difficult. Nobody likes to be a substitute. But I agree with Diego, that my moment has passed. I played many games and was not lucky enough to take advantage, I have clarity. Im not worried about sitting on the bench and supporting my team mates."

-¿Los demás delanteros tienen que quedarse tranquilos?
Do the other strikers have to be stay quiet?

-Noooo. No la voy a dejar fácil, eso está claro. No me voy a quedar con los brazos cruzados y ver pasar el Mundial. No, yo lo quiero jugar, lo quiero disfrutar, quiero estar y me voy a romper el lomo diez veces más que antes.
"Noooo. I will not leave easily, that is clear. I am not going to remain with crossed arms and watch the World Cup. No, I want to play, I enjoy what I want to be and will break my back ten times more than before."

Suplente y todo, ¿te seguís sintiendo el jugador del pueblo?
Substitute and all, Do you the player follow the feelings of the town?"

-Sí. Soy el que menos putea la gente. Me siento querido. Y eso que en las Eliminatorias había viento y nos puteaban, llovía y nos puteaban...
"Yes. I am the least abused by the people. I feel loved. And that in the qualifying it was windy and they abused us, it rained and they abused us..."

-¿Eso te hizo pensar en dejar la Selección?
Did that make you think of leaving the team?

-No, las críticas de mala leche. Que la plata, que no queremos la camiseta, que no cantamos el himno. ¡Con Bielsa tampoco y les ganábamos a todos! Pensaba "¿para qué corrés, si ganás o perdés y es lo mismo?". Hay mucha mala leche en Argentina.
"No, nasty criticism. That the money/silverware, that we don't want the shirt, that we don't sing the anthem. With Bielsa either and we won it all! I thought "Why run, if you win or lose and its the same?" There's a lot of nastiness in Argentina".

-¿Y? ¿Fue un amague?
And, was it near?

-Ya se me pasó. Lo pensé, pero le pusimos el pecho.
It occured to me, I thought it, but we carry on playing(colloquial)."

-¿Y si Argentina se iluminase y llegara a ganar el Mundial, vas a seguir poniendo el pecho?
And if Argentina light up and win the World Cup, will you keep playing?

-Es complicado. Está mi familia, el deseo de volver a Boca, pero lo pienso. Me pasa por la cabeza colgar los botines si ganamos el Mundial. Aunque tengo un contrato hasta el 2014.
"It's complicated. It's my family, the desire to return to Boca Juniors, but I'll think about. It goes through my head to hang up my boots if we win the World Cup, Although I have a contract until 2014."

-¿Por qué lo pensás?
Why do you think that?

-Porque estoy un poco cansado de tanto fútbol, tanto fútbol... Quiero disfrutar un poco de mi familia. Tengo muchísimas ganas de parar y de conseguir un poco de tranquilidad. Ya gané mucho. Vivir para el fútbol me saturó muchísimo.
"Because I am a little tired of so much football, so much football...I want to enjoy a little more of my family. I have earnt so much to stop and get some peace. I have won loads. It's become very saturated living for football."

-¿Y qué hacés para que el fútbol no te sature? Estudiar inglés seguro que no...
What are you doing to stop football being saturating? You are not sure to study English...

-¡Dejame! Hace cuatro años que estoy allá y de "inglish", cero (junta el pulgar y el índice mientras sonríe). Hasta mi nena habla inglés y yo nada. A la noche me pide que le cuente un cuento y le mando cualquiera. Lástima que se da cuenta y se ríe.
"Let me! For four years I'm there and I know no English(puts his thumb and index finger together whilst smiling). Even my daughter speaks English and I know none. At night she asks me to read a story and I have to make it up. She realises that and laughs at it."

-¿Y con qué te relajás?
And how do you relax?

-Juego mucho al golf, y con eso trato de despejarme después de entrenar. Y paso mucho con mi hija y mi mujer. No, en Inglaterra estoy muy bien.
"I play a lot of golf, and I try to clear my head after training. And I spend a lot of time with my daughter and my wife. No, I am very happy in England."

Pero hablás a la Argentina y se acaba la calma.
But you talk to Argentina and were calm.

-Y, está difícil. Mi viejo trabaja allá, mi familia está allá. Es un país en el que tenemos todo: clima, lugares... Todo y hoy, si no matás, te matan. En Argentina los ricos se enriquecen cada vez más y los pobres son cada vez más pobres.
"And, it is difficult. My father works there, my family is there. It's a country in which we have everything, weather, places...everything and today, if you do not kill, they kill you. In Argentina the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer."

Ganando con la Selección, al menos, pueden darle un poco de alegría a la gente.
Winning with the team, at least, you can give a little joy to the people.

-Este equipo tiene con qué devolverle la alegría a la gente. Y ojalá lo hagamos el sábado. Porque si le ganáramos a un equipo menor, se diría que no jugamos contra nadie. Por eso está bueno jugar contra el mejor equipo del mundo.
"This team has enough about it to return the joy to the people. And may it be on saturday, if you win against a small team, it seems that you do not play against anyone. Therefore it is good to play the best team in the world."

That help?

Clear as mud.
He's said similar stuff before, sure when he first went to the rags he said he wanted to retire when he reached 27.
And he's been saying things about going back to Boca one day since way back in his rag days. It's only like Roy Keane saying he wanted to play out his last season or two with Celtic and this was back when he was very much still a United player.

All that sad, I'm getting awfully bored of players who run off and give ridiculous interviews every single time there's an international break. It's just one more reason to feel pissed off by all these breaks.
Soulboy said:
Funny how he loved all the clubs he played for in Argentina, and how he loved West Ham, and how he loved the Rags... he's here 3 months and he wants to quit the fucking game!

A coincidence? What do you think!!!

But if he genuinely wants out, cancel his contract immediately. We save £25m in wages, and the transfer fee.... we can sue Joorabchian for "faulty goods".

Jobs a good 'un!

Point that out to him next time he's behind you...wink wink!
I think that he is the most disappointing of our recent signings so far. Really, really thought he'd hit the ground running but he hasn't got going for us at all, really.
1_barry_conlon said:
Soulboy said:
Funny how he loved all the clubs he played for in Argentina, and how he loved West Ham, and how he loved the Rags... he's here 3 months and he wants to quit the fucking game!

A coincidence? What do you think!!!

But if he genuinely wants out, cancel his contract immediately. We save £25m in wages, and the transfer fee.... we can sue Joorabchian for "faulty goods".

Jobs a good 'un!

Point that out to him next time he's behind you...wink wink!

Are you suggesting he's gay or something???

Only kidding. Next time I see him in his box I'll have a go at the twat!

Why can't we go back to the good old days when we had agents of principle and integrity. Like Willie Mac.

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