Thats it I've 'ad enough

shootmeifipost10k said:
simon23 said:
I agree with most of what you are saying but the simple fact as well (on the other side of the coin so to speak) is that RM isnt getting it right with his tactics or team selections....Even in the games we have won we havent played particularly well and that is not down to indicviduals...that is down to the manager and the way he is setting the team up and telling the players how he wants them to play

I'l flip that coin again and ask when we get our first choice 11 on the pitch playing together most games could you imagine a big improvement.
I'm think we will line up.


Boateng Toure Kompany Kolarov

Yaya NDG Barry/?

Silva Tevez Balotelli.
or very similar

If he gets that team most games playing together often with changes when needed then I imagine a massive improvement.

We all on this forum have to admit no matter how much we think we know about the game compared to RM we as a collective know fuck all, just basic football and not the day in day out what he sees in training. It's ok for us to say he should play a certain player when for all we know the said player/s may have made it clear they don't give a shit and want away.

All we can do his give him time or we will be back to the swapping manager new players winning fuck all,I'll say it again it does not work so why do it.

What you are suggesting is going down the swapping the manager again route without giving him a few years to build a squad ?
or if not you wouldn't be bothered if he went ?

as ive now said numerous times, i dont think we should swap the manager.....we need RM to change the way he is setting out his team...

I also disagree about us as just people on a forum knowing nothing about the game...there are some very knowledgeable people on here either from playing, coaching or just watching footbal for a very long time

i dont know what RM's prefered line up wil be......but for me its not about just the line up...its about how he is clearly instructing them to is too slow (especially for the prem league)..and the midfield sits too deep and doesnt get forward to support the attack

milner and yaya are the big disappointments...neither at present are adding anything in the way of attacking potential in open play...we all know what NDJ is about and he is awesome at it...and silva is a great player but its the plyers inbetween these 2 that are letting us down....along with barry.....they are far too slow, and at present far to negative in their apporach......and that is down to the manager (plus the fact that yaya hasnt adpated to the prem league and needs to lose weight!!
No pace, no passion, no ideas in last 3rd, not good enough.

Ade needs much better service, when he does get the ball he must learn to keep it or at least fight for it back.

SWP is a spent force, gives ball away far too often especially in wrong areas.

Milner needs a role of his own and standing in for Silva is not it.

Micah, Bridge and Viera were not good enough tonight.

All that said, I am not sure we need another change of the guard just yet. Mancini needs to go back to early season basics. Solid in midfield and organised at the back. 4-3-2-1 worked before, it can again. He can tweak it again when we are back to winning ways.

Come on Bobby, stick to what you know best, playing possession football with your best players and results will come again.

Can only get better (I hope).
Mancini must stay.
We have some superb players at the club and the thought of dismantling the team makes me feel sick.
We need a tactical re-evaluation, some fine tuning of the squad and most of all a cool head from all concerned.
JoeMercer'sWay said:
thought i'd post this here as the thread I originally posted it in is getting ignored:

right, we lost, again, it's a bad run, but it happens sometimes, we just have to deal with it best we can and try and get ourselves back in the groove, maybe Carlos coming back will help, but the answer is to not lose faith and try and get rid of Mancini.

We haven't been playing well, in fact I don't think we've played well all season. Yes we beat Liverpool and Chelsea, but one was a game when the opponents were truly shite, and the other was a defensive masterclass, battling display which we are able to do. We got fortunate results against the likes of Blackpool, Newcastle etc. but our luck has run out now, and it's evident we are playing well enough at all.

Now I like Mancini, but I do think he's trying to get us to play a way that would work in Italy, but not here. Slow, steady, rather defensive, controlling play, which works if you play well, but you HAVE to play well for it to work. The passing has to be spot on, every player has to be on the same wavelength and they aren't, our lot have been together 3 months. The players need to learn set patterns of play, they need to be able to have a routine of passing and movement whereby everybody knows where they should be at at every point in the move.

For example: Kompany has the ball at the back, he threads it to Barry. Now that should trigger the other players to go into a move pattern, so say Barry to Yaya, then AJ and Milner move into position as do the fullbacks, then the move should progress to the point where nobody is 30 yards away from each other, and players aren't wrongly anticipating the ball the majority of the time. Communication, authority and planning need to be used effectively so everyone knows exactly what they are doing and when in every move.

I think we cannot play the way Mancini wants us to whilst the squad is so new. I think we need to build into that strategy, but need to be very flexible and just let there be freedom for the players. Sometimes you just wish for a Bellamy-esque "fuck this I'm running with it" and just go 40 yards and smash it, just to get momentum going. We're trying to be too pretty, too clever, too cute too soon, we just need to play football in a flowing, momentum building way that suits the players, whilst Mancini gradually builds in his philosophy and puts it into the academy, so most importantly our youngsters are brought up playing the way they are required to at this level. It's much harder to teach the older players who have been brought up in a different mould to change immediately to a different culture and style of playing.

The ball needs to be moved much faster, 1 touch pass, 1 touch pass, we need to be taking shots and chances from outside the area, as well as getting bodies in the box because like I said earlier, every player needs to know his role for every move and fulfill it.

If the players have any problems, then get them all in a room and let grievances be aired, like everyone speak their mind and get stuff off their chest, and work together for a solution. Bring confidence into the play with players supporting each other, praising each other on the pitch and being 1 unit instead of 11 individuals. We need much better communication in all areas of the pitch, especially at the back. It's impossible for them all to be friends but they need to develop the desire to want to play for the boss, play for their teammates and give everything to the cause and go that extra stretch, because they don't have that at the moment.

Mancini needs to be more flexible. He needs to know what players are good at and what suits them ie. Don't put Shauny on the left flank because we all know he's shit at it, don't play Zab at CM when he's a RB. I think he needs to alter tactics, tempo and players in the game effectively, because all he does is either change the personnel or switch the widemen, but we still play the same way, there's no real added benefit.

The players need to accept it's their fault they're playing poorly too and work on it, instead of saying "well ive got 10 really expensive teammates they'll manage" they need to try even harder and take responsibility. However I do think, with a squad of 25, that some clearly aren't good enough. Lescott, Richards, Bridge, Jo, Santa Cruz, SWP need to go imo, bring some young, quick, determined players in who want to succeed and give us some dynamism and drive, it's all so 1 paced and some of our players are so slow it's untrue. We need to finetune the squad, sorry but I think it's required.

Mancini has ultimately made mistakes, so have the players, but really we need to stick in this together and give it TIME, it needs time and we can't just be sacking managers anymore, we have to be patient. If Mancini goes we'll be no better off, they'll just be another manager who wants his own players and who isn't Jose Mourinho. Besides I don't believe there's honestly anyone better out there, bar Mourinho, who could do the job successfully.

It's been a bad 2 weeks, but there were always going to be tough times on this journey, especially when we went for it big at the start and I believe made a big error over the timing of Hughes(I think he should have gone in the 1st summer and we kept Elano etc.) but we have to move on and make it happen anyway, and whatever our opinions, whatever our thoughts on Mancini or whatever, we have to be patient and realise the bigger picture. With the FFPR and stuff 1 rash decision now could cost us big time, we need to really be careful and wise and sensible about all this, because whatever happens now will shape our future as a football club in the long run.
I agree with a lot of that mate, we don't have the movement, speed of passing or the willingness to gamble when attacking to bring other players into the game. Ironically, the type of runs and support play Stevie Ireland used to supply.
When going forward we seem to have very few options at the moment and are far too cautious considering the quality of players we have and too predictable.
How many times, even at home, do we break out and have no options?
No one in the box, no one making a run from deep.
Move the ball quicker, support from midfield, take a fookin gamble now and again.
It's all a bit too safe at the moment, and maybe have a speculative shot now and then.
We've got the quality, just let these players play.
He has a stiff test ahead for sure. He needs to re-evaluate his tactics for this league. But all talk of sacking is unbelievably premature. Such panic measures rarely work out and certainly do not provide an instant trophy winning fix.
MCFC 4 EVER said:
If we lose the derby then we can consider sacking him until then we should be patient. Mancini will prove everyone wrong and win the derby 3-0
So its fine to lose against some no mark teams but Mancini should be sacked if we lose against a very good team?, this just doesn't make sense to me.
Jim Tolmie's Underpants said:
"SWP's back" said:
"Jim Tolmie's Underpants" said:
</BR>LOL at Mr 1 Post mouthing off and giving it large!
</BR>PS. Being &quot;loaded&quot; doesn&#39;t necessarily win you games. (See last 3 games.)
</BR>As if having lots of posts qualifies one to talk sense, see dids dave
</BR>Slagging off your fellow fans in your first post and acting the Big man certainly doesn&#39;t.

Jim Tolmie's Underpants - what the living fook does the number of posts qualify you for? Have I only been a fan since my first post?

Re spelling and typo's - I'm doing this on a BB, with thumbs like shovels, on the back of an early KO with a few frothy ones so forgive me, Teach

Fack me, we've got the footballing world at our feet and still a load of so called 'supporters' think slagging off our beautiful club is justified!?

Nice one, SWP's back too!

Too everyone else who's screaming - be positive and positve things happen! Can't be that hard, can it?
Jim Tolmie's Underpants said:
Blue Religion said:
Right then. I've been now't more than a reader and have been readling this site daily for a good while.

To all the pro Mancini, positive supporters, your a credit!!


Reality check, Dimwits:-

1. We're freakin loaded
2. Other than MR tonight, a whole squad whose been at the club less than 3 yrs
3. Massive infrastructure changes in front of us
4. A manager whose young and still learning the PL
5. A bunch of oversea's players learning:-
a. English
b. The PL
c. Playing with their new team mates
d. All on the backdrop of a hate campaign by the red tops
6. A manager who ain't bin the job for a year yet
7. A Club witg fuck all mentality of winning anything!

We're still at the embryionic stage of our new status (see above). We're buyin in to beat the cheat rules of Twatini ' fair play, fuck off!! And what di we do when a whiff of adversity comes along? Yep, spit bile, call for heads to roll!

It seems to me that my beloved clubs fans aren't fans but fuckwits hellbent on destablising all the good work that's happening over losses to Arse (10 men), Wolves (not normal starting line up in a world of change) and an away leg against a team in a new stadium with a new manager!

So, early days still - girls, get a freakin grip and get positive and if you can't do that then fuck off - and that's for u Bluecat - di
ck head!!!

LOL at Mr 1 Post mouthing off and giving it large!

PS. Being "loaded" doesn't necessarily win you games. (See last 3 games.)

given, lescott bridge swp viera ade milner are all expereinced players in the prem and in europe....zabba has been here a few years now as well so that blows 5a and 5b out of the water for starters

and what has the hate campaign or infrastrucure changes got to do with performances?....nothing!!

the simple facts are that we are not playing well and RM has to share some of the blame for this

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