
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
squirtyflower said:
tevez can fuck off
james cooper can fuck off
sky sports can fuck off
ferguson can fuck off

Gough and Durham saying we should play him Sunday..because we need him..WTF!!!

Durham is the biggest clown ever to present on radio.
bluemonkey71 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
squirtyflower said:
tevez can fuck off
james cooper can fuck off
sky sports can fuck off
ferguson can fuck off

Gough and Durham saying we should play him Sunday..because we need him..WTF!!!

Durham is the biggest clown ever to present on radio.

Durham actually really likes City but he has to play the good cop bad cop with that little prick Gough but the debate today was fucking laughable
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
squirtyflower said:
tevez can fuck off
james cooper can fuck off
sky sports can fuck off
ferguson can fuck off

Evening mate...You missed Talk sport off this list..

Fuck me did you happen to hear the debate on Tevez between 4pm-5pm...?

Gough and Durham saying we should play him Sunday..because we need him..WTF!!!
nope, i stopped listening to it over two years ago
just heard sky news report, fuckin wouldn't warm up, what a load of bollocks!!!!!!
paid over £1500 quid for me and family to go to that game and that **** gets away with taking the piss out of us

i see you got a swamp ticket, well done
squirtyflower said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
squirtyflower said:
tevez can fuck off
james cooper can fuck off
sky sports can fuck off
ferguson can fuck off

Evening mate...You missed Talk sport off this list..

Fuck me did you happen to hear the debate on Tevez between 4pm-5pm...?

Gough and Durham saying we should play him Sunday..because we need him..WTF!!!
nope, i stopped listening to it over two years ago
just heard sky news report, fuckin wouldn't warm up, what a load of bollocks!!!!!!
paid over £1500 quid for me and family to go to that game and that **** gets away with taking the piss out of us

i see you got a swamp ticket, well done

I still believe Mancini 100% when he says the little twat refused to play never mind warm up.

Made up re getting the ticket as I know they are like rocking horse shit. Hinchcliffes header on here was the man...Respect to him again. You not going blue?
Just heard on Talk sport that he is going to be charged with refusing to warm up not refusing to play, mark my words the slimy **** is going to riddle out of this and come out of it smelling of roses, I hope if he ever plays for us again he will be booed every time he comes on, goes off or touches the ball.
I open the MEN and turn on Sly Sports News and it's Bryan Robson making comments about Tevez, have I woken up in some sort of comedy sketch or something? How can Bryan Robson Mr "how to buy a football club" (Channel 4) even be allowed to be part of football yet alone make comments in the media?

It amazes me how that documentary was glossed over, it basically exposed Ferguson and Manchester United as a corrupt, rotten organisation and it didn't make any news channel or paper.

Truly unbelievable.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
squirtyflower said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Evening mate...You missed Talk sport off this list..

Fuck me did you happen to hear the debate on Tevez between 4pm-5pm...?

Gough and Durham saying we should play him Sunday..because we need him..WTF!!!
nope, i stopped listening to it over two years ago
just heard sky news report, fuckin wouldn't warm up, what a load of bollocks!!!!!!
paid over £1500 quid for me and family to go to that game and that **** gets away with taking the piss out of us

i see you got a swamp ticket, well done

I still believe Mancini 100% when he says the little twat refused to play never mind warm up.

Made up re getting the ticket as I know they are like rocking horse shit. Hinchcliffes header on here was the man...Respect to him again. You not going blue?

yep i'll be there
me and eldest are regulars, but secured a ticket for the youngest who is coming up on sunday to watch his first league derby at the swamp
SWP's back said:
Didsbury Dave said:
bob stockport said:
then you get splits and cliches.

Keep your fingers crossed he doesnt pull the wool over everyone's eyes. One bad apple spoils the bunch but a rolling stone gathers no moss.

-- Fri Oct 21, 2011 5:12 pm --

simon23 said:
so after all the bitching and moaning on here for the last weeks about tevez it now comes to light that he DIDNT refuse to play...just refused to warm up....
No Simon, it means there isn't enough evidence to legally do him for refusing to play. If you still wish to believe Tevez and Kia, then that is fine, but please don't think the rest of us are stupid enough to equate a lack of legally water tight evidence to charge with innocence.

are you telling me that with all the staff on the bench they couldnt get enough evidence to say that he refused to play?????....is that possibly because he didnt refuse to play...just refused to warm up?...these are two different things therefore in the eyes of the club

if he had refused to play, at least one of the coaching staff (and i suspect all the coaching staff and there are enough of them on the bench!!!!!) would have told the enquiry that....and he would be rightly fucked.....but what has happened is he has refused to warm up...mancini has then blown his top and the rest is as we know it.
Like any large corporate entity, the club statement - when it finally arrives - will be carefully worded for maximum damage limitation.

I personally believe that he refused to play, & that there is sufficient evidence to prove it, if not not to a civil court level.

However, who's interest would it be in to issue a statement saying Tevez refused to play.
It might satisfy my personal blood lust, but it really would be cutting off our nose to spite our face.

The only positive thing Carlos has left is the myth that he always gives 100% on the pitch. 'He might be a mardy tosser, but he'll sweat blood for you.'

If we blow a hole in that image, then it totally devalues him as an asset.
We want to realise something for him in January.
A long, protracted legal process serves no-one except lawyers.

Finding him guilty of some lesser charges enables us to keep the myth alive, and therefore keep his value up.

As long as Bobby is in the loop, and realises he isn't being undermined, then that's fine. After all, he doesn't have to pick him, does he?

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