
It's still serious that he refused to do what the manager asked him to do plus what was Tevez talking about after the game that sky keep playing where he says his head was not right to warm up and play! Isn't that evidence enough?
jimbo101 said:
I don't think many on here are giving the Board enough credit.
They have played this superbly from the off. Very professional.

All the leaks have come from Joorabchian & his cronies.

There are obviously numerous strands here - wanting to punish Tevez, but not so much as to totally diminish his sell on value.

Also, who ever said the charges would be about refusing to play or warm up?
This is a disciplinary action, a quasi judicial process. The charges were always going to be in lawyer-speak. Refusing to follow managers instructions was always the main charge. No change there.

Some are too quick to jump on the doom & gloom - shot ourselves in the foot brigade.

The midnight meeting at Bobby's house - both TH & DD thought this would blow up in our faces, but it came to nought.

Have faith in the Board, the process & the bigger picture.

Surely they only had to replay his post match interview, get a number of spanish experts to confirm the translation and case proved?

I cant help thinking that the club didnt want to find him guilty of refusing to play. Because that would be a clear case of gross misconduct which would normally result in dismissal. But the club dont want to sack him because of the inevitable litigation and possible loss of a transfer fee that would follow. They'd rather he just went quietly in January.

However, if they found him guilty of gross misconduct and didn't sack him, that would create a very bad precedent for future cases when they might want to sack an employee (and might make Garry Cook have a rethink over the terms of his departure).

So they've come up with a number of less serious charges that dont necessarily add up to gross misconduct but allow the club to sideline him until January.

If that were the case it might not bother me too much. For me the bottom line is that he never plays for the club again, But, and its a very big but, there is also the issue of supporting Mancini something which doesnt seem to be happening. And because of that I feel that the club may come to regret this decision at some stage. Perhaps not now, but when other big clubscome in search of his servuces.
My worry here is that no player (Zabaleta etc) has gone to the disciplinary hearing and confirmed that Tevez refused to play. He clearly refused to warm up AND play. I dont mind Mancini not having Tevez behind him but hope that doesnt spread to any other players - then you get splits and cliches.
bob stockport said:
then you get splits and cliches.

Keep your fingers crossed he doesnt pull the wool over everyone's eyes. One bad apple spoils the bunch but a rolling stone gathers no moss.
This is one charge out of several he is facing, other than SSN and last nights Ragtops I have seen nothing from the club or anyone involved in the private internal meeting and that includes Tevez and Joorabchian. The club have 5 days after the meeting ends before any official announcement, and just maybe this shit is keeping the focus off the boys that matter to us who will take to the pitch on Sunday.
It's all opinions and conjecture from what I can tell at the moment but I am happy to be corrected if someone can tell me where the above is wrong ?
bob stockport said:
My worry here is that no player (Zabaleta etc) has gone to the disciplinary hearing and confirmed that Tevez refused to play. He clearly refused to warm up AND play. I dont mind Mancini not having Tevez behind him but hope that doesnt spread to any other players - then you get splits and cliches.

Yeah I was thinking the same. The lip reading would never have been enough to pin Tevez on this so player statements would have been taken and seems they have sided with Tevez on this which is worrying.

I really really can't wait for January to come around. I want this cancer out of the club, so we can finally fucking move on. I'm sick to the back teeth of hearing Tevez this Tevez that and the constant questioning of Mancini over the whole affair.
There must have been some corroboration to charge him with failing to warm up, I think the mirror and sun articles have muddied the water a bit.

Could be that we have enough evidence to charge Tevez for refusing to play, but it's not in our interests to do that.
moomba said:
There must have been some corroboration to charge him with failing to warm up, I think the mirror and sun articles have muddied the water a bit.

Could be that we have enough evidence to charge Tevez for refusing to play, but it's not in our interests to do that.

I'm thinking that, Moomba. Yer don't need to be a Nobel Prize Winner to see that Zab and Kolarov were doing their best to persuade the little worm to get off his arse. It was clear he wasn't having any. If it was just a warm up, can't see why Zab and AK would make such a song and dance about it. Dulux brilliant white and a medium-sized paintbrush has made an appearance.
bob stockport said:
My worry here is that no player (Zabaleta etc) has gone to the disciplinary hearing and confirmed that Tevez refused to play. He clearly refused to warm up AND play. I dont mind Mancini not having Tevez behind him but hope that doesnt spread to any other players - then you get splits and cliches.

I think you are confusing 'not prepared to comment' with backing Tevez over Mancini..
I'd be very surprised if there was even ONE payer besides Tevez not behind Mancini.. infact I'm 100% sure of this not being the case...
so after all the bitching and moaning on here for the last weeks about tevez it now comes to light that he DIDNT refuse to play...just refused to warm up....the club obviously see the two as different whether some on here like it or not.

Remember as well tevez had already warmed up once...now he should have warmed up again when the manager has asked him to (there is no arguement over that and if he has refused to warm up then he should be delt with appropriately).

However it also brings into light that RM's claim after the match that Tevez refused to play was WRONG!.....

like i said...always 2 sides to every story and some on here are far too quick to hang players without knowing the full details

Its all in the end quite sad as we are going to lose a player that can help take us right to the very top..and all because the the player and the manager cannt get on prfoessionally...the club in the end will sell him becuase it is clear the two dont get on and will have to back the manager (which of course is the right thing to do). such a shame that the differences between the two cannt be sorted.....and BOTH are to blame for that not just the player

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