
Little Robin said:
buckshot said:
Apparently Teves has written a complaint letter to City. I wonder what color crayon he used?
I heard his 'letter' contained no words, only drawings.

I've got a look on it through an inside club source... my scanner doesn't want to back me but I've managed to scan a signature part:

Tricky Dickys Right Foot Shot said:
The owners have to see it this way every fan backs Mancini a small minority back Tevez.........

Do the owners really want to run risk of pissing us all off by backing Carlos then Mancini??? All this charging him for failing to warm up could be a move on the club boardrooms part to ensure we get more then we would do if clubs knew he failed to play....

either way Tevez is gone Mancini will stay thats all I care about..... Mancini has no reason to lie if he knew it would bite him on the arse and we all know Tevez would come out and try to defend his honour to try and grace himself back into our good books.

I like every City player but Tevez, Tevez can fuck off!!

How about the possibility that the Club is playing it in a straight and honourable way rather than maneouvering for an extra few quid?
Is it so hard to believe that they came to an honest conclusion based on eye-witness testimony?
As for Mancini, I don't think for one minute that he lied; I think he probably misunderstood in the heat of the moment.
Manchester City look to use Carlos Tévez saga to gain exemption for Uefa's Financial Fair Play regulations
The Carlos Tévez situation is threatening Manchester City’s efforts to meet Uefa’s Financial Fair Play regulations and the club will explore the possibility of gaining an exemption if they are forced to sell the Argentina striker on the cheap in January.

After his mutinous actions in Munich, City are desperate to sell Tévez but know that they will have to do so at a reduced price.

The player was valued in excess of £40 million in the summer — City accepted a bid from Corinthians to that effect – but could be sold for half that in January.

If that happens, City could plead special circumstances to Uefa and ask them to take into account the £20 million hit they are expecting to take on the player. They could also argue that the player’s wages, in excess of £200,000 per week, should not count against them in the circumstances.

The Uefa rules, which came into effect this summer, mean clubs need to show progress towards breaking even or risk not being able to play in the Champions League.

City made a loss of £121 million in 2009-10 and need to get that down to £20 million per year for 2011-12 and 2012-13 or risk losing their license to play in Europe. The £20 million they stand to lose on Tévez could make the difference.

Tévez has been hit with five different charges, including failing to resume warming up, failing to carry out the manager’s instructions and bringing the club into disrepute. He will discover the club’s intended punishment at a meeting early this week.

He will almost certainly appeal any fine — expected to be in the region of six weeks’ wages — and will then be given a hearing with a club director.

If Tévez wants he can then appeal to the Premier League and, if unhappy with that decision, appeal that appeal. It is a baroque process and could well take the case to Christmas and beyond.

Roberto Mancini, the City manager, has been given complete authority to deal with the football-side of the matter by chairman Khaldoon Al-Mubarak. While he was cautious not to speak directly about Tévez in the build up to Sunday’s Manchester derby, he made it clear that City cannot be seen to tolerate behaviour like that shown by the Argentine.

“If you want to be a good team for a long time you should have players that have respect for the club and for the manager and the supporters,” Mancini said. “Also if you have a good player, in general, you need to have a player that can accept to be on the bench.

"If we want to do this we need time, it’s not easy to change this in one or two years.”

Mancini pointedly gave the example of Wayne Rooney, who was rested for the Liverpool game last weekend, as an example of a player who has no problem with being left out of the team.

“He accepts everything the manager says because he knows the manager wants to do the best for the team,” Mancini said. “And if sometime a player has to stay on the bench to recover, that’s good because the year is very long, there are a lot of games.”
remoh said:
Tricky Dickys Right Foot Shot said:
The owners have to see it this way every fan backs Mancini a small minority back Tevez.........

Do the owners really want to run risk of pissing us all off by backing Carlos then Mancini??? All this charging him for failing to warm up could be a move on the club boardrooms part to ensure we get more then we would do if clubs knew he failed to play....

either way Tevez is gone Mancini will stay thats all I care about..... Mancini has no reason to lie if he knew it would bite him on the arse and we all know Tevez would come out and try to defend his honour to try and grace himself back into our good books.

I like every City player but Tevez, Tevez can fuck off!!

How about the possibility that the Club is playing it in a straight and honourable way rather than maneouvering for an extra few quid?
Is it so hard to believe that they came to an honest conclusion based on eye-witness testimony?
As for Mancini, I don't think for one minute that he lied; I think he probably misunderstood in the heat of the moment.

I honestly believe he refused to play simple.... after the game he said he "wasn't in the right frame of mind" to what? Warm up? you need to be in a good mental state to warm up? give me a fuckin' break!! He was warming up fine with De Jong 10 seconds prior to the spat but as soon as he saw Dzeko come off and De Jong go on he spat his dummy out when asked to warm up as he was coming on in 5 minutes and he refused that to me is refusing to warm up and play.....

Why the club has backed down I believe it's to either cover something or they knew that if they charged him for refusing to come on that they would loose so they changed their story to one they would find it easier to win as he's refused to warm up before.... I don't know what it is but there's something and the sooner he's gone the better for us fans and the club as we won't have to put up with this shit anymore....

Oh and also I read somewhere that he said he injured himself warming up against Everton you know that half arsed stand on one spot with my hands on my hips and move my hips around yep apparently that was Mancini's fault for forcing him to warm up cry me a fucking river....
Mirror says he plans to sue the club and leave for free.

And 'arry plans to offer him a lifeline at Spurs (with us paying 90% of the wages I'm sure!).

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