
Bearing in mind it's only a couple of weeks since our Chief Exec was fired, you really shouldn't be surprised, chaps.

We're an F1 Fighter Plane flown by a 13 year old Wii addict at times.
perhaps we could "welcome" carlos back to the fold in a similar jeep-top parade as was befitting for the self styled "king of kings" in Libya yesterday when Qadaffi was reunited with his people....

(pass me the fucking golden gun!)
GC's sacking and Tevez's public rebellion. What links these two events?

Kia the snake of course and his **** mates in the rag medja.

When we get rid of the fat little fucker in January can we please do it at the last minute of deadline day to make them sweat and to waste another month of what could have been a glorious career instead of merely a prolonged exercise in money grubbing.
Didsbury Dave said:
jimbo101 said:
The midnight meeting at Bobby's house - both TH & DD thought this would blow up in our faces, but it came to nought.

I didn't. I was pleased with Mancini for attempting a solution.

True. But you did say it was a media own goal.
Which it plainly wasn't.

Yes, our CEO has gone, but that doesn't mean we're a rudderless ship. Christ, Garry was hardly the PR king was he!!
jimbo101 said:
Some are too quick to jump on the doom & gloom - shot ourselves in the foot brigade.
I think its fair to say that allowing this to be done today, ahead of a particularly important game, is pretty stupid, it gives the media a story to run all weekend with, one that should have waited till after the game.

I know its only another game in the whole season, and won't win us a league trophy, but in our rise to the very top, its a big benchmark. Its now what the media will want to talk about, despite what you say it does in a little way undermine the manager. Nobody will want to discuss the football now, unless we get beat, in which case it will because of the uncertainty caused by this story, of course none of that is true, but that is how it will be sold to the world.

Daft in my opinion.
in relation to cook - most seem to have conveniently forgotten that his wife and family fucked off back to the states several months before he disappeared, errr, back to the states.....
cleavers said:
I think its fair to say that allowing this to be done today, ahead of a particularly important game, is pretty stupid, it gives the media a story to run all weekend with, one that should have waited till after the game.

I think Wednesday would have been the perfect time to announce it, Champions League out of the way and a few days for the story to die down a bit before the weekend. Either that or delay it until early next week.

Don't think it makes all that much of a difference to be honest, you would hope the mentality of our players is strong enough by now to be able to perform whatever crisis we're apparently in.
jimbo101 said:
Didsbury Dave said:
jimbo101 said:
The midnight meeting at Bobby's house - both TH & DD thought this would blow up in our faces, but it came to nought.

I didn't. I was pleased with Mancini for attempting a solution.

True. But you did say it was a media own goal.
Which it plainly wasn't.

Yes, our CEO has gone, but that doesn't mean we're a rudderless ship. Christ, Garry was hardly the PR king was he!!

I don't remember saying that, I was shocked this had happened at first, worried about whether it compromises any legal action, but then as I thought it through I was pleased the manager was showing some pragmatism.

My point about Garry Cook is that even our Head Honcho was a dick, it's no surprise we keep having cracks at winning back our Cup for Cock Ups.

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