
cleavers said:
Well Tevez and Kia (and probably united) have their wish, both City fans and the media are now discussing Tevez, and not the forthcoming, quite important derby game.

Its pretty sad that its all the media want to focus on, but even sadder that its the main topic of conversation on here.

Lets hope the players aren't discussing it when they meet up on Sunday morning.
I think it'll affect us as much as the 'cows in another field' affected them.
moomba said:
simon23 said:
he is the manager and maybe should have managed the situatio with tevez whixh started well over a year ago better.....maybe then subsequent transfer requests may not have happened, and the munich incident may not have happened....

it was clear for everyone to see that there were issues between player and manager and neither of them did anything to resolve that and the situation got worse and worse....

Tevez repeatedly said that the problem was with his family situation, not the club. You seem to believe only the statements you want to believe.

i didnt believe tevez with that wholeheartedly either...i always said that there was something else
thats supportive.....

<a class="postlink-local" href="http://forums.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/search.php?keywords=ade&terms=all&author=simon23&sc=1&sf=all&sk=t&sd=d&sr=posts&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">search.php?keywords=ade&terms=all&author=simon23&sc=1&sf=all&sk=t&sd=d&sr=posts&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search</a>

Man City, the club, backroom staff, the fans, pulled out all the stops for Tevez. We, Manchester City, as a whole, tried our best for Tevez.
We forgave him many a time, the transfer request. that in itself, is the ultimate sin. Why you might ask. Well, every City fan would give there left arm to play for the club we love.
Simon23, we tried our best, we cant do anymore.
You might say CT is a great player Simon23. I say CT is a horrible human being. He represents everything that is wrong with the modern world.
You might say Simon23 that Tevez gave 100% when he pulled on that blue shirt. I say it was all bullshit. He's history, should be written out of our history books. Dispecible human being who only played football for two people, himself and his agent..
Can you honestly say to yourself Simon23 that Tevez tried his best for us, can you?
simon23 said:
i didnt believe tevez with that wholeheartedly either...i always said that there was something else

Of course you didn't. You believe what suits your prejudices.

As for you supporting Mancini, bollocks. You're post history says otherwise.
cleavers said:
Well Tevez and Kia (and probably united) have their wish, both City fans and the media are now discussing Tevez, and not the forthcoming, quite important derby game.

Its pretty sad that its all the media want to focus on, but even sadder that its the main topic of conversation on here.

Lets hope the players aren't discussing it when they meet up on Sunday morning.

Absolutely this and my last post. Do not give these vermin the air that they need. We've got Merlin, Kun, Ballo, Vinny, Nige, Nasri etc,etc, yet less than 48 hrs before one of our biggest games for years, many on here are fixating on a guy who doesn't want to play for our club...Fuck him and the cockroach that 'advises' him and let's concentrate on what could just be our best season ever.
Mancio said:
cleavers said:
Well Tevez and Kia (and probably united) have their wish, both City fans and the media are now discussing Tevez, and not the forthcoming, quite important derby game.

Its pretty sad that its all the media want to focus on, but even sadder that its the main topic of conversation on here.

Lets hope the players aren't discussing it when they meet up on Sunday morning.

mourinho would love a situation like this before a tough game. this deflect the pressure out from the players

Very astute post this.
I've said before that we under-estimate Bobby's ability to manipulate the media & I think this might not be far from the truth.
Rasher said:
dom said:
I think it's you that's being selective.
I wont forget coming back from a day's climbing in the Lakes last autumn, finally getting decent radio signal to find out that we'd beten Wet Spam, had gone top of the league and that Twatissiomo Tevez had chosen that very day to put in a transfer request. The press were having a field day (as they are again now)

He has been shitting on us regularly since joining.. the 'compassionate leave to be with his family' when he fooked off to shag his bit on the side in Spain, courtesy of City
He threatens to leave and gets an enhanced contract and the captaincy when proper leaders(who can speak english) like VK are sidelined

You seem like a bright guy S23, but some of your posts on this thread have verged on the disingenuous

dom and rasher....sorry if i have come across that way...in no way am i trying to

i was acutally at the start trying to play a little bit of devils advocate as i do believe their is two sides to this story

I genuinely support the manager/club stance on tevez...if he has to go he goes end of...fines etc etc etc put with the reserves and then sold....whatever

But i also think that the manager and maybe his team as well (including platt and kiddo) need to look at how they have handled the player for future reference.....this sort of situation could easily arise again (esp as Kia if we believe he is a big influence in all of this is the agent of dejong and others)

ive become more defensive though after a little name calling, accusations and boring rag retorts from the less mature on here.
Davs 19 said:
cleavers said:
Well Tevez and Kia (and probably united) have their wish, both City fans and the media are now discussing Tevez, and not the forthcoming, quite important derby game.

Its pretty sad that its all the media want to focus on, but even sadder that its the main topic of conversation on here.

Lets hope the players aren't discussing it when they meet up on Sunday morning.

Absolutely this and my last post. Do not give these vermin the air that they need. We've got Merlin, Kun, Ballo, Vinny, Nige, Nasri etc,etc, yet less than 48 hrs before one of our biggest games for years, many on here are fixating on a guy who doesn't want to play for our club...Fuck him and the cockroach that 'advises' him and let's concentrate on what could just be our best season ever.

i did make a thread called "come on city" about lookin forward to the derby ect.. and well it got deleted.
simon23 said:
he is the manager and maybe should have managed the situatio with tevez whixh started well over a year ago better.....maybe then subsequent transfer requests may not have happened, and the munich incident may not have happened....

it was clear for everyone to see that there were issues between player and manager and neither of them did anything to resolve that and the situation got worse and worse....
I don't buy any of that, Tevez and his scummy advisor have been attempting to engineer this for well over a year, not because the soft twat couldn't get on with Mancini, but because they can't get on with anyone.

We haven't needed him this season, and he hasn't been fit enough if needed anyway. Mancini has handled him just right, he wasn't fit to play, so he rightly hasn't played him, and yet again the mard arse threw his toys out of the cot, like the spoiled little brat he is.

F*ck him, and like it or not, that is what the majority of City fans rightly want.

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