Texas court halts sale of Dippers

ifiwasarichfan said:
I dont want to go back to page 19/20 of the thread where I left it at 04:30 this morning. I just want the big question answering. How high is the possibility of them being deducted 9 points as early as tomorrow?
Still in the balance it would seem although looking less likely. If the case can be resolved quickly and LFC can be sold to NESV then they'll be in the clear. If not then who knows.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Judge delivering his ruling. Looks like H&G going to get slaughtered again. They didn't even have lawyers in court.

Have they got a plan "D" though?........................
waspish said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
Judge delivering his ruling. Looks like H&G going to get slaughtered again. They didn't even have lawyers in court.

Have they got a plan "D" though?........................
They've got a group of lads from Kirby primed to take Anfield, Melwood, Torres, Reina & Gerrard over to Texas in the middle of the night.
ssg2 said:
Ricster said:
The coolmore lot that you refer to sold because your beloved Fergie tried to screw them over on the stud rights of Rock of Gibralter.

Dont blame them, blame your arsehole of a manager.

So it was nothing to do with the millions they made? Fergie is certainly no angel and his timing was great with the horse (not van nistelrooy) but it certianly wasn't his fault, the irish would have sold regardless, they made a mint.
If there is blame anywhere and I will repeat it was the men right at the top.

It might be the way i read your post but i dont think you know the full story.

Magnier and McMannus allowed Fergie to have a percentage of the horses winnings if Fergie would put a case forward to get them on the board. This happened and Fergie got his percentage of winnings.

What all 3 didn't realise was how good the horse would become and Magnier decided to retire it to stud cos there is more money to be made doing so. Meaning Fergie wasn't eligable to any more monies. But Fergie tried to screw Magnier over by taking him to court. Hence why Magnier and McMannus both sold their shares.

Yes coolmore fucked over united by selling to the Glaziers but the real person to blame is whiskeynose himself.
Skashion said:
I'm fairly confident raising the prices of ordinary fan's season tickets is not on the agenda. I'd expect any rises to be close to inflation. They wouldn't do £95 for kids, 18-21 prices, and value seasoncards for £250 if big price rises were on the agenda. I did the maths after the accounts were published and on last year's figures, season ticket sales rose 13.8% but revenue only went up by 10.3%. For a start, it would make little difference to revenue in the grand scheme of things. Right now, the money generated from season ticket sales is £9.6m. So, say we doubled prices across the board. That would take prices in the East and CB stands to £1,000 or more for an adult, on a par with the most expensive of the London clubs, and yet we'd only net £9.6m from that assuming the club could find the people to pay it. More money to be generated elsewhere and far less painfully than that. Our owners have shown they give a shit about us. Comparing us to the rags being anally raped is beyond ridiculous.

Can't argue much with your numbers here, but I think you miss a few points, and its far far too simplistic.

Firstly City are going to NEED a considerable increase in football related revenue, we all know this, as ours is currently not in the same league as Real Madrid, United, Barcelona etc... (not even close).

To achieve this City are going to become very successful (its an assumption at this point), and this will attract much more corporate (and this is obviously where a large bulk of increased revenue will come from), and corporate don't really care what they pay to a degree (its not just about the football), so prices here will increase 'massively' (sorry) (doesn't affect most of us does it - or does it ?).

Well it does, because the number of seats available will be reduced in the short term, so prices will increase further as the number of corporate tickets available also goes up, and less and less ordinary tickets are available. At current capacity a rise to 10,000 corporate would mean only 35,000 tickets available to ordinary fans, with increased demand, and I'm afraid short term that increased demand means increased prices.

I would imagine that long term our club are aiming at something close to 20,000 corporate on a big match day, so even if we then increase capacity to 70,000, it leaves us with much the same number (well probably 5000 more) of match day tickets as we have now, (and prices have already gone up - see above), and now we are much more successful, and no matter how you look at it, this will further increase interest.

What brings in most revenue on a matchday (after corporate) ? Tourism does, see Liverpool and United, so consequently the club will want more matchday tickets available to sell to one off visitors (many will come to say 4 or 5 games per season rather than 19).

How do the club achieve this, when we already have 35-38,000 (reduced price) season ticket holders ? Well its easy, they simply price more and more out of coming every week by increasing season ticket prices, (making them more like the tourists they really want), thereby creating more tourist like fans, who then pay more each week.

I haven't done any real maths on this, but I would think we can probably increase match revenue by a considerable amount (certainly a lot lot more than £9.6m).

This loveable notion that our owner is here to just make life good for City fans,is I'm afraid well wide of the mark, and a lot of City fans will not like what is coming over the next few years, with our (I assume) considerably increased success.

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