Thats it I've 'ad enough

ThreeTeamSupporter said:
Oh fuck off the lot of you.

And what the fuck is this comment? "the own goal says enough". Oh yeah a freak incident that wouldn't happen 99 times out of 100 certainly tells a story doesn't it? Jesus Christ that's such a dumb thing to say.
that's it i've 'ad enough? try getting a fcuking grip, it might help. oh, silly me, what we need is a new manager, who will want to bring his own players and staff in. more upheaval is definitely what the club needs. some people on bm make me sick, acting like spoilt rag cnuts and throwing their toys out as soon as we lose a couple of games. i wish they'd all been around when we really were doing badly; some of them might have topped themselves and we wouldn't be being subjected to this amount of negative dog sh1te now.

i'm not saying i'm happy with the last few results but it was only the wolves game where we were crap and even then if we'd had a bit more luck we would have beat them.

take the arsenal game out of the equation as we played pretty well until we went 2 down, plus i can't think of a team in the prem who wouldnt lose to them if they had to play over 90mins against them with ten men.

last night we played ok-ish and had we got the point we deserved no-one would have been complaining. we were playing against a team who won their league (not 'minnows' as described by the red tops) and who were backed by a really good, vociferous, passionate crowd; something you cannot put a price on.

i appreciate that we will probably never be able to get eastlands to that level of organisation and noise, it would help if people didnt start to moan and groan as soon as a pass is misplaced or we concede a foul. we, as fans, are not only there to watch a football game, we are there to support our team and spur them on. quite regularly you hear managers saying that the fans were the 12 man and i am totally convinced we can do this - we do it for the 'big' games but really struggle to show the same support for games against so called lesser teams where some seem to think we just need to turn up to win. to use a cliche, 'rome wasn't built in a day' - we are nowhere near the finished article and that it plain to see but i think it is equally clear that, ignoring the odd anomaly here and there, we are moving in the right direction. the fact that we are fourth in the league and looking good for qualifying in the europa league surely demonstrates an improvement over the past few years. what did you expect, that we would have an unassailable lead by now in the prem and would have been let into the champions league because we had been so impressive?

if by christmas things are still looking less than rosey, feel free to call for mancini's head but its knee-jerk reactions like sacking our manager every time we have a dodgy run that has made us a laughing stock over the years, moreso than being 'typical city' on the pitch. have a fcuking word with yourselves.

rant over
No point sacking another manager especially when we are 4th and still in the europa. West Brom and United are more important games and we really need to get at least 4 points out of them.

Having said that we are not playing well this season and dont seem to be making any progress. I think we were better under Mancini last season Jan/Feb.

We do need to get behind the team as everyone is saying but they need to start playing like they actually give a shit.

We will be here forever but i think too many of our players are here for the cash
I've not read through all this thread, but I've got the jist its about Mancini. He won't and shouldn't get sacked before Christmas (unless there's a major catastrophe, and even then I can still see him getting time). However.... I'm not keen at all on the way we play under him, and his methods. I have real doubts whether we can be a force under him. Thats not a knee-jerk reaction based on the last 2 games. He's been here for nearly a year, at first I was really impressed, but after the honeymoon period wore off, there were alot of things I didn't like seeing. I hope that things do improve, but at the moment, I'm unconvinced by him.
Unknown_Genius said:
I've not read through all this thread, but I've got the jist its about Mancini. He won't and shouldn't get sacked before Christmas (unless there's a major catastrophe, and even then I can still see him getting time). However.... I'm not keen at all on the way we play under him, and his methods. I have real doubts whether we can be a force under him. Thats not a knee-jerk reaction based on the last 2 games. He's been here for nearly a year, at first I was really impressed, but after the honeymoon period wore off, there were alot of things I didn't like seeing. I hope that things do improve, but at the moment, I'm unconvinced by him.

Agree. I do however think Mancini has the ability to make us into a really good team but it will take time. In some respects I think he has been a bit naive. The results against the Dippers and Chelski were based on a counter attacking style of play and I think he has seen how effective it was in those games and thought that was the way to set up against everyone as it worked against two 'big' teams. While this strategy works ok against teams who set out to attack us, there are lots of teams who will set out to stop us playing. It's these teams who we need to put away if we're going to really push for the league etc. I'm certain the players we have possess the ability to go out and attack teams if they were given more license to do so.

We have played some really good football but it has been too intermittent and we have failed to convert territorial advantage and spells of possession into goals. Too often we over complicate things through overplaying it and over tentative play. We need to punish teams when we have them on the rack cos we run out of ideas and end up making mistakes. We are already a good team but we need to be both hard to break down/solid at the back and able to open teams up and make them pay. We are very much a work in progress and think we can push on but we need to be more adventurous and go out to win games by attacking some teams or we will not progress. Plenty of teams would see a draw with us as a decent result and we cannot rely on one game plan to break down every team in the league.

mickeyblueeyes said:
for fucks sake what the fuck is going on,ok we lost but what happend to supporting through thick an thin,get off the fuckers back will you sick of the moanin on here,read enough of the shit in the papers,we have the players and the manager to get through this .......... ctid does that apply to you!!!!!!!!!

I know what's going on. The Supporters have all become Whimps and Whingers, they "cant't take it" when we lose a game, they can't even raise a roar of support, Eastland is like a Morgue even when winning the match, let's form a group of true blues that promotes shouting support for the manager and players. The Polish supporters won the game for them - brilliant support! ,gave their team extra confidence
manxblue said:
mickeyblueeyes said:
for fucks sake what the fuck is going on,ok we lost but what happend to supporting through thick an thin,get off the fuckers back will you sick of the moanin on here,read enough of the shit in the papers,we have the players and the manager to get through this .......... ctid does that apply to you!!!!!!!!!

I know what's going on. The Supporters have all become Whimps and Whingers, they "cant't take it" when we lose a game, they can't even raise a roar of support, Eastland is like a Morgue even when winning the match, let's form a group of true blues that promotes shouting support for the manager and players. The Polish supporters won the game for them - brilliant support! ,gave their team extra confidence

Would help if the SS and Kippax were together, atm you have the ss singing Blue Moon and us singing ark thou hear, it's a fuk up and needs addressing asap, and ffs, GIVE US A STANDING AREA WITHOUT PLASTIC FKIN SEATS BRUISING THE BACK OF YOUR LEGS. We are not cattle, we own the fkin club.
RBmk2 said:
Patience and cool heads needed.

... by the club.

It doesn't matter a fuck what anyone says around here.

I am a Mancini In'er and quite honestly some of the overreactionary shit you read on here after a couple of bad results is quite unbelievable. My crumb of comfort is that it doesn't matter one jot. The loonies can rave away all they like and it makes no difference. Thank God.
you people don't get it at all,when Mancini was in Inter he didn't do well in the international level what he did was win the seria A and nothing more for the team but when Jose came he manage to win both the fa cup and home league and that's what a manager is suppose to do he Mancini doesn't have what it takes to be a top manager like jose and co.i have been watching our fan when he started work for us lot of us haven't gotten top class coaches in the club so when he came we were so kinda of joyousness in or respect if i put it that way.he hasn't turn the team to positive league competitive team.i hope we all see this fact and conclude the basics of is works when he came in for the job.

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