
How about you go to rag cafe and you won't need to read such vile shocking abuse. I'm sure your reasoning is much more in tune with them lot.

Edit: i notice no crappy attempt to at least counter my remark, at least you know when your wrong and this is as close to admitting it as it gets.
Well Tevez and Kia (and probably united) have their wish, both City fans and the media are now discussing Tevez, and not the forthcoming, quite important derby game.

Its pretty sad that its all the media want to focus on, but even sadder that its the main topic of conversation on here.

Lets hope the players aren't discussing it when they meet up on Sunday morning.
simon23 said:
he is the manager and maybe should have managed the situatio with tevez whixh started well over a year ago better.....maybe then subsequent transfer requests may not have happened, and the munich incident may not have happened....

it was clear for everyone to see that there were issues between player and manager and neither of them did anything to resolve that and the situation got worse and worse....

Tevez repeatedly said that the problem was with his family situation, not the club. You seem to believe only the statements you want to believe.
dom said:
I think it's you that's being selective.
I wont forget coming back from a day's climbing in the Lakes last autumn, finally getting decent radio signal to find out that we'd beten Wet Spam, had gone top of the league and that Twatissiomo Tevez had chosen that very day to put in a transfer request. The press were having a field day (as they are again now)

He has been shitting on us regularly since joining.. the 'compassionate leave to be with his family' when he fooked off to shag his bit on the side in Spain, courtesy of City
He threatens to leave and gets an enhanced contract and the captaincy when proper leaders(who can speak english) like VK are sidelined

You seem like a bright guy S23, but some of your posts on this thread have verged on the disingenuous
moomba said:
simon23 said:
whats not the case.????..that the club have found that tevez didnt say he didnt want to play?

They've said nothing of the sort.

they couldnt find evidence to say the he did say that cause there wasnt any...despite at least 8-10 people being no more than a few metres away...all it would have taken is one to say he did.....just one...but no...none of them did.

He said he wasn't in the right frame of mind to play, theres your evidence.

im not sure im buying this the club are protecting the sell on value arguement...its too convenient for the mancini never does anyhting wrong brigade.....as i said i supprt the manager in this but he aint innocent in this whole sorry affair

You've never supported the manager, lets be honest here. And the main reason for that is because you wholeheartedly supported the previous manager (conveniently represented by Kia Joorabchian), and have done nothing but criticise Mancini since he took over.

and maybe at the time that he brought his family over he wanted to play under the manager..or at least give it a go?

Well he wouldn't do that if Mancini was such a bad manager to work for would he.

sorry moomba you are way off here.....

i ciriticised the manager in the past ill admit as i didnt like his tactics when he first arrived...but at no point when others were calling for his head did i ever do it.......infact i always said that what was best for the club was stability and therefore i supported the manager.

Ive written consistantly in this thread that I support club and maanager with this issue with tevez now. He has to go for the good of the club (tevez that is)...iof youare somehow reading something else intot hat they you need help with your paranoia.....

this has absolutely nothign to do with the previous manager...i loved sven ...didnt make me dislike MH and my like of MH doessnt make me dislike RM...and i dont dislke him....he has us now playing the best football ive ever seen at the club

BUT what i wont accept is that there is only one person to blame in this whole sitaution and if you do believe tha then ( and i hate to say it as i dont slag people off..unless provoked)...but you are a little nieve (sorry again moomba as i do respect your posts and have tried to always post in a respectful manner but those lies you put above annoyed me)
cleavers said:
Well Tevez and Kia (and probably united) have their wish, both City fans and the media are now discussing Tevez, and not the forthcoming, quite important derby game.

Its pretty sad that its all the media want to focus on, but even sadder that its the main topic of conversation on here.

Lets hope the players aren't discussing it when they meet up on Sunday morning.

mourinho would love a situation like this before a tough game. this deflect the pressure out from the players
jimbo101 said:
Like any large corporate entity, the club statement - when it finally arrives - will be carefully worded for maximum damage limitation.

I personally believe that he refused to play, & that there is sufficient evidence to prove it, if not not to a civil court level.

However, who's interest would it be in to issue a statement saying Tevez refused to play.
It might satisfy my personal blood lust, but it really would be cutting off our nose to spite our face.

The only positive thing Carlos has left is the myth that he always gives 100% on the pitch. 'He might be a mardy tosser, but he'll sweat blood for you.'

If we blow a hole in that image, then it totally devalues him as an asset.
We want to realise something for him in January.
A long, protracted legal process serves no-one except lawyers.

Finding him guilty of some lesser charges enables us to keep the myth alive, and therefore keep his value up.

As long as Bobby is in the loop, and realises he isn't being undermined, then that's fine. After all, he doesn't have to pick him, does he?

Maybe he isn't being undermined by the club but he is now being undermined everyone else around globe
waspish said:
Tevez City said:

Trust me, you are wasting your time here arguing with small mind people.

How many time would you let someone kick you in the Bollocks before you say enough is enough

depends if i deserved it or not?
cleavers said:
Well Tevez and Kia (and probably united) have their wish, both City fans and the media are now discussing Tevez, and not the forthcoming, quite important derby game.

Its pretty sad that its all the media want to focus on, but even sadder that its the main topic of conversation on here.

Lets hope the players aren't discussing it when they meet up on Sunday morning.
I think I'd be discussing Shrek's syrup
TCIB said:
How about you go to rag cafe and you won't need to read such vile shocking abuse. I'm sure your reasoning is much more in tune with them lot.

Edit: i notice no crappy attempt to at least counter my remark, at least you know when your wrong and this is as close to admitting it as it gets.

i didnt try to counter your re,mark and i wont because of you resroting to abusive name calling....i dont reall come on here for that....

oh and pls stop resorting to the rag taunts...im as muchas a blue as you are.so please grow up and then maybe ill respond in like

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