Thatcher dead

In this World their is always a catch.

In the same week that I found out that I had got a new Job, City get to the Cup Final and this evil Woman who is now Burning in Hell died; my little Girl had a miscarriage.

Such is Life.
Ronnie the Rep said:
Davs 19 said:
Ronnie the Rep said:
Excuses, excuses

Let it go

;.) TBF, I despised most of what she stood for but recognise that many worshiped at her Alter.

While she was certainly a conviction politician , I don't think she was a 'great' leader. As I've said before on here, the truly great aren't despised by millions........

All I am saying is that there are more people for her than many of the blinkered people on tis forum will admit. Either way, she is an old lady, mourned and missed by her family who has now been cremated. End of. End of thread

Whinge, whinge fucking whinge.

Don't know who you knock about with, but bar a few I know, older and younger hate the woman and glad she's with another kunt who's evil. Ta ra Maggie downstairs.

'end of thread' What the fucks that? Fuck me. Who gives mithering kunts the gift of saying their point is right. It's like idiots from a decade ago who watched bobbins Oprah shite holding their palm up and saying whilst shaking their head "talk to the hand because the face ain't listening".
Is anyone else worried that Peter Cushing is dead, who will save us when she rises ?
TCIB said:
Forget these underclass scum Maggie (especially that shitter stony) you are forever in our hearts.

I live about 3 miles from the village where they had a street party and burned her effigy on the day of her funeral.
I thought I hated her but it's nothing compared to how the locals feel. To them she is worse than Saddam and Bin Laden put together.
Ronnie the Rep said:
Davs 19 said:
Ronnie the Rep said:
Look at the funeral. How many protesters v how many there to respect her passing

The funeral was in London. She wasn't worth the petrol money.

Excuses, excuses

Let it go

Look at the funeral. How many protesters v how many there to respect her passing

Those attending to show their respect where not in danger of being kettled or arrested on some trumped up charge dredged up for the occasion.

You're like a child, "I'm right, you're wrong, end of game, I'm taking my ball away" Sorry pal, she was unpopular throughout her premiership, particularly prior to the Falklands

This is from Ipsos MORI....

"It is true that four months before the invasion of the Falklands, Mrs. Thatcher was the least popular prime minister in polling history"

Her post her Falklands popularity allowed her to flog off public assets at knocked down prices, but even this populist move never won her the hearts of the nation. Her popularity, never a majority of the electorate, let alone the population as a whole, declined inexorably, by the time she was stabbed in the back by her own party she was in deep political shit, both with her party and the British people.

Here, even you can find Wikipedia....

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>)_leadership_election,_1990

"Throughout 1990, Thatcher's popularity — and that of the Conservative government — waned considerably. Whereas in 1987 Thatcher had presided over an economic boom, in 1989-90 interest rates had to be raised to 15% to cool inflation, which was now in double digits, and by late 1990 the economy was in recession. The introduction of the deeply unpopular Community Charge (labelled the 'Poll Tax') had been greeted with widespread non-payment and even a riot in Trafalgar Square in April 1990. Labour had held a lead in most of the opinion polls since mid-1989, and at the height of the Poll tax controversy one opinion poll had shown Labour support above 50%, a lead of more than 20 points over the Tories."

And that, regardless of our differing political opinions, was exactly how it actually was, not some dreamed up right wing wankfest, but a new concept for you, try it out, it's called the truth.

PS: if I get a reply at all, it will be about John Major's subsequent victory, or Tony Blair, or sun spots or some other vague nonsense to muddy the water to keep his deluded fiction a "fact".
Ronnie the Rep said:
Lets just end this thread now. In reality, the "silent majority" have won as usual. All the nonsense about disrupting the funeral etc came to nothing and other than the shrill squeals from the minority the vast majority accept that overall Baroness Thatcher was a benefit to this country.

She is now dead and buried and so should this thread be


Agree when all the bitters are dead and forgotten the memory of Iron Lady will live on!
Ronnie the Rep said:
Len Rum said:
Ronnie the Rep said:
Good point. BTW workers include everybody employed and screwed includes punitive taxes on the higher earners
Still waiting for your definition of 'vast majority' Ronnie.

Look at the funeral. How many protesters v how many there to respect her passing
Ronnie my man you are so right, that does indeed prove that the vast majority of people in this country supported her.I bow to your superior wisdom.Let's end this thread right here right now.

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