Thank you and constructive comments

glen quagmire said:
I won't lie, i hate the cheese. I want to go to the game, watch it have a pint at half time then go home/out? I admit, i have give ferris shitloads on here, not about his abilities, (which i think is great btw) it's just that i am a little old fashioned in that sense.

It's not for me, but i hope those that enjoy this sort of thing do so, and you enjoy every minute of your role at our beloved club.

Glen-Sometimes change is good and the city square albeit is not my cup of tea I will still go there to see whats happening pre match. I just hope we don't go to far the other way but at the moment it is good that we are giving local bands etc a chance to show what they can do...Funny hoe the rag lovin media fail to mention anything like this..
Nat keep up the good work,
I was in city square before the Napoli game, the atmosphere and entertainment were superb!! Even the DJ sound off raised a cheer, but not in the intended way!!!
Natalie - I saw the thread but did not read much of it so I do not know if the balance of comments were a) supportive, b) critical or c) just the sort of cheap jibe you would get on male dominated internet fora.

As one of those that fill in every MCFC questionnaire and also being one of those whose match day experience has been greatly improved due to the introduction of CITY square (I am 54 and I take my 85 year old dad) I believe in feedback - so as (whatever was said ) you have felt the need to respond with your post I would want all at CITY to know that CITY square and all the other associated pre-and post-match entertainment is very much appreciated, high quality and entertaining. I think that my views are shared by the vast majority

Further, what I have seen with the introduction of these changes appears to be directly in line with the types of questions that have been put to fans in the questionnaires and is a clear demonstration of how this club sets the standards in listening to its fans.

Whatever was said in the thread I would hope that if posts fell into categories a) or b) the comments were offered in an articulate and constructive manner. If they fell into category c) - well I am afraid that they are probably from people either juvenile or insecure when talking about to or about an attractive lady. You would think in today's world that attractive and confident women can be part of a business management team without ‘bike shed comments’

With regard to a couple of the comments in your post, I would make the following comments:

“I also appreciate that some of you would like to go back to the days where there was no pre, post or half time entertainment.”

These people may exist – but if they do they likely do not make use of CITY square and their opinions are therefore ‘perhaps’ not relevant on CITY square and limited so in other areas (IMO). Some people either just like to live in the past and others moan just out of ignorance – but I really expect (hope) that these are a very small minority as I have only really heard positive comments

“regards to my voice, anyone who knows me will tell you I do speak loud, all the time!! I will certainly work on this to save your ear drums in future.“

A conscious effort in this regard will detract from the enthusiasm and energy you and the rest of the team bring to your roles – so I would not try. You remind me of my wife in this regard and I know that as naturally load as she is she cannot change without stopping being her (although sometimes I think....)

Of course the point made about players hearing etc is well made

Keep up the good work

Ask the powers that be to tell the " supporters band " to do one, bands have no place in a football ground, those knobs who do it at England games want locking up, the only thing thats worse is playing music after scoring.
Great OP (if genuinely NP). Bringing my daughter to the game tomorrow, which means we will win! and she always insists on going to City Square rather than going boozing in city centre pubs. Strange girl.

I think what the club are doing is great and the continued surveying of fans and encouragement of kids has to be applauded.

Can't really think of any improvements to be made other than keep up the good work Natalie and Fanzone Danny.

What time can I collect my free pint tomorrow?
Firstly, regarding your voice, if you could just tone it down a little then I think it will help your being accepted by more of the crowd. I found it quite sharp and hard on the ears. Now that may be the sound system being too loud.

I think its great that a City fan has the opportunity to present their opinions and I for one agree to your expressing your thoughts, after all this forum is clearly visible to players/club staff and there is an awful lot of criticism aimed at certain playing/club staff.

I have been attending City matches with my wife for the last 20-25 years and we have noticed the increase in females attending over this period, it can only be regarded as good and to the benefit of the Club and the atmosphere around the stadium.

The City Square concept has certainly made an impression on my wife and I, as we make more of an effort to arrive at the stadium earlier to take in the entertainment and chat. As has been said above the volume for live bands could do with going down a couple of levels, to make it more palatable.

Don't be put off by the juvenile disgusting comments about yourself on this forum, they are from people who are unable to converse with a female, without resorting to smutty comments and innuendo.

Keep working on your own presentation style, its going to take 6-12 games for you to settle in and get accustom to the situation. Remember David Beckham spent a decade just saying "err you know err".

Overall City Square is a massive step forward and you are not going to please all the people all of the time.

Thanks for being honest and requesting feedback.
City square may not be to everyone's taste but come on it's not that bad, I think a few of you moaners would prefer to be stepping over mounds of horse shit before the match, just like Maine road.

As for the presenters I don't really notice them, all I do know is if I was a little kid and Fanzone Danny spoke to me in in that soft, quiet and creepy voice I'd want him on a register :)

Overall, The club should be applauded for making the effort, the things we get like the Website, for what we pay is excellent.

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