tevez to stay at city ??

themadinventor said:
I have a feeling I may be in minority of one here but please remember this is an open forum and we are ALL entitled to our opinion.

I think the whole Tevez affair has been blown way out of all proportion, yes he's tried it on and tried to undermine Roberto Mancini, I think it's great that the club are backing the manager to the hilt, they are standing firm with tevez, ive read comments like they are not going to sell him unless it's at the current market value, reading between the lines I think the chairman/owners want him to stay and I do too, it wasn't the crime of the century it was petulance, childishness or at worst arrogance, he has been fined, he has been suspended but now the dust has settled a little, can we not now keep one of the best strikers in the world ??.

Dont get me wrong if Mr Mancini said it's him or me , it's goodbye Mr Tevez but if he said ok last chance get on with it , I for one would be happy with that .

EDITED: spelling police are out lol.

Personally want rid of him BUT if Mancini says different who the fuck am i to disagree
If we were in dire need of a goalscorer and if we really missed his presence on the pitch, I'd still prefer us to play without him. But we aren't and we don't, and the way he is being treated is justified. The more we talk about him, the more distracted we are from our brilliant season so far. So let's leave the cretin to have a tantrum in the corner all on his own, like the pathetic child he is.
york away to this! said:
Captain Oats said:
me too, i wouldnt boo him, i dont hate him. i'd like him to right his wrongs and continue his arse wiggle. he'd be devestating in our current team on form.

at the end of the day he's still a blue

he's NEVER been a blue. we are blues, he is a footballer.

Exactly, a fact all too often overlooked.
He might stay at city but he will never play for the team again IMO. If he stays it will be to rot in reserves and see out his contract.
The only reason that he didn't go in the summer was that his wage demands were ridiculous. Fact is that he's not earning as he'd like to any more because a lot of his wage is comprised of appearance bonuses, loyalty bonuses etc.
He missed out on circa £5m loyalty bonus earlier this season because he was spouting off to the press, while touting himself for a move, and he's just been fined the best part of £1m for being a twat. Added that he's stuck on basic at the moment, because he ain't playing, which means that a move away on a more reasonable salary will be much more attractive to him and make him more affordable to potential suitors.

The club reiterating that they want £40m for him is them saying to him that he'll be stuck out in the cold and on a fraction of his potential earnings unless he smartens up his thinking and fucks off.

In the meantime; while I wouldn't boo a blue, if tevez was on the pitch in our club colours (without a full apology to RM and the fans first) then Mancini will have left the club already so yes I might boo tevez under those particular circumstances but that ain't going to be put to the test is it?

BTW, why the anal focus on the shit under our shoes when we're looking sharp and wearing tailor made?
Tevez can get fucked for me ...

and the sooner the better too!
i have two words for fuck face, oFF and fuck, and not in that order,lol.
how the can he stay, hes ignored a direct order form rhe boss, hes dispruptive, weve bent over bkwardwards for him.
thx for the great memories, but no chance in hell

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