tevez to stay at city ??

themadinventor said:
I have a feeling I may be in minority of one here but please remember this is an open forum and we are ALL entitled to our opinion.

I think the whole Tevez affair has been blown way out of all proportion, yes he's tried it on and tried to undermine Roberto Mincini, I think it's great that the club are backing the manager to the hilt, they are standing firm with tevez, ive read comments like they are not going to sell him unless it's at the current market value, reading between the lines I think the chairman/owners want him to stay and I do too, it wasn't the crime of the century it was petulance, childishness or at worst arrogance, he has been fined, he has been suspended but now the dust has settled a little, can we not now keep one of the best strikers in the world ??.

Dont get me wrong if Mr Mancini said it's him or me , it's goodbye Mr Tevez but if he said ok last chance get on with it , I for one would be happy with that .

Rumours are he's gonna sue Bob...that wont do.
IanBishopsHaircut said:
themadinventor said:
I have a feeling I may be in minority of one here but please remember this is an open forum and we are ALL entitled to our opinion.

I think the whole Tevez affair has been blown way out of all proportion, yes he's tried it on and tried to undermine Roberto Mincini, I think it's great that the club are backing the manager to the hilt, they are standing firm with tevez, ive read comments like they are not going to sell him unless it's at the current market value, reading between the lines I think the chairman/owners want him to stay and I do too, it wasn't the crime of the century it was petulance, childishness or at worst arrogance, he has been fined, he has been suspended but now the dust has settled a little, can we not now keep one of the best strikers in the world ??.

Dont get me wrong if Mr Mancini said it's him or me , it's goodbye Mr Tevez but if he said ok last chance get on with it , I for one would be happy with that .

Kia you're not fooling anyone you know..

Damn, I told Carlos it wouldn't work.......now what ?
As the question says.

Yeh as long as he comes out and makes an apology to all us blues AND Roberto, even putting his hand in his pocket and giving something back to us towards the flights to Munich would be a fine gesture.
But i cant see him doing that, no not for me, i think he has done a job for City and now its over.
There is so much i can tolerate and thats that, not coming on when asked, at the Allianz sealed that for me, but before that i was all for, giving him a chance.
See you Carlito thanks for the memories.
themadinventor said:
I have a feeling I may be in minority of one here but please remember this is an open forum and we are ALL entitled to our opinion.

I think the whole Tevez affair has been blown way out of all proportion, yes he's tried it on and tried to undermine Roberto Mincini, I think it's great that the club are backing the manager to the hilt, they are standing firm with tevez, ive read comments like they are not going to sell him unless it's at the current market value, reading between the lines I think the chairman/owners want him to stay and I do too, it wasn't the crime of the century it was petulance, childishness or at worst arrogance, he has been fined, he has been suspended but now the dust has settled a little, can we not now keep one of the best strikers in the world ??.

Dont get me wrong if Mr Mancini said it's him or me , it's goodbye Mr Tevez but if he said ok last chance get on with it , I for one would be happy with that .

I've never been against Herman monster even with all the shit he has pulled since he has been here. I've always said I couldn't give a fuck as long as he does it on the pitch. That Argie bastards crossed a line though a line no fucking professional footballer should cross. As far as I'm concerned he's a twat of the highest order and should never play for city again.

Also if the mother fucker tries to sue Bob for deformation of character (all over the BBC news today) well I'm not typing what I think about that. As I'd probably end up in court for some bullshit charge. Fuck me though if that twat sues Bob though on a scale of 1 to 10 of me being angry id be near a fucking 1000000.
themadinventor said:
I have a feeling I may be in minority of one here but please remember this is an open forum and we are ALL entitled to our opinion.

I think the whole Tevez affair has been blown way out of all proportion, yes he's tried it on and tried to undermine Roberto Mancini, I think it's great that the club are backing the manager to the hilt, they are standing firm with tevez, ive read comments like they are not going to sell him unless it's at the current market value, reading between the lines I think the chairman/owners want him to stay and I do too, it wasn't the crime of the century it was petulance, childishness or at worst arrogance, he has been fined, he has been suspended but now the dust has settled a little, can we not now keep one of the best strikers in the world ??.

Dont get me wrong if Mr Mancini said it's him or me , it's goodbye Mr Tevez but if he said ok last chance get on with it , I for one would be happy with that .

EDITED: spelling police are out lol.
The dust hasn't settled and it'll never settle as long as he's here. If the dust ever looks like settling the **** would simply stir it up again and again and again... until he forces his way out. I find it astonishing that there's still anyone left who can't see this.
I'd fucking boo the ****. Just seeing his smug greasy fucking face gives me spleen.
themadinventor said:
I have a feeling I may be in minority of one here but please remember this is an open forum and we are ALL entitled to our opinion.

I think the whole Tevez affair has been blown way out of all proportion, yes he's tried it on and tried to undermine Roberto Mancini, I think it's great that the club are backing the manager to the hilt, they are standing firm with tevez, ive read comments like they are not going to sell him unless it's at the current market value, reading between the lines I think the chairman/owners want him to stay and I do too, it wasn't the crime of the century it was petulance, childishness or at worst arrogance, he has been fined, he has been suspended but now the dust has settled a little, can we not now keep one of the best strikers in the world ??.

Dont get me wrong if Mr Mancini said it's him or me , it's goodbye Mr Tevez but if he said ok last chance get on with it , I for one would be happy with that .

EDITED: spelling police are out lol.
cibaman said:
I think everyone deserves a second chance

Indeed, which is why we gave him one. And a second. And a third. And a fourth.

Goodbye Carlos and good luck at your next club.

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