Thames water

So borrowing millions ,giving it away to shareholders ( ie yourselves as directors) and then wanting a bailout from the taxpayer isn’t criminal??
It is called running a business badly.
They are legally entitled to do what they have done and therefore it simply cannot be theft. If there is no theft there is no decption.
I ran a small business and on the advice of my accountant I paid myself minimum wage but gave myself as a director of the company bonuses.
I was sensible, I only gave myself a bonus when I'd cleared all my debts and had a profit but I didn't need to.
The rags have 750 million of debt but the Glazers keep giving themselves bonuses. It's not a criminal offence.
Reckless mismanagement. That's not actually a criminal offence. Fraudulent. I'd love to know what you believe the management of the company have done that is fraudulent. It is, I might say, a typical Bluemoon response.

Slightly different wording but here you go.

Do you really believe the sort of sharks that run these companies and award themselves as if they are running innovative, tech companies, didn't try to cook the books to award themselves such high pay and secure funds from lenders?

It is called running a business badly.
They are legally entitled to do what they have done and therefore it simply cannot be theft. If there is no theft there is no decption.
I ran a small business and on the advice of my accountant I paid myself minimum wage but gave myself as a director of the company bonuses.
I was sensible, I only gave myself a bonus when I'd cleared all my debts and had a profit but I didn't need to.
The rags have 750 million of debt but the Glazers keep giving themselves bonuses. It's not a criminal offence.

It is if they put creditors money at risk.
? Because when a government says go and invade that Arab land a private army might just say ergh no its illegal to do that.
So what you are saying then is privatised armed forces could not do what they wanted but other privatised public services can do what they want.

A privatised army though would be allowed to shit on the beaches just as a privatised water company can shit on the beach.

All this ideological small state stuff is fucking nonsense as is the belief that the private sector is always more efficient, it is a capitalist lie aimed at putting resources in to the hands of those with capital.
How many nurses actually retire at 55?

Why shouldn't a nurse be able to retire at a younger age when they worked shift patterns and carried out a far more stressful job than most of the rest of us?
One of the nurses on my ward at SRFT is still working albeit on reduced hours at the age of 74
So what you are saying then is privatised armed forces could not do what they wanted but other privatised public services can do what they want.

A privatised army though would be allowed to shit on the beaches just as a privatised water company can shit on the beach.

All this ideological small state stuff is fucking nonsense as is the belief that the private sector is always more efficient, it is a capitalist lie aimed at putting resources in to the hands of those with capital.
Eh ? I am saying an army run by the government does as its told and invades and conducts illegal wars at the governments behest. If we privatised the army they are free to say no we are not invading................ unless you give us more money :-).
Oh and anyone can shit on a beach whether a private or public company. I'm sure we all remember playing on the sewage pipe on Blackpool beach as kids.

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