Thats it I've 'ad enough

oh that is right, we have a bad run and that is it, the manager must go. If twats like you think this, would there be any football managers lasting 12 months at one club? No, chill out then and support the club. Fool.
cityboy1 said:
i have a question to everyone who wants mancini out who the fuck r we gonna replace him with

-- Thu Nov 04, 2010 9:32 pm --

i have a question to everyone who wants mancini out who the fuck r we gonna replace him with

Thats the question I was asking last night as we were leaving the ground and no one could come up with a name so lets just get behind the team, just think back to some of the shit we have had to put up with over the years and you see that where we are now is not bad.
bluemoonmatt said:
I'm fucking sick of the mass hysteria generated after results like this. The result was a bitter disappointment, agreed, but all this Mancini out bollocks is pathetic. Seriously this run sounds a LOT worse than it is. Arsenal loss 3-0, we played 85 minutes with 10 men and for the most of it fought toe to toe with the gunners. They are a top four team and more to the point a top four team with an excellent passing game. They passed us off the park and not many teams (if any at all) could live with them when they are playing to the top of their game especially when down a man. Fair enough Wolves was a disgrace, but for the last two seasons or so only Chelsea can claim to have avoided the odd embarrassing defeat. Remember the vermin got beat by Burnley, turned over by Fulham (not that embarrassing until you find it was 3-0) and the Arse had an off day just recently against the baggies. Now onto tonight, a draw would have been just about the fair result and until that unbeleivable peice of jammy fortune it was headed that way, add to that the kind of stike that wins goal of the season awards but in truth 99 times out of 100 flies harmless over the bar. Talk about knee's jerking. If this is what our fans have become, then I am ashamed.

excellent post.
came across this and it reminded me of this site

Bigg Bigg Blue said:
cityboy1 said:
i have a question to everyone who wants mancini out who the fuck r we gonna replace him with

-- Thu Nov 04, 2010 9:32 pm --

i have a question to everyone who wants mancini out who the fuck r we gonna replace him with

Thats the question I was asking last night as we were leaving the ground and no one could come up with a name so lets just get behind the team, just think back to some of the shit we have had to put up with over the years and you see that where we are now is not bad.

Get behind Bobby as you say, but the one name to throw into your question when leaving the ground? Martin Jol?
Im all for getting behind RM. I want him to succeed as it meas city succeed.

But to do this he is goingto have to do what he has failed to do so in the last 11 months...and tha is adapt his tactics to suit the premiership and be more flexiable and aggressive in his approach to games

As i have said...teams like chelski arseanl utd go out to beat teams...tehy dont worry about the opposition...they let the opposition worry abou them....that is what we need o start to do.

And I know its an old arguement but his midfield set up is all pace, no dirve...lots of possession in the middle of the pitch but its very rare that actually anything comes from it..

We have the the manager must change his way of playing as it wont succeed in the premiership (or at least not to the level we all want it to)
blucat599 said:
mancini out we just were hopeless the whole game, the own goal says enough,
we were awful, disjointed, dispirited, it was terrible to watch, Mancini is finished
For fuck sake, Ferige got 3 years till he won a trophy. It isn't just gonna happen straight away, this is what it's like to be a City fan. Get use to it!
simon23 said:
Im all for getting behind RM. I want him to succeed as it meas city succeed.

But to do this he is goingto have to do what he has failed to do so in the last 11 months...and tha is adapt his tactics to suit the premiership and be more flexiable and aggressive in his approach to games

As i have said...teams like chelski arseanl utd go out to beat teams...tehy dont worry about the opposition...they let the opposition worry abou them....that is what we need o start to do.

And I know its an old arguement but his midfield set up is all pace, no dirve...lots of possession in the middle of the pitch but its very rare that actually anything comes from it..

We have the the manager must change his way of playing as it wont succeed in the premiership (or at least not to the level we all want it to)

Indeed. Trouble is half the fuckers on here just can't see what is staring them in the face. They really actually believe he is tactically astute.
hilts said:
shootmeifipost10k said:
can you all get a fuckin grip that was our second string strated by a long way.

The whole back 4 plus given

No Ndg
No Yaya
No Marios
No Carlos
Silva didnt start

Thats our first ten right there.

You're all sounding like fuckin dads army with the panicing

Well will qualify from the group and we will finish top 4

You always hear people say it takes a new squad time to play together and everyone agrees with that so what ever we do this season we will better by far next.

Is there anyone on here doesnt think we would have beat them with our full squad ?

Alot of people on here are looking like those sad United fans with the fergie out banner all those years ago.

We've been changing managers every other year for the past 30 years


If ANY player doesn't want to play for Mancini then they have to go not the other way round.

wouldnt bother fella, there's some right numpties on here
could not agree, more well said
The bad results haven't just started after Arsenal, ok, we won pre Arsenal, but we haven't played well all year to be brutally honest ( lucky against Newcastle , crap against Blackburn ). Something is seriously wrong behind the scenes at City, and this has been waiting to happen.

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