Thatcher dead

Blue Til Death said:
law74 said:
malg said:
Good post. I believe it's about being a decent human being. Some trully awful hate filled bile has been posted on this thread, and I think some posters should hang their heads in shame (I think some, in a quiet moment of contemplation, would probably regret saying some of the stuff they have - in fact there hasn't been as much bile recently so maybe it's happened already?).

Mack, not often I disagree with you, but will have to do so here. When the nutjobs in the media etc are trying to portray the witch as some sort of saint, when we are having to face cut after cut (quite a few down to her failed policies, and tory lite's shameful neglect in changing them), are faced with a bill of £10 MILLION just to get rid of the witch, for the same funeral arrangements as Her Majesty the Queen Mother, a woman who was loved by most and respected by nearly all, and the Princess Of Wales, again held in very high regard by the overwhelming majority of the nation, then something HAS to be said and done.
After a couple of seconds quiet contemplation, I have thought about malg's post and have decided that no, I do not regret a single word of what I have said or posted either here or on other sites on the internet or in people I have been speaking to.

DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD, tramp the witch down.

She will get what she deserves, and the respect that she shown the working class of the United Kingdom while she was in power, are now showing her the same respect.

Read your own post.. nutjob not even close to your poorly uninformed childish ranting... You need to grow the fuck up. If you think the way ahead when she took over was more of the same economic suicide Labour were presiding over, you are either deluded, do not understand economics or just repeat parrot fashion what you hear from the other labour apologists on here. Have your opinion by all means but at least try and have an informed one before you want to celebrate the death of someone

What part of my opinion is it that you take a dislike to? Just because I realise the damage she did to many parts of the nation, the damage HER policies ARE STILL doing to large amount of our "communities", as to "grow the fuck up" why, just so I have a right wing agenda? no thanks, I would prefer to have a social conscience and help to look after those that do not have the same opportunities in life as me.
You may believe that greed is great, I believe very strongly in a just and fair SOCIETY, a word that thatcher did not believe in, and destroyed many throughout the nation.
I will show her in her death the same respect that she shown the working class members of out SOCIETY when she was in power.
Skashion said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Skashion said:
I wonder what letter I removed...
Strange, I could swear it's the same URL as the one I was trying to post.

Thanks :-)
You have to remove the s after http. :-)
I did not see that, possibly because I wasn't looking at that part of the URL!

Don't know how that got in there, I was just copying and pasting as usual. Hey ho.
BluePurgatory said:
She also hated red and would have detested Ferguson!

Ferguson is an avowed socialist, so the feeling would be mutual.
I wonder if he'd have enjoyed paying 98% tax on his not inconsiderable income, which he would have been if his socialist utopia had been realised?
It was generally at this stage when all the actor luvvies and sundry right-on rock stars generally fucked off to decadent capitalist hellholes and pretended they didn't really have any interest in politics.
So he'd probably be managing LA galaxy or the Cosmos by now, until the tories came back and he could return to 'Do his bit.'

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